Kiril Tsibulka

Рождение : 1927-05-18,

Смерть : 1997-09-04


Day of Rulers
The protagonist in this picture is legendary Bulgarian Khan Krum - a ruler in the beginning of IX century. In this period, Bulgaria ranked third in Europe in terms of territory and military power. It is Khan Krum who contributed to the union of Bulgarians and Slavs. He enforces unseen to that day laws against calumniators, thieves, violators. It stirs discontent among his closest men. The ruler is smart and just, but isn't he too severe? At what cost can one ensure order and progress in a state?
Die Mahnung
The action takes place in Moscow, Berlin and Vienna in years 1932 and 1933, a time when the great Bulgarian revolutionary and internationalist Georgi Dimitrov was actively involved in establishing a broad alliance of democratic forces against the emerging threat of war and fascism.
The Biggest Sin
In the last moments of his life, the writer turns over episodes from his past. He finds the cause of another death, ahead of the last breath.
The Fat Tilla
Two girls experience dislike at first sight because of their differences. Then they sort things out.
A Woman at Thirty-three
A pretty woman, divorced mother of a child works as a secretary at a research institute. She is taking an external degree. It all looks quite normal. In fact, she experiences serious difficulties: she has a problem with her ex-husband, her child is going through difficult age, a sycophant at the institute is exerting pressure on her, and the jealous wife of her boss makes malicious reports against her. She is forced to fight for each breath and to violate even her own principles in order to survive.
The horrifying conclusion to the Golden Age unfolds in a magnificently violent nightmare, signifying the birth of new era where darkness outshines the light. It's been a year since Griffith's imprisonment by the Kingdom of Midland. Once praised as the saviors of the Midland, the Band of the Hawk has been on the run and is on the brink of breaking apart. Much to everyone's surprise, Guts returns to the Hawks, and the search for Griffith begins!
Original Music Composer
Известный композитор Антоний Манев, преуспевающий и благополучный, окруживший себя комфортом, утратил способность удивляться миру, очерствел душой и сердцем. Юная Доротея, неожиданно вошедшая в его судьбу, как бы бросила вызов Маневу. Несмотря на нелегкую жизнь, она сохранила необыкновенную внутреннюю силу, веру в мечту. Доротея ... умела летать!
Two men and two women in a hotel.
This is a film about moral dilemmas which surgeons face. Dr Panov, the head doctor of a provincial hospital, has a keen sense of responsibility and he takes risks in the name of life a lot more often than his colleagues.
Звёзды в косах, слёзы на глазах
В маленький городок приезжает бродячая труппа, состоящая из нескольких семей, эксцентричного студента, анархиста, объединенных любовью к театру. Театральные постановки «Отелло» еще не закончены. Внезапно исполнительница роли Дездемоны заболевает. Вместо нее играет местная учительница. Она добивается успеха и присоединяется к труппе. Молодая женщина путешествует с ними по пыльным проселочным дорогам и никогда не сдается. Шаг за шагом она становится очень хорошей актрисой и берет на себя руководство группой через ее сложную жизнь. Объединенные общей судьбой, актеры вместе переживают радости и разочарования своей новаторской просветительской миссии. Они останавливаются в захудалых отелях, спят под открытым небом, играют на импровизированных сценах и в роскошных залах, и куда бы они ни пошли, они натыкаются на богатство и бедность, славу и унижение, забавные и грустные приключения...
The main character is a commander of a nuclear powered submarine. Once a very promising hydroacoustics expert, he sacrificed his scientific career to devoting himself to serving his homeland as a warrior. Gradually, he figures out that the worth of mastering the art of war is in its non-appliance.
The Little Prince
Adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's novella for East German television, produced in 1965/66, not shown until 1972.
Diurnal Music
A child plays with flowers, butterflies and birds. Suddenly a huge man dressed in black appears. He begins to teach the child a lesson about plant and animal species. The teacher has many hands, each holding a pointer and killing all the beautiful species he talks about.
A consciously modern depiction of working women in East Germany – labourers and managers in a garment factory talk about relationships and family planning, raising children and career qualifications, women’s rights and equality in the socialist (meritocratic) society. In conversations with a doctor, the women also have a chance to voice their personal concerns, as well as their feelings about the birth control pill, a subject that caused a stir at the time.
Беспокойная семья
По рассказам Павла Вежинова "Человек, который выглядел как утренняя звезда" и "Испанская холера". Поглощенный своими заботами, своей работой, инженер Манасиев не замечает, как растут его дети, как становятся самостоятельными. И только тогда, когда младший сын совершает кражу, Манасиев понимает, что ему следует жить иначе и больше забот и внимания уделять семье.
The Chain
The struggles of a captured partisan to escape