Philip Roy


В огне
Director of Photography
Inspired by true and harrowing events, an ordinary man finds his world suddenly torn apart as devastating wildfires rip through the surrounding countryside. With precious moments ticking by, he must flee with his son and pregnant wife if they have any hope of surviving the rapid forces of mother nature.
В огне
Inspired by true and harrowing events, an ordinary man finds his world suddenly torn apart as devastating wildfires rip through the surrounding countryside. With precious moments ticking by, he must flee with his son and pregnant wife if they have any hope of surviving the rapid forces of mother nature.
Cover Me
Director of Photography
Mia Stone is faced with an eerie supernatural opportunity when a strange encounter with an eccentric man gives her a second chance at saving her company, marriage, family, and future.
A Heist with Markiplier
"You" Hands and Arms
You join Markiplier on the heist of a lifetime, but in this original comedic interactive story you decide how the heist turns out in the end. Choose wisely.
A Heist with Markiplier
Director of Photography
You join Markiplier on the heist of a lifetime, but in this original comedic interactive story you decide how the heist turns out in the end. Choose wisely.
A Heist with Markiplier
You join Markiplier on the heist of a lifetime, but in this original comedic interactive story you decide how the heist turns out in the end. Choose wisely.
The Conway Curve
Director of Photography
When Natalie Conway's father passes away, she believes she will forever be on her own. So when her long lost brother, Luke, returns after a twenty-year hiatus she's elated. He's a missing piece to a familial puzzle that she believed lost. There's only one problem - Luke is a notorious scam-artist, and Natalie is the sole heir to their family's small fortune. Her feelings and his motives collide as brother and sister vie to get what they desire.
Director of Photography
1986-й год. Лучшие друзья Харрис и Ривз курят особый сорт марихуаны, выведенный ЦРУ в режиме особой секретности. На утро герои обнаруживают себя на том же самом месте, но понимают, что за одну ночь каким-то необъяснимым образом совершили скачок на 30 лет в будущее.
Любовь и слава
Director of Photography
Дрю встречает девушку своей мечты, но она не обращает на него внимания. Парню придется поступить в Академию талантов и получить роль в новой постановке, чтобы его заметили.
Director of Photography
A group of bored college students unleash a murderous demon while playing a dice game made from human knucklebones.
Точка невозврата
Director of Photography
Молодая американская пара влюбленных (Майкл и Оливия) отдыхают в Байе. События принимают пугающий поворот, когда Оливию похищает наркодилер, который требует от Майкла переправить через границу США контрабанду — рюкзак, полный кокаина, украденный у конкурирующего наркокартеля, в течение 12 часов, иначе Оливия будет убита. Хороший полицейский из Тихуаны идет по следу, в то время как Майкл переходит в предательский преступный мир Мексики, и он сам становится силой, с которой нельзя не считаться…
Кодекс пирата: приключения Микки Мэтсона
Director of Photography
Разобравшись со злобными Конфидератами, Микки Мэтсон вновь возвращается к обычной жизни и ему кажется, что Родина забыла про него, но это не так - спустя год ему предлагают вновь окунуться в головокружительные приключения, став полноправным членом Тайного Ордена Патриотов.
Rumors of Wars
Director of Photography
A suspenseful, genre-bending film with two converging storylines. An aspiring college journalist records events in a diary about the turmoil of a society due to the insertion of a RFID chip mandated by the government. ? Years later in the rubble of a post apocalyptic society filled with decay and violence, the diary finds its way into to the hands of an officer in the New World Army who uncovers the truth about the past and discovers everything he stood for was a lie. But what will he do now?
Director of Photography
With her husband away indefinitely, a young mother struggles to nurture her son in the face of poverty, isolation and incarceration. FLUTTER explores the truest love on earth-the love of a mother and child.
Director of Photography
Перед нами антология, состоящая из трех получасовых историй, происходящих в психушке. Каждый эпизод начинается с вступительного слова доктора Стенсон, лечащего врача, комментирующего недавний приход нового пациента со словами: «История человека начинается…».
Psychic Experiment
Camera Operator
A idyllic, small, self-sufficient community. On the surface, it seems like the perfect neighborhood. Everything you could possibly need is within walking distance. But...the pastoral exterior conceals a dark past and an even darker secret. As a group of individuals-each with their own ties and agendas with the town and each other-converges on the enclave, strange things begin to happen. Very strange things. Strange enough to test- and then break-the very fabric of reality itself.
Psychic Experiment
Director of Photography
A idyllic, small, self-sufficient community. On the surface, it seems like the perfect neighborhood. Everything you could possibly need is within walking distance. But...the pastoral exterior conceals a dark past and an even darker secret. As a group of individuals-each with their own ties and agendas with the town and each other-converges on the enclave, strange things begin to happen. Very strange things. Strange enough to test- and then break-the very fabric of reality itself.
Hermoso Silencio
Hermoso silencio (Beautiful Silence) is a film that tells the story of a man (Cruz) born and raised in the mountains of north Mexico, unaware of modern society. After his Parents death he sets himself on a journey to the discovery of the world long kept from his simple existence. His path into the unknown reveals the evil and good in the human heart and the harsh realities of life.
The Lawless
Director of Photography
Two undercover narcotics officers' cover is blown and the Mexican cartel has kidnapped their families. To get them back they must do the unthinkable for the next 24 hours. The rules are simple: No guns, no bombs and no witnesses. They must become The Lawless.
The Lawless
Two undercover narcotics officers' cover is blown and the Mexican cartel has kidnapped their families. To get them back they must do the unthinkable for the next 24 hours. The rules are simple: No guns, no bombs and no witnesses. They must become The Lawless.
The Lawless
Two undercover narcotics officers' cover is blown and the Mexican cartel has kidnapped their families. To get them back they must do the unthinkable for the next 24 hours. The rules are simple: No guns, no bombs and no witnesses. They must become The Lawless.