Shane Partlow

Shane Partlow

Рождение : 1965-09-26, Moline, Illinois, USA


Shane Partlow


Зелёная книга
1960-е годы. После закрытия нью-йоркского ночного клуба на ремонт вышибала Тони по прозвищу Болтун ищет подработку на пару месяцев. Как раз в это время Дон Ширли, утончённый светский лев, богатый и талантливый чернокожий музыкант, исполняющий классическую музыку, собирается в турне по южным штатам, где ещё сильны расистские убеждения и царит сегрегация. Он нанимает Тони в качестве водителя, телохранителя и человека, способного решать текущие проблемы. У этих двоих так мало общего, и эта поездка навсегда изменит жизнь обоих.
Программа защиты свидетелей Мэдеи
FBI Agent
Банкир и его семья попадают в программу защиты свидетелей и вынуждены переехать из своего шикарного дома в старый дом бабушки Мэдеи...
Video Girl
Lorie Walker is a small town girl whose big dreams of becoming a dancer come true when she becomes a star in the Hip-Hop video world. But she soon learns the hard way that life in front of the camera is not as glamorous as it seems.
Железная башка
A fight promoter deeply in debt to his crooked rival and desperate for a new fighter catches a break when a 450 pound church handyman who has spent his entire life in an orphanage agrees to wrestle on behalf of his fellow orphans.
Johnny Got His Gun
The story of a young American soldier hit by an artillery shell on the last day of the First World War. The film takes place in the mind of a quadruple amputee who has also lost his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Regaining consciousness, 20 year-old Joe Bonham slowly discovers that while his brain is healthy and able to reason, the rest of his body is irreparably shattered, leaving him forever trapped within the confines of his own imagination. He struggles valiantly to find some way to communicate with the outside world. Tapping his head in Morse code he breaks through and pleads with his caretakers to be put on display as a living example of the cost of war.
Крутая Джорджия
Избалованную городскую девчонку на лето отправляют в ссылку к строгой бабушке в штат Айдахо. Оказавшись в захолустье, она не собирается скучать и быстро ставит провинциальный городишко Халл на уши. Хамит бабушке, безуспешно домогается до местного доктора и соблазняет невинного юношу, собиравшегося стать мормонским проповедником.Причиной столь вызывающего поведения оказывается тяжелая детская травма. Девушка неожиданно признается, что с двенадцати лет ее регулярно насиловал отчим.
Дневники принцессы 2: Как стать королевой
Suki's Camerman
Миа — принцесса вымышленной страны Женовии. Вскоре ей придется стать королевой, но перед коронацией ее ждут непростые испытания, среди которых выбор кавалера на праздничный бал и экзамен на умение мудро править государством…
Beauty Queen Butcher
Phyllis Loden is an overweight shy nerd who is relentlessly picked on by the more popular girls. This year's Slivis Slough Queen Beauty Pageant is fast approaching and Muffy Fairlane is a lock to win. However, Muffy doesn't want any of her friends to come in last so she enters Phyllis in the pageant. The plan works and also provides the girls with some opportunities to embarrass Phyllis in front of the whole school. As if that isn't bad enough Elizabeth McKay thinks she could've won it all if it wasn't for her allergic reaction the Phyllis' cat. So the girls decide to dispose of the feline. That turns out to be the final straw which sends Phyllis on a murderous rampage to eliminate the beauty queens one by one.
Beauty Queen Butcher
Pizza Waiter (as Shane T. Partlow)
Phyllis Loden is an overweight shy nerd who is relentlessly picked on by the more popular girls. This year's Slivis Slough Queen Beauty Pageant is fast approaching and Muffy Fairlane is a lock to win. However, Muffy doesn't want any of her friends to come in last so she enters Phyllis in the pageant. The plan works and also provides the girls with some opportunities to embarrass Phyllis in front of the whole school. As if that isn't bad enough Elizabeth McKay thinks she could've won it all if it wasn't for her allergic reaction the Phyllis' cat. So the girls decide to dispose of the feline. That turns out to be the final straw which sends Phyllis on a murderous rampage to eliminate the beauty queens one by one.