Sharon Lynn

Sharon Lynn

Рождение : 1901-04-09, Weatherford - Texas - USA

Смерть : 1963-05-26


From Wikipedia Sharon Lynn (April 9, 1901 – May 26, 1963) was an American actress and singer. She began playing in silent films but enjoyed her biggest success in the early sound years of motion pictures before fading away in the mid 1930s. She is perhaps best known for portraying Lola Marcel, the villain in the Laurel and Hardy comedy feature, Way Out West. She was born D'Auvergne Sharon Lindsay in Weatherford, Texas, and died in Hollywood in 1963.


Sharon Lynn


French Without Dressing
Girl in Hotel Room
The Way Out Electronics Company markets a new colour television set, complete with "fourth dimension", which transmits physical objects across the air and gives the viewer power over the action on the screen. The chief salesman of the company arranges a demonstration for a wealthy eccentric. As he flips the channels the unseen eye of the camera catches the beautiful women of Paris taking off their clothes.
Путь с Запада
Lola Marcel
На Стена и Олли возложена ответственность доставить документы по ценной золотодобывающей шахте дочери мертвого старателя. Однако они не предусмотрели всех махинаций ее злого опекуна Майки Финна, который намерен забрать золотодобывающую шахту себе и своей жене, салонной певице Лоле.
Go Into Your Dance
Nellie Lahey (Blonde Showgirl)
An irresponsible Broadway star gets mixed up with gambling and gangsters.
Enter Madame
Flora Preston (as Sharon Lynne)
Man marries opera singer, winds up taking back seat to her career.
Big Executive
Miss Dolly Healy
Big Executive
The Big Broadcast
The top brass at a radio station believe their popular new star singer is paying more attention to his love life than to his career.
Discarded Lovers
Grace Sibley
In this murder mystery, sexy blonde film star Irma Gladden is found dead in her car after shooting the last scene in her film, "Falling Star" at Eminent Studios. The suspects are numerous due to her free and easy lifestyle and messy romantic affairs. Among them are Grace Sibley the jealous wife of her director, Warren Sibley, her drunken actor husband, Andre Leighton, her screenwriter boyfriend, Rex Forsythe, and her first husband, Robert Worth. Also on hand to help solve the mystery are visiting reporter Bob Adair, Irma's secretary, Valerie Christine, and policemen Captain Sommers and Sergeant Delaney.
Too Many Cooks
A young couple, soon to wed, begin building their dreamhouse, but their interfering relatives cause no end of trouble. Comedy.
Men on Call
Mary Burton
Railroad engineer Chuck Long finds the showgirl he's about to marry was the subject of scandal and swears off women. He joins a coast guard unit stationed at a lighthouse, and one day must rescue a drowning girl that turns out to be his old fiancée.
Mrs. Lower - the Chiseler
Lightnin' and Mary Jones are co-owners of a hotel built right on a state border, used by divorcing wives so they can pretend to be in California while establishing residency in Nevada. When Lightnin' refuses to sell his share of the hotel to a gang of crooks, Mary is coerced into divorcing her husband so that she can sign over the deed herself.
Вверх по реке
Edith La Verne (uncredited)
Двое осужденных Сент Луис и Дэннимора Дэн помогают другому осужденному по имени Стив, который влюбился в осужденную из женской части тюрьмы Джуди. В конце концов, и Стив, и Джуди освобождены из тюрьмы. Они женятся и уезжают в родной город Стива, где никто не догадывается о его преступном прошлом. Не долго, однако, пара наслаждалась счастливой и мирной жизнью, поскольку их семейное счастье оказалось в руках шантажиста и нечестного продавца Фросби, который знал раньше Джуди…
Man Trouble
A hard-boiled nightclub owner saves a beautiful young girl from drowning. He promptly falls in love with her, but she prefers a younger, more-genteel lover.
Wild Company
Sally Curtis
The son of a wealthy politician falls in with a notorious gangster planning to rob a night club.
Crazy That Way
Marion Sars
Young heiress Ann Jordan and her fiancè Frank Oakes would be happy except for the constant appearance of Robert Metcalf, who follows her or them everywhere. This continues into their time at the country club, even interfering with tennis games. The two boys are constantly arguing, and Ann grows weary of them both, and after a knock down, drag out fight that destroys the Jordan garden, they realize she has fallen for an older man, Jack Gardner, an engineering friend of her father.
С улыбкой к миру
Jane Worth
Молли и Би, милые молодые девушки, живут в дешевой комнате над продуктовым магазином в Нью-Йорке. Кумир Молли, богатый Джек Кромвелл, живет в особняке на Лонг-Айленде, но он заметно менее счастлив, поскольку его невеста Джейн постоянно флиртует со своими многочисленными поклонниками. Прибыв в Нью-Йорк, Джек попадает на вечеринку в честь Дня независимости, где встречает Молли...
The One Woman Idea
Boat Passenger
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Fox Movietone Follies of 1929
Ann Foster
Lila Beaumont is an understudy in a Broadway musical. Her boyfriend, George Shelby, arrives in New York hoping to take Lila back home with him to marry.
Newspaper staffer Alice Woods persuades the editor to allow her to chase a story, that of prizefight contender Martin, who is about to fight for the championship. However, he does not know that his manager is preparing to double-cross him.
Give and Take
Foreman's Daughter
The owner of a fruit cannery is facing financial ruin as a result of a strike. Unbeknownst to him, his son is the person who is organizing it.
The Son of the Golden West
Alice Calhoun
Tom Hardy (Tom Mix), a pony express rider, is carrying government gold in a coach to Wassatch accompanied by Alice Calhoun (Sharon Lynn) , the daughter of the US telegraph survey station. The gold is to pay for the US Telegraph Survey and it is to be delivered to the survey chief, Jim Calhoun (Thomas Lingham). The coach is attacked by bandits led by the Slade (Duke Lee) and Kane (Mark Hamilton).
None But the Brave
College hero Charles Stanton fails miserably as an insurance agent; so he becomes a lifeguard, saves an injured swimmer and is rewarded for his valor.
Dad's Choice
The Girl
The Coward
Alicia Van Orden
After losing a fistfight to his romantic rival, wastrelly Clinton Philbrook skulks off to the North Woods. Hoping to redeem himself in the eyes of his sweetheart Alicia Van Orden, Clinton signs on as an apprentice to trapper Pierre Bechard.
Tom's Gang
Lucille Rogers
Dave Collins is a young man who is bequeathed a ranch on the condition that he marry the late owner's granddaughter Lucille. But when he arrives at the ranch with young sidekick Spuds in tow, Dave finds that a distant relative of Lucille's, Ray Foster, has taken his place. Foster hires tough Bart Haywood to kill his rival, and soon our hero is hogtied to a handcar in the path of an approaching train.
Big Bill Branigan, one of the tough characters of London's Limehouse district, falls in love with Curlytop because of her sweet innocence. He leaves his sweetheart, Bessie, for her and resolves to go straight. When he sets out to find a job, the jealous Bessie gets Curlytop drunk and hacks off her long curls.