В некоем странном мире, стилизованном под Америку 60-х годов, молодая ведьма очень хочет любить и быть любимой. А для этого все средства хороши. Она выбирает самых отборных самцов и использует всё свои заговоры и женские штучки, чтобы приворожить очередного красавчика. Но вот беда — сильные снаружи, слабые внутри они не выдерживают чар хрупкой женщины и умирают.
Tom (segment "Be Careful What You Wish For")
Five different moments in time within one house, home to secrets, death and lies. The question is, 'Would you live here?'
Two wealthy manipulators love to corrupt young and attractive people. Sexy and beautiful Brittney becomes the ultimate prize in a seductive wager between the manipulative Andre and Dominique. Brittney, Dominique's young handmaiden is married to the young and dashing Gregory, but Andre is determined to seduce the innocent girl no matter what. Everyone wants to teach Brittney the ways of the world!
Paul's wife, Casey is a College of Art student and she is so beautiful that he seems to have nothing more to dream about. But Paul is plagued by doubts that Casey is sleeping with all of her models, whom she draws naked.
Commercial air travel reaches new heights when Jane, a beautiful pilot, decides to turn her uncle's vintage 4-prop plane into a flying gentleman's club. Determined to make her airline a success, Jane knows she needs an edge, and the answer comes to her in the form of beautiful flight attendants, willing to do whatever it takes to make sure every client travels to their ultimate fantasy.