Yossi Marshek

Yossi Marshek


Yossi Marshek


Atomic Falafel
Chief of Staff
Two girls from nuclear towns in Israel and Iran spill their countries most valuable secrets on Facebook while trying to prevent a nuclear crisis.
Hill Start
Moti Gym teacher
A Comic drama that tells the story of the Geva family - a bourgeois family from Jerusalem. When the mother of the family, Ora, goes into a coma after a car accident, the family members try to bring her back in every way possible.
An intelligent social issues drama, Manpower sketches a portrait of four men in crisis. Moving between scathing realism and subtle irony, the film raises questions of belonging and uprooting, exile and emigration, home and family. Meir Cohen is a decorated police officer yet he barely earns a living. His new assignment to deport African migrant workers teaches him that foreigners aren’t the only ones with no future in his country. Other plotlines intertwine with Meir’s story: an Israeli-Filipino boy fighting for recognition; a taxi driver whose children are migrating to a distant country; and a veteran migrant worker who’s forced to decide whether to leave or to hide until trouble passes.
Не шутите с Зоханом!
Зохан - израильский коммандос, агент Моссада и антитеррорист - во время захвата известного мирового преступника инсценирует собственную гибель, дабы завязать с героическим прошлым и осуществить свою давнюю мечту: стать стилистом в Нью-Йорке. Вооружившись ножницами и желанным руководством, он решает начать свою карьеру в небольшом салоне.