Lew Keller


1001 Arabian Nights
In this animated retelling of the classic tale, Abdul Aziz Magoo -- an ancestor of Mr. Magoo -- is the lamp-selling uncle of Aladdin. Tired of his nephew's laziness, Abdul insists that Aladdin find a wife. To his uncle's surprise, Aladdin falls in love with the beautiful Princess Yasminda. Before he can make his move, however, Aladdin is whisked away by the evil Wazir on a quest to find a magic lamp that will grant its owner unlimited power in the form of three magic wishes.
Picnics Are Fun and Dino's Serenade
A "Ham & Hattie" cartoon which means two different cartoons splitting the seven minutes of running time. "Picnics are Fun" finds Hattie taking her two dolls for a picnic in the 'Country"---the roof of her apartment building where the trees, flowers and greenery grow only in her fertile imagination; the second offering, "Dino's Serenade", has Ham & His World Players doing a sketch about a strolling musician, the girl he loves and the villain who steals her away.
Spring and Saganaki
The first-half story of this two-story cartoon finds "Hattie" greeting the coming of "Spring" with an earful of music and an eyeful of romance between her two dolls; the second one has Hamilton Ham & His World Players presenting the tale of a Japanese woodcutter who wants to be an Imperial Soldier. The regular soldiers laugh at his banner...but it is his banner that makes the bandits laugh, and be easily captured.
Sailing and Village Band
The second of UPA's split-reel cartoons in which there were two unrelated segments---one with Hattie and one with Ham---of 3.5 minutes each. The first one---Sailing" has young Hattie sailing her boat in a fountain and is quite dismayed when a frog sinks it. She brightens up when a friendly policeman restores it for her. The second unrelated segment---"The Village Band"--- features Hamilton Ham in the story of a village band that goes unappreciated by the populace until it is needed to greet a distinguished dignitary.
Деревья и папаша с Ямайки
Короткие анимационные зарисовки, не имеющие общих персонажей, но объединенные общей темой природы. Первая история рассказывает про девочку Хэтти, которая познает окружающий мир. Вместе с заводной птичкой она лезет на дерево, чтобы углубиться в свой собственный мирок. Вторая зарисовка следует за музыкальным коллективом — забавным трио латиноамериканцев — которые играют свою музыку на улице. Вокруг них кипит жизнь, полная забавных и бытовых ситуаций. Но музыка вдыхает движение в повседневную рутину.