Dušica Žegarac

Dušica Žegarac

Рождение : 1944-04-15, Beograd, Serbia

Смерть : 2019-05-24


Dušica Žegarac


A group of young men whose lack of prospects in their own society decide to change their image and way of life. They realize that taking action is the only thing that fulfills and satisfies them. They begin to hand out flyers, upload video clips on the Internet and spray-paint graffiti all over the city. They call on the youth to rebel, to change their lives and to awaken from the slumber they were in.
The Ambulance
A contemporary historical film reflecting the drama of the profound social changes that the Serbian society underwent at the turn of this century. The story is delivered through an account of the development of the local ambulance service. Adhering to the spirit of modern neo-realism, this evolution is illustrated by three stories set in three different periods linked by mutually connected and conditioned characters; and there is also a dream of what it could be!
Love and Other Crimes
Anica lives in New Belgrade, a miserable district of tower blocks and concrete. She is mistress to Milutin, a wealthly local criminal who owns a solarium and runs a protection racket. Anica is determined not to grow old in this dump where neither love nor life seems to offer her a decent future. One grey winter’s day Anica has an idea to steal money from Milutin’s safe, get on a plane and leave the country forever.
Gypsy Hamlet set in a 21st century shantytown in Serbia.
The State of the Dead
Izbeglica iz Prijedora
When the war in Yugoslavia breaks out, an army officer who's ethnic Slovenian yet still believes in Yugoslavia, decides to move to Belgrade. The country continues to fall apart and so does his family failing to find acceptance there.
Синдром Т.Т
Группа молодых людей оказалась в 2001 году запертой в платном туалете. Они начинают выяснять между собой отношения, но при этом у них на глазах начинают происходить страшные, кровавые события — кто-то убивает их одного за другим, вскрывает череп и подвешивает вниз головой, чтобы мозги стекали в ведро. Перед этим постоянно слышен крик ребенка. Оказывается, корни зла уходят в далекий 1958 год, когда на месте турецких бань образовалось место зла, затягивающее постепенно все общество.
From Every Man I Loved
A story about Andjela and her three lovers, inspired by Chekhov’s prose.
Impure Blood
Impure Blood (Serbian: Нечиста крв, Nečista krv) is a 1996 film adaptation of the Impure Blood novel written by Borisav Stanković. It is concerned with themes of Serbian south, in the reforming in late 19th century.
Goran is a literary student who writes erotic stories to support himself is introduced to Carmen, who was born in extramarital relationship of an opera singer. Goran tries to get rid her of drugs and prostitution. Deeply depressed Carmen blames his mother for her own misery, which gets even worse after her death. A sense of guilt because of her mother's death leads Carmen to insanity.
Казалось бы, ничто не может помешать счастью молодоженов Анны и Тома, несмотря на то, что она хорватка, а он серб. Ведь светлое чувство навеки соединило их сердца. Но страшная Югославская война врывается в мирную жизнь, круша и ломая все вокруг. Бывшие добрые соседи в одночасье становятся злейшими врагами. Города и села превращаются в поле битвы. Сохранить любовь и уберечь счастье в этом аду — непосильная задача…
Be Damned, America
(segment "Ružina osveta")
A three-part anthology film. Story 1: A released convict traces his girlfriend and other people who were responsible for his imprisonment. Story 2: A factory worker Pantic comes to Belgrade where he befriends a waiter. Having no overnight lodge, Pantic spends the night in the bar where his new acquaintance works, and becomes a victim of group of people who start picking on him. The initially protective waiter joins their harassment, and that's when Pantic pulls out a knife. Story 3: A female reporter gets back from the province without getting job done. On her way back, she meets an abused woman who lives with her husband in a trailer, making grill. The two will run away together, facing many hazards and trials.
A Night at My Mother's House
A love story of a couple coming from different social backgrounds set in the context of Yugoslavian reality, its social and state decline. Their quest for the meaning of life proves to be nothing but failure.
The Last Lap at Monza
The story of an outsider who spent seven years in prison for robbery. Eternal rebel, unsatisfied with the system and people around him.
Azra a woman major in the partisan army, who fought the Germans in World War II, returns to her home village, which she helped to liberate. Although her husband was also a high ranking officer, and their goals were united, she finds it much harder to be accepted back into village and family life.
The House by the Railway Tracks
A Serbian family leaves the troubled Kosovo region after Albanians rape the daughter in front of her mother. When they leave their home after the assault, their family tombs are desecrated, and the move to northern Serbia is marked by rejection by the local people of their new community.
Haloa - The Feast of the Whores
A married couple from Germany, middle-aged Manfred and his much younger wife Meyra, who are originally from Zagreb, spend their vacation on the island Hvar. They are staying at Ms. Marija's house. Ms. Marija's son and Meyra feel an erotic attraction to each other. After some time, a tension develops between the young man, Meyra and Manfred. Nobody knows Meyra's secret, or her true reason for coming to Hvar.
Tanjina majka
A lonely old man neglected by his family stumbles upon a teenage girl who thinks he may need help. A warm friendship they develop makes his last days the best he ever had.
Кэти не любили в школе. Над ней смеялись и всячески издевались, считали ее занудой и попросту неумехой. Мало кто представлял, что одна из шуток может завести слишком далеко, став причиной кровавой мести и целой череды ужасных событий.
Milan - The Gift
Julka Savić, supruga
The drama is about several prominent people of Serbian culture and art. Milan Savic, a well-known doctor from Novi Sad and writer from the turn of 20th century, feels a personal obligation to take care and deprive his friends of existential worries.
The Last Story
The story of a young writer who tries to save his personal identity while facing the corrupted environment and temptations of a love affair.
Fever of Love
Vesnina majka
Bane and Vesna are young and happy couple. Vesna gets pregnant, but soon she was told that Bane was not faithful to her, which was a lie made by their female acquintance. Vesna's parents decide to sell their little son to a German couple. After finding out what has happened, Bane kidnaps the baby and runs away with it on his motorcycle. With the help of his loyal friends, he seeks hideout from the police.
Натуральная оспа
Dr. Marković
События фильма основаны на эпидемии натуральной оспы, имевшей место в Белграде в 1972 году.
The Far Sky
Macurina majka
A youth has a burning ambition to be a pilot, but this is met with opposition by his mother because his father, also a pilot, was killed in a jet-fighter crash in a storm. The youth goes ahead with his career but one day he encounters a bad storm.
July 13th
Gospođa Rajković
This is a movie about the start of people's uprising in Montenegro in World War II. After the capitulation of the Yugoslav Royal Army in April 1941, the Italians managed to infiltrate their puppet regime in Montenegro. However, people dissatisfied with the new authorities, on July 13, 1941 decided that the Communists led start to fight for freedom.
Silovana žena
Gazija are military men who patrol the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire in mid-18th century. One such man has trouble reconciling times of peace with his Gazija standing.
Erogenous Zone
Momcilo 'Moca' Stojisavljevic has just finished his military service, and is faced with problems like finding a job and a place to live. His old girlfriend is now pregnant and she's about to live with him. Having managed to employ himself in a chicken production factory, Moca becomes fascinated with modern technology, automatism and cybernetics in the plant. By putting 100% of himself into all phases of work and its risks, he exposes his erogenous zones to life and its temptations.
Some Other Woman
Jelena Protić
The murder of a famous gynecologist occurred under unusual circumstances. Inspectors found the doctor's apartment door open.
The Promising Boy
Slobodanova majka
A normal boy receives a blow to the head which sets him off to perform rebellious acts.
Special Treatment
Dr. Ilic works in the hospital for compulsory treatment of alcoholics. By conducting his own "special treatment" through physical exercises, apple eating, the healing effects of listening to Wagner's music and psychodrama, a group of six patients have been taken to visit the brewery where there is a problem of alcoholism in the workplace.
Scenes from a Life
A TV drama.
The Return
Despite the ongoing WW2, most of the people were just minding their own business. But everything changes when police arrests the group of youths under suspicion of being resistance sympathizers. Outraged townsfolk organize the siege of police station.
The Man to Kill
After the murder of the Russian Emperor Peter III, who was succeeded by Empress Catherine, Satan decides that the balance between good and evil on Earth has been destabilized. In order to set things right, he sends his representative to Earth - the teacher Farfa, who bears an unusual resemblance to Peter III. His mission is to seize power from the old Duke of Montenegro, and then to take back the Russian throne as Peter III. The people of Montenegro accept Farfa as their new leader, and he proclaims himself the new Emperor, Scepan Mali, successfully resisting an invasion by the Turks. Farfa is touched by the Montenegrins' kindness and courage, falls in love with the beautiful Elfa, and fails to follow Satan's plan. Not one to be crossed, Satan sets out to kill him.
Pearl Barley
A TV drama about orphaned children.
Оккупация в 26 эпизодах
"Оккупация в 26 картинах" — анатомия безумия, реваншизма, ненависти и отсуствия моральных принципов в обличии фашизма. Веселая жизнь троих друзей — итальянца, хорвата и еврея — в сказочном довоенном Дубровнике внезапно прервана шумом боевых самолетов. Неминуемость выбора приводит к конфликту естественных ценностей, противопоставляя семью интимным чувствам, делая греховным даже зачатие на фоне торжествующей смерти — ибо носителем смерти оно порождено. Вчерашние друзья оказываются по разные стороны баррикад, и уже не важны отношения, социальный статус и образование участников конфликта, каждый решает, за он или против, по совести или по ее отсуствию. Идиллия беззаботного существования обеспеченной молодежи превращается в выстрел, приносящий на жертвенный алтарь истории отношения, эпоху и, в конце концов, жизнь.
The Coach
Lila, Knezova žena
A man from a small place has become a coach of the biggest club in the country. He's coming back to his home town to buy a talented striker from a local club. A new striker immediately becomes a star in the big club. But a conflict between coach on one side and striker and manager of the club on the other occurs and results in coach leaving the club. He then becomes a coach of a big German club and in international competition has a match against his former club. In first game in Munich his former club wins which puts him in danger of losing position of coach in new club. But in the second game his team wins in Belgrade and goes trough. He once again goes to his home town and in the graveyard, at the tomb of his father, who died in war fighting Germans, asks himself what happened so he's now fighting for the Germans against a club from his own country.
The Security Service Closes the Circle
Jasna Mirić
A foreign spy service sends Mitar Petrović, an engineer, to Belgrade. His mission is to contact an enemy group that for some time has been planning to sabotage a project of great significance to the Yugoslav economy. The enemy action also has a political dimension as it is planned to take place during an international symposium of scientist in Belgrade. Stopping at nothing, Mitar's group prepares the final coup. Gradually the security service uncovers this clever and well-planned plot…
Ljilja, Zefova žena
A small story of a small but happy man and his fight against poverty and drought. The story takes place in Kosovo in mid-seventies, and describes one family and her fight for survival.
A short love affair of young married woman and police inspector in winter resort will turn into fatal love after chance meeting. Inspired by Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog".
Without a Word
The main protagonist is a young fellow who tries to live his life within 30 frames. He's a person suitable for any atmosphere, which makes him different from the rest. He's like a plant that differs from others, an informer who wants to escape out from his skin. This man loves, hates, eats, drinks, lies ill, laughs, cries, kisses, plays... These are agonies of a contemporary man.
The Bet
A young woman leaves her older husband, the owner of a village mill, for a truck driver whom she met while he was in their village by business. While trying to find him, she experiences the life in suburbia, and gets back to her husband disappointed, disgraced and humiliated.
In this story set in near future, a group of young rebels, hippies and 1968 protesters want to cede and make an independent Island from the Mainland. A journalist who came to the Island to make a report about political summit that takes place there gets involved in the clash between young rebels and establishment.
Life Is a Mass Phenomenon
Two friends dream of what they will do when they become adults. One friend dreams of travelling to far off places, but stays at home. The other one leaves and sends him postcards from exotic locations, with descriptions of impossible adventures. But, his friend at home engages in a passionate love affair with his beautiful young landlady. When his friend-the traveller returns he admits he may have exaggerated about some of his adventure stories.. The two friends continue on dreaming of new excitements.
Some Far-Away Light
Tamara Mirč, osumnjičena devojka
An ex-prosecutor comes to provincial hotel to commit suicide there. Prior to this act, he first calls persons who made him bring up such decision. Conversations over telephone reveal the causes and circumstances that led to tragedy.
Case Belgrade
In Autumn of 1943 American plane carrying Soviet colonel is shot down near Nazi-occupied Belgrade. Germans capture the colonel and begin interrogations, because he knows everything about forecoming Allied summit in Tehran. Group of Yugoslav Partizans is sent to Belgrade in order to rescue the colonel before he starts talking.
Frame for the Picture of My Beloved One
Five boys befriend a young loner who becomes their teacher of the adult world.
The lives of many people in one Serbian town are changed after Tito's breakup with Stalin.
Send a Man at Half Past One
Olga Rizi
A young slacker circumstantially gets involved in the smuggling of falsified English pounds via Trieste-Yugoslavia route. He helps the police to solve the case.
The Rats Woke Up
Fatalna susetka
An unsuccessful attempt of a lonely guy to change his pointless life. In search for a job and money he falls in love with a girl next door believing that she will change his life.
The Restless Ones
Zorica, Nebojšina supruga
One night, after disastrous road accident, the eyewitnesses were claiming that they saw a woman behind the steering wheel. It was actually three teenagers who stole Peugeot 404 to drive around for fun, but the girl who hitch-hiked them left the car in the middle of highway. They have been chased by the police and crashed fatally. The police continues their intense search to find the fourth person.
The Feverish Years
A story about two people who didn't find their way in big city. He came from the countryside and works in steel factory, she's working in factory restaurant. Their lives change when they meet and fall in love.
Последние дни Второй мировой войны в Югославии. Болгарское моторизованное подразделение из десяти человек на пяти грузовиках отправляется в трудный, полный опасности путь, чтобы доставить боеприпасы на важный стратегический путь. Некоторые из десяти уверены в окончательной победе, другие колеблются, не верят в новую жизнь. Но все они не хотят войны и готовы в любую минуту пойти в бой. О том, какие трудности пришлось им перенести, как геройски погибли некоторые из них и как остальные выполнили ответственное задание, рассказывает фильм.
Три гимназиста из маленького сербского городка, оккупированного немцами, выживают, как могут. Ребята занимаются сбытом контрабандных сигарет, не гнушаются воровством, но каждый раз, собираясь в своем тайном месте, на чердаке старого амбара, обсуждают планы мести ненавистным оккупантам. Впрочем, и без них в городе нашелся таинственный мститель. Почти каждую ночь немцы и их пособники не досчитываются кого-нибудь в своих рядах. Таинственный убийца неизменно оставляет на трупах записку с именем «Саша», но продолжает ускользать от своих преследователей. Однажды ночью, когда трое приятелей чистили магазин, принадлежащий очередному «предателю», они услышали снаружи стрельбу. Выскочив на улицу, ребята лицом к лицу столкнулись с тяжело раненным вооруженным человеком. Подумав, что это и есть знаменитый Саша, друзья решили спрятать его на своем чердаке…
Stairs of Bravery
While carrying the red flag and dynamite all the way up to the church tower, Niksha negligently draws the agents' attention. This prevents him and his female companion Vjeka to leave the tower. Until the morning of May 1st, which brings the highlight of a red flag flying over the occupied Split, Vjeka and Niksha spend the night of their long-awaited rapprochement.
Девятый круг
Ruth Alkalaj
Кинофильм «Девятый круг» рассказывает о жизни и борьбе югославских патриотов в тот период истории, когда Югославию оккупируют гитлеровцы. Столица Хорватии Загреб находится под контролем немцев, жители страдают еще и от жестокой фашисткой диктатуры усташей. Хорваты супруги Войновичи скрывают у себя дочь своих знакомых, еврейку Рут, родителей которой и ее брата немцы отправили в концлагерь. Чтобы Рут чувствовала себя в безопасности, они инсценировали ее брак со своим сыном Иво. Молодые люди, которых сначала тяготило фиктивное супружество, постепенно полюбили друг друга. Но недолго длилось их счастье - Рут арестовали. Иво решил попытаться спасти девушку, устроив ей побег…