Juan Pineda


Аттенборо и гигантский динозавр
Sound Recordist
История о 220 костях, найденных в аргентинской пустыне, которые окажутся принадлежащими ранее неизвестному виду динозавра. Динозавра, возможно, крупнейшего, из существовавших на земле. Дэвид Аттенборо вместе с палеонтологом доктором Диего Полом окажется на месте раскопок и в лаборатории, где останки будут очищены и проанализированы, и встретится с другими экспертами, работающими над реконструкцией огромного скелета.
Un, dos, tres... ensaïmades i res més
Un, dos, tres... ensaïmades i res més
Sound Designer
De mica en mica s'omple la pica
Alice in Spanish Wonderland
Four different Alices wander through mazes constructed from 40 years of Spanish history in this post-Franco meditation. Loosely related to the "Alice" of Alice in Wonderland, in one episode of this film, Alice (who is clearly a metaphor for the Spanish people) is raped by some multinational corporations. Told in a somewhat confusing manner, especially for those unfamiliar with the nuances of Spain's history in the period between 1936 and 1975, this is director Jorge Feliu's first feature film.
The Murderer of Pedralbes
Documentary about the murderer José Luis Cerveto.
Una familia decente
The Young Dracula
Transylvania. Seventies. Mina and Lucy, two friends very attractive, they are mysteriously drawn into a surprising and terrifying story whose protagonist is Jonathan Dracula, a direct descendant of Count Dracula.
Death of the Scorpion
The film plunges the intrigue of a love triangle in which is involved a former actress who has a relationship with her husband, a film producer, her lover, the screenwriter of the films he produces, and a criminal lawyer.
Refuge of Fear
Original Music Composer
Two couples are caught inside a bomb shelter as nuclear war rages outside.
Antonio Gaudí, una visión inacabada
Larga noche de julio
Tony wants to carry out a perfect robbery and get a lot of money during the celebration of the 24 Hours of Montjuic, a motorcycle race. To accomplish this, he counts with the complicity of Peter, a runner who wants to switch to professional level. Everything is carefully planned, but at the last moment a crime is committed and Peter is trapped in the house of the victim unable to get out as the gate has been locked. The only way to help Peter is that Tony gets a copy of the key that Carmen has, the girl who took care of the victim, before she returns home.
Cake of Blood
Four part anthology horror film, with segments featuring witchcraft, ghosts, Frankenstein and his monster, and Romans battling Celtic vampires.
La respuesta
Fierce portrait of a leftist student who betrays his girlfriend in order to kill a rich man with high political influence.