Kim Young-ok

Kim Young-ok

Рождение : 1937-12-05, Incheon, South Korea


Kim Young-ok (Korean: 김영옥; born December 5, 1937) is a South Korean actress who debuted in 1957. She is known as South Korea's "National Grandma" for her many portrayals of grandmothers in film and television. (Wikipedia)


Kim Young-ok


Gun Dealer
Переживая потерю, бывшая телохранительница по имени Ок Джу решает исполнить последнее желание лучшей подруги, которую ей не удалось защитить. Месть так сладка.
Eun-sim, in her 80s, returned to her hometown for the first time in 60 years. There, she meets old friends Geum-soon and Tae-ho, who are still affectionate and protect their hometown, unlike herself, who ran away after getting hurt.
Take Care of My Mom
Ничего особенного
Хан Джа-ён недавно рассталась с парнем, который встречался с ней несмотря на наличие невесты. Девушка решает, что хватит с неё эмоциональной зависимости, и решает завести отношения только для секса. Главный редактор теряющего популярность журнала даёт задание журналисту Пак У-ри написать колонку про секс и тем самым привлечь новых читателей. Хотя парень специализируется на заметках об искусстве, деваться ему некуда, поэтому по совету бывалого коллеги решает воспользоваться приложением для знакомств. На первом свидании он встречается с Джа-ён, проводит с ней незабываемый вечер, но ничего не говорит о редакционном задании.
Snowy Road
Jong-bun (present)
Jongbun is sick of poverty and she admires Young-ae, a smart and pretty friend. Taking place at the end of Japanese colonialism, a sad but beautiful story about two girls begins.
Moonshine Girls
Female students from the Chungjoo Yeseong Girl's High School develop a new kind rice wine and patent it. This drama is about high school students helping their beloved father continue their family business.
Spring, Snow
A devoted wife and mother, Soon-ok suddenly learns that she has a terminal illness and is given less than a year to live. She pauses to think about the family she will leave behind: a completely helpless husband, a kind son who cares about nothing except his mother, and a daughter too busy to attend to anything but her own affairs. Soon-ok begins to prepare a gift for her family -- the opportunity to bring them together for a final farewell. Once fractured and separated, the family comes to learn that death does not have to be the antithesis of life, but can be its affirmation and awakening.
Na-mi's Grandmother
На Ми приезжает в Сеул из небольшого городка и приходит в новую школу. Девушка очень переживает, как пройдёт её знакомство с учениками, всего боится и смущается. Первый день и правда проходит нелегко. Шесть новых одноклассниц берут над ней шефство. Девчонки все разные, но их объединяет искренняя дружба. Вместе с новенькой школьницы организуют группу под названием «Солнечные» и клянутся всегда быть вместе и помогать друг другу. Сообща девушки готовятся к выступлению на ответственном школьном фестивале, однако в день выступления ужасное событие кладет конец девчачьей дружбе. Двадцать пять лет спустя На Ми замужем за успешным бизнесменом и воспитывает красавицу-дочь. Её жизнь кажется вполне состоявшейся, и все же есть что-то, что гнетёт её. Однажды в больнице героиня случайно сталкивается с одной из бывших «Солнечных» подруг, которой осталось жить считанные недели, потому что у женщины рак. Она просит найти всех участниц их школьной команды, чтобы ещё раз увидеть друзей.
Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi Battle
"Le Grand Chef 2" begins with the Korean president visiting the Japanese Prime Minister and becoming involved in a heated debate over the origins of kimchi. The Japanese Prime Minister makes the bold claim that kimchi is an original Japanese dish which sets off the Korean president. Upon the Korean's president return home he sets upon a globalization plan for kimchi, which includes a nationwide "Kimchi Contest". Then, a lady named Jang-eun (Kim Jung-Eun) and her step-brother Sung-Chan (Jin Goo) compete in the Kimchi dish contest, with both siblings using their mother's kimchi recipe.
Our School's E.T.
Seong-geun's Mother
Sung geun, a physical education teacher, is at risk of losing his job when the school decides it needs an English teacher instead of a PE teacher. Therefore, he starts to devise a plan to change his job as an English teacher.
Большой бум
Chul-Gon's mother
Бывают дни, когда все идет не так. В один из таких дней примерный семьянин Пак Ман-су лишился всего, что любил и к чему привык — жены и работы. В этот же вечер его забирают в полицейский участок за нарушение общественного порядка. Там он знакомится с Ян Чхоль-гоном, который имеет совершенно другие жизненные принципы — никаких правил, живи, как нравится. Вместе они сбегают из участка, прихватив с собой оружие.
Old Miss Diary
Kim Young-ok
CHOI Mi-ja, despite being thirty-two years old, is the leader hands down in being rash and naïve. Tired of her mistake filled life and increasing wrinkles, something happens in Mi-ja’s life to end her downward spiral. She meets tall, young, good-looking but rude Producer JI at the TV station where she works as a dubbing artist and falls head over heels for him! Mi-ja’s family finds out and grows in hope to bring Producer JI into the house somehow. But Mi-ja’s rash, naïve behavior is a big problem and her family is also far from normal. The three grannies, widowed father, old bachelor uncle, all short in size and odd in character, there is nothing that can stop them. As the entire family gets into full swing in trying to help Mi-ja get the younger man, the very unique family’s hilarious events begin. Their unpredictable rash challenge, will they be able to succeed?
A struggling musician takes a job teaching music to middle school children in a rural mining town.
Spring Breeze
The cheapest and the stingiest! A man, who has never spent a dime on a date... A man, who prefers to double up on layers of thermals in the winter, instead of turning on the heater... A man, who insists on using his beeper in this 21st Century, a.k.a. The Age of Mobile Phones, to save his phone bill... He is the cheapest man alive! He's the infamous stingy writer, Seon-guk! As he wrestles with his unfinished (and very delayed) manuscript, an unexpected woman moves into his house. "I'm a respected man! I cannot live with a vulgar woman like her!"
White Valentine
A girl named Jung-min writes to a young man named Hyun-jun, who is serving in the army. She lies about her age and claims to be a teacher. As Jung-min turns twenty, a 30-year-old man, who has eyes filled with sadness moves into her village. Every night, he sends letters through a pigeon to a deceased woman he loved dearly. He sends them high up in the sky, knowing that he will never get a reply. Then one day, like magic, he receives a letter. The letters sent through pigeons reveal someone's loneliness and sadness. And the two people meet each other by sheer chance..
Watercolors in Rain
The story of Ji-su who life was torn by two women in his life. One of them is his step-sister and the other is a barroom dancer named Kyung-ja.
No Woman Is Afraid of the Night
A man is paid to seduce the wife of a powerful stockbroker but realizes that he is being set up for a murder charge.
Robot Taekwon V
Robot Taekwon is a Robot that was built by a super-heroic team so it could help them fight monsters that have been destroying the world. So it's up to Robot Taekwon and some heroes to become saviours of the world.
Lightning Atom
The story of a young boy who uses his electric super powers to help the innocent.