Zarah Leander

Zarah Leander

Рождение : 1907-03-15, Karlstad, Värmlands län, Sweden

Смерть : 1981-06-23


Zarah Leander


Die Akte Zarah Leander
Herself (Archival Footage)
A tribute to Swedish film, which was made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of film in 1995 and consists of about a hundred clips from Swedish film history with many of its stars.
Memories of Berlin: The Twilight of Weimar Culture
Self - Interviewee
The film tells the cultural story of Berlin during the Weimar Republic through interviews with a number of persons who were involved in literature, film, art, and music during the period. It includes interviews with Christopher Isherwood, Louise Brooks, Lotte Eisner, Elisabeth Bergner, Francis Lederer, Carl Zuckmayer, Gregor Piatigorsky, Claudio Arrau, Rudolf Kolisch, Mischa Spoliansky, Herbert Bayer, Mrs. Walter Gropius, and Arthur Koestler.
Ein Walzer zu zweien
Ich bin die Leander - das muss reichen…
Как я научился любить женщин
Роберто Монти, привлекательный молодой человек, пытается познать тайну женщины. От жены директора пансиона, где он получает свой первый опыт, до актрисы кино, пока, наконец, не найдет ту, которую искал всю жизнь...
Das Blaue vom Himmel
Konstgjorda Pompe
Summer revue from 1963
The Blue Moth
Julia Martens
Julia Martens is a wrongly convicted murderess who is released from prison after thirteen years. She begins a new career as a chanson singer and her now grown-up son, who has been told that his mother is dead, has no idea who Julia Martens really is. One day he is suspected of murder and Julia intervenes.
It Was Always So Nice with You
While working as an accountant in his uncle's factory, talented young pianist Peter dreams of becoming a famous composer. When he shows his work to a producer, he manages to convince him to give him a chance. From time to time he gets bigger contracts that keep him more and more away from home and his young wife Elisa. When he "discovers" and supports a pretty ballerina in Munich, a rumor starts that he's having an affair. He fails to realize that his marriage is threatened.
Ave Maria
Sängerin Karin Twerdy
Karin Twerdy used to be an opera singer but now, in order to pay for her daughter Daniela's education in a religious school, she performs in a shady nightclub. Industrialist Dietrich Gontard, the father of Karin's school friend Christa, falls for her. But when he learns the truth about her he is outraged and rejects her. At a loss and not to stand in the way of Daniela's future, Karin chooses to disappear...
Cuba Cabana
Ночной город манит огнями и предстоящим весельем, самым престижным местом, где можно скрасить досуг, является кабаре «У Габриэлы». Здесь правит бал Габриэла Донат — певица, которую знает вся Германия. Однажды звезда эстрады, собрав вещи и отдав долю акций кабаре своему партнеру, поспешно покидает город. Этот побег открывает давнюю тайну женщины: на самом деле она — Хельга Лоренц, бывшая супруга богатого промышленника, ушедшая от него к пианисту Чарли, и отлученная на многие годы от дочери Андре. Габриэла спешит в альпийскую деревню, где её родная дочь воспитывается у приёмной матери, с целью забрать девушку к себе домой, так как она достигла совершеннолетия и постановление суда, о запрете общения с матерью, потеряло силу. Но юная Андре не жаждет встречи и героине предстоит немало сделать, чтобы убедить дочь в своих истинных материнских чувствах...
Self - film scenes (archive footage)
"Gems" - Embedded in a frame story, the film shows excerpts from 18 entertainment films of the time, among others, "The Gypsy Baron", "The Three Codonas", "La Habanera", "Viennese Blood", "Sophienlund", and "Mask in Blue".
As Long As I Live
Following a trivial road accident, Ariane, an international adventuress, falls in love with Bernard Fleuret, a young artist-painter with diseased lungs. Being pursued by the police, she chooses to hide in the sanatorium where the young man is treated. Ariane proves so smitten by love that she finally changes her ways: she decides to let herself be arrested, sure as she is she will be reunited with her loved one later on.
Vera Meiners aka Gloria O'Connor
В отеле Дефино происходит убийство известного ловеласа и теневого дельца Фрэнка Дугласа. Все свидетели указывают на скромную женщину-врача Глорию Коннор, однако она всё отрицает. В ходе следствия полицейские быстро выясняют, что настоящая Глория Коннор умерла три года назад, а подозреваемая не только была на месте преступления, но и многие годы знакома с убитым.
The Great Love
Hanna Holberg
The attractive Oberleutnant Paul Wendlandt is stationed in North Africa as a fighter pilot. While in Berlin to deliver a report he is given a day's leave, and on the stage of the cabaret theatre "Skala" sees the popular Danish singer Hanna Holberg. For Paul it is love at first sight. When Hanna visits friends after the end of the performance, he follows her, and speaks to her in the U-Bahn. After the party in her friends' flat, he accompanies her home and chance throws them further together when an air raid warning forces them to take cover in the air raid shelter. Hanna reciprocates Paul's feelings, but after a night spent together Paul has to return immediately to the front. There now follows a whole series of misunderstandings, and one missed opportunity after another. While Hanna waits in vain for some sign of life from Paul, he is flying on missions in North Africa. When he tries to visit her in her Berlin flat, she is giving a Christmas concert in Paris.
Der Weg ins Freie
Antonia Corvelli
In Vienna, during the 1848 Revolution, opera singer Antonia Corvelli marries Detlev von Blossin, a rich landowner. But, as she refuses to give up her career, her infuriated husband returns to Pomerania without her. After falling into the clutches of the cruel and wicked count Stefan Oginski, whose lover she unfortunately becomes, Antonia has no other choice but to pass for dead in order to escape him. She then returns to Italy where she joins small theater companies under various aliases. Until one day she is overtaken by her fate...
Сердце королевы
Maria Stuart
В конце XVI столетия Англия и Шотландия были еще раздельными королевствами. Мария Стюарт — королева Шотландии выросла во Франциии была обвенчана с наследником французского престола. Только после смерти своего супруга она вернулась на родину, чтобы взойти на шотландский трон. Королева Англии — Елизавета понимала, что возвращение Марии Стюарт означало новую опасность для её страны и без того уставшей от религиозных распрей. Католики считали именно Марию истинно законной наследницей Английского престола, но страстная натура Марии толкнула её на путь греха и саморазрушения и, в конце концов, она оказалась во власти Елизаветы.
Песня пустыни
Grace Collins
Ближний восток. Инженер Ник Брентен руководит разработкой месторождения меди. Для охраны разработок из Германии направлен военный котингент под руководством его старого друга, капитана Фрэнка Стэнни, с которым его связывают уже более чем двадцатилетние дружеские отношения. В это же время туда прилетает на своем маленьком частном самолете известная оперная певица, Грейс Коллинз...
It Was a Gay Ballnight
Katharina Alexandrowna Murakina
1865. Katharina goes to a ball in Moscow. There she meets again Tchaikowsky, her first and only love. The young, who is now married to wealthy Michael Iwanowitsch Murakin, a man she does not love, has not forgotten Piotr Illich, the (not yet) famous composer. Both are still in love with each other but Piotr is engaged to Nastassia, a dancer, while for her part Katharina cannot leave her husband. Tchaikowky's first love then decides to sacrifice her happiness to the success of the composer, sponsoring him in secret. Something Piotr will learn only years after. When Katharina finds herself free at last it is too late: Tchaikowsky is dying of cholera and she only has time to close his eyes.
Голубая лиса
Ilona Paulus
Илона, красивая венгерка, заброшенная жена Стефана Паулюса, ученого, которого больше интересуют изучаемые им рыбы, чем его вторая половинка. За ней начинает ухаживать Тибор Варни, красивый и известный пилот самолета. Илона не говорит «нет», но Тибор внезапно отступает. По простой причине: летун только что понял, что Илона жена... его лучшего друга! В отчаянии Илона обращается к Триллу, тенору, который хвастается вовсю...
The Four Companions
Four graduates of an industrial design school team up and form a small business. The protagonist is so excited by the venture that she turns down the proposal of her dashing instructor. Time passes and her three partners lose interest in the business for different reasons. This leaves the heroine who has a change of heart and decides to forgo the business and marry the instructor after all.
Magda von Schwartze
In 1885, famous New York Metropolitan Opera singer Maddalena dall' Orto is scheduled to perform at a festival in the German residence of Ilmingen. It soon becomes obvious that she is non other than Magda von Schwartze, who left the town eight years ago against her father's wishes to become a singer.
La Habanera
Astree Sternhjelm
While vacationing in Puerto Rico, a young Swedish woman falls in love with and marries a powerful local landowner. Ten years later, their marriage has turned sour; meanwhile, two Swedish doctors have arrived on the island to investigate a mysterious fever.
To New Shores
Gloria Vane
London 1846. Singer Gloria Vane has a resounding success at the Adelphi Theater. While she throws a brilliant party
Carmen Daviot
As Fraulein Leander prepares for opening night, her life is thrown into turmoil by a variety of romantic misadventures. But she manages to show up on stage at the appointed time, scoring a huge success.
The Marriage Game
Tora Diidiken
The sculptress Tora Diidiken is married to the sculptor Gunnar Grahn and they both compete in a contest to design a statue for the public square in Hicksville.
The Wrong Millionaire
Marguerite Lebon
The American boat is on its way to Gothenburg. On board are the Swedish-American millionaire Fridolf F. Johnson from Detroit (Håkan Westergren) and his male secretary of the same name (Fridolf Rhudin). The millionaire stays hidden in his cabin with the secretary and does not appear on deck. A journalist arrives out at sea by airplane and asks for an interview, which the millionaire refuses to agree to. The journalist disguises himself as a steward, puts on a hidden camera (a spy camera) in the buttonhole, enters with a tea tray and photographs the wrong person - the secretary.
Dante's Mysteries
Dante, the great conjurer, performs at the Café Grans, a fashionable hotel-restaurant. Face to a dumbfound patrons he does his most famous tricks among which card manipulations or sawing a woman in half.