Sally Cook


На линии огня
Property Master
Бью Гиннер с бригадой проводят работы на линии высоких передач в Техасе. Они работают в десятках метров от земли и имеют дело с проводами, несущими до 500 000 вольт, то есть буквально в считаных сантиметрах от смерти. Брат Бью погиб от удара током и оставил ему на воспитание племянницу Бейли, которая доставляет ему немало проблем. Но намного больше проблем доставит чудовищный шторм, который набирает мощь с каждой минутой…
Happy Face Killer
Property Master
Serial killer Keith Jesperson murders at least eight women over a five-year span and taunts authorities with disturbing letters and scribbled confessions signed with a happy face.
Подписано, запечатано, доставлено
Property Master
A mix up on her first day of work sends Shane to the Dead Letter Office, where a group of quirky characters led by Oliver try to deliver the undeliverable. Though Shane wants out of this strange detail, she can't help but get caught up in the story of one misdirected letter mailed by a dying young woman to the man she was falling in love with. As circumstances around the letter get more complicated, Shane and the group break all the rules to see the letter delivered and justice done.
Garage Sale Mystery
Property Master
Jennifer Shannon can always find a diamond in the rough, when it comes to garage sales, that is. Whether it's a new antique to sell at her consignment shop, an Atari game for her son or a piece of furniture for her handy husband Jason to refurbish, she has made a career out of her treasure hunting prowess. When a string of burglaries hits her town, Jennifer's keen eye for detail and her natural problem solving instincts even help her see the connection between these burglaries and local garage sales! Jennifer works with Detective Adam Iverson to investigate her theory that the perpetrators of the burglaries are fellow garage sale regulars. The case escalates to dangerous levels when Jennifer discovers the dead body of her friend. Even though the deceased's husband, Ben Douglas, finds nothing missing in their house, and the police label the death as accidental, Jennifer suspects that the death may be related to the burglaries.
В осаде
Property Master
Четверо убийц во главе с Бароном, представляются агентами секретной службы, чтобы реквизировать дом вдовы Эллен. Ее дом играет роль снайперской позиции в их плане покушения на президента во время его визита в маленький городок под названием Садденли. Убийцы провели всех местных полицейских, кроме одного — пьяницы Тодда, который служил вместе с покойным супругом Эллен…
Cyber Seduction
Property Master
A woman discover her husband is having an online affair and that his internet lover is dangerously obsessed with him.
Mega Cyclone
Property Master
Jupiter’s famous blemish, the Great Red Spot, has vanished. When massive storms are reported in North America, it quickly becomes apparent that the huge, high storm that has been swirling around Jupiter for hundreds of years has landed on Earth. Swallowing up everything in its path, the Great Red Spot threatens to transform Earth into another Jupiter-like gas giant in just a matter of days! aka Mega Cyclone
Property Master
The kidnapping of a young girl propels her mother into a web of conspiracies.
Past Obsessions
Property Master
To the outside world, it would appear Shane Walsh (Josie Davis) has it all - a wealthy and loving husband, a beautiful home, and a lavish lifestyle... but appearances can be deceiving. Matt Walsh (David Millbern) is an attentive and kind husband, but behind closed doors, this monster turns his controlling and jealous rage towards Shane, leaving her battered and bruised. Knowing he will never let her go, she makes the only choice she feels will truly set her free. She must fake her own death and start a new life far away.
Property Master
A couple moves into a quiet neighborhood. With too much time on her hands, the woman begins to suspect that someone is confined in the basement next door.
Seventeen and Missing
Property Master
Emilie Janzen has always had a strange intuition and talent for seeing the truth in people. But what Emilie didn't see coming is the disappearance of her 17-year-old daughter, Lori. Waking visions of Lori being abducted begin to haunt Emilie, placing clairvoyant clues that eventually lead Emilie to where her daughter's being held. That is, if Lori's still alive. And the clock is ticking...
Мы здесь больше не живём
Property Master
Семьи Джека и Хэнка давно вместе. Мужчины преподают в университете, пока их жены Терри и Эдит берегут домашний очаг, и никто не может заподозрить, что на самом деле эти пары объединяет не дружеская привязанность, а отчаяние, предательство и обман. Невинная интрижка между Джеком и Эдит быстро превращается в тайный роман. Они мечтают о давно утраченном счастье, но что случится, когда их супруги узнают об измене? Если Хэнк и Терри в отместку поступят так же, в надвигающейся катастрофе никто из них не найдет спасения…