Конец 1920-х годов. В городок Уюни, расположенный на боливийском плоскогорье, приезжает молодой писатель Альфонсо Кларос, получивший образование во Франции. В Уюни он встретит прекрасную метиску Клаудину, но помехой для их отношений станут классовые предрассудки молодого человека.
Director of Photography
Racial, social and cultural aspects of La Paz (called Chuquiago by the Aymaras) seen through four stories.
Racial, social and cultural aspects of La Paz (called Chuquiago by the Aymaras) seen through four stories.
Racial, social and cultural aspects of La Paz (called Chuquiago by the Aymaras) seen through four stories.
After several years a student returns to his native village only to find that despite the agrarian reform act of 1952, nothing has changed in the treatment of peasants, and racial discrimination continues.
Director of Photography
A community reacts against a group of foreigners who under the guise of development assistance are forcibly sterilizing the peasant women.