Dimitar Yordanov


Time of Violence
Dyado Kralyu
In the 17th century, a Bulgarian Christian region is selected by the Ottoman rulers to serve as an example of conversion to Islam. A Janissary who was kidnapped from the village as a boy is sent to force the reluctant inhabitants to convert. The Turkish governor seeks a peaceful solution, but ultimately torture, violence, and rebellion break out.
Юлия Вревская
О драматической судьбе замечательной русской женщины - графини Юлии Петровны Вревской. События ленты происходят в период русско-турецкой войны за освобождение болгарского народа от турецкого ига. Рано овдовевшая графиня, вложив все свои средства в организацию добровольческого санитарного отряда, становится сестрой милосердия на фронте. В 1878 году Юлия Вревская умирает от тифа в болгарском городе Бяла.
The Bride with the Most Beautiful Eyes
Old Man
Exotic, yet lyrically aimed fairy tale about a young gypsy Pista in search of a beautiful, gentle and faithful bride. An old man told him where to find a girl with those qualities, so Pista sets out on a journey to find the girl of his dreams without knowing that she is special: an hour a day human and rest of the day a chicken...
Bulgarian comedy, based on motifs from the stories of Elin Pelin.