Lee Man-Biu


Три ловца ветра
1997 год, Гонконг готовится к передаче Китаю. Три самых известных вора в Гонконге никогда не встречались, и вообще мало кто их знает в лицо. Один из них решает, что всё-таки стоит наконец познакомиться.
Miles Apart
Miles Ma is made to look like he raped and beat a girl to keep him from investigating a Triad boss.
New Tenant
The film centers around a writer, Alan Tam (Anthony Wong), who has spent the last decade in a mental hospital. Upon leaving, he rents an apartment in an abandoned building which contains a clock that sends him back to 1984. The only person that can hear Alan during this time is one of the previous tenants, a young girl named Dolphin (Dolphin Chan). A strange romance soon develops between the two, and so when her sister Whale (Perrie Lai) begins dating a suspicious professor (Lawrence Ng), Alan helps Dolphin to find out the shocking truth about her sister's beau.
Кулак легенды
В начале XX века во время японской оккупации Китая самураи, кичившиеся своим непобедимым каратэ, жестоко убили миролюбивого учителя кунг-фу Хо. Деморализованный народ даже не помышлял о сопротивлении. Устрашились все, кроме Жень Чена, самого одаренного ученика погибшего мастера. Узнав о случившемся, герой клянется во что бы то ни стало отомстить убийцам. И когда приходит час возмездия, стонущий под пятой захватчиков Шанхай превращается в поле грандиозной битвы между дерзким одиночкой и сонмом опаснейших врагов.
An Amorous Woman of Tang Dynasty
Man at festival
Taoist priestess Yu Hsuan-chi longs for the sort of earthy experience that a woman born to her lofty station is not expected -- or desired -- to have. While putting in an appearance with society's elite, she carries on a passionate affair with an itinerate swordsman named Tsui Po-hou. With both Hsuan-chi and Po-hou fighting against the tedium and hide-bound conventions of Chinese society, the two seem like a perfect match. Yet the ever restless Po-hou soon leaves her and continues on his travels. Hsuan-chi develops a reputation as an amoral libertine, partially because she is having sex with her maid Lu Chiao. After Po-hou returns and leaves her again, Hsuan-chi learns that Lu Chiao is pregnant but she refuses to divulge the name of the father. Hsuan-chi's reaction ultimately results in tragedy.