Октябрь 2002 года. Террористы захватили театральный̆ центр на Дубровке. «Норд-Ост» унес жизни, а сотни выживших остались один на один с чудовищными воспоминаниями. Годы спустя Наталья собирает жертв трагедии на вечер памяти и реконструирует события трех дней̆ захвата, чтобы искупить свою вину за ошибку, перечеркнувшую всю ее жизнь. Сумеет ли Наталья заслужить прощение собственной̆ дочери?
Six fresh short films on the topic "Own and Stranger" from even more fresh Estonian directors.
Six fresh short films on the topic "Own and Stranger" from even more fresh Estonian directors.
Six fresh short films on the topic "Own and Stranger" from even more fresh Estonian directors.
Performer in Soundcheck
In her fondest dreams, this film’s main character Leila (Riina Maidre) is a resplendent singer. In reality, however, all her energy and talent is spent on relationships that eat away at her soul, mind-altering substances, and glamorous showing-off. Heleri defies the rules. By playing with the possibilities of the art of film, she takes the viewer to an uneasy universe where the boundary between reality and illusion is incredibly thin. This is a world that is familiar to everyone who at some point in their life had to grow up and admit to themselves that dreaming is not enough on its own. And who have regardless of that chosen dreaming.
At an ever-accelerating pace, this thriller / dark comedy tells the story of 8 very different groups whose paths cross in the space of 24 hours. We meet a wide range of characters - from spoiled rich brats to real bottom-feeding criminal scum, and everyone in-between. In the best traditions of Commedia dellarte, the characters each have easily recognizable roles