David Parker

Рождение : 1947-01-01, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


Метод Менкоффа
Коварный русский мошенник Макс Менкофф собирается превратить сотрудников одного из австралийских банков в зомби, а потом получить деньги по их страховкам. Ему бросают вызов скромный любитель комиксов Дэвид и амбициозная помощница директора Руби.
Lea to the Rescue
Director of Photography
Born for adventure, Lea Clark heads deep into the Brazilian rainforest, where her most exciting story awaits.
Джон Доу
Director of Photography
Некоторые называют его героем. Некоторые - злодеем. Он - Джон Доу - обычный человек, который решает взять закон в свои руки. Разочарованный правовой системой, которая позволяет преступникам разгуливать на свободе, Джон Доу начинает сам вершить правосудие единственным известным ему методом - убивая преступников...
Matching Jack
A woman struggles with her son's illness and her husband's infidelity, but, after a chance encounter with an Irish sailor and his son, her life is turned upside down in a love story that defies explanation and breaks all the rules.
Matching Jack
A woman struggles with her son's illness and her husband's infidelity, but, after a chance encounter with an Irish sailor and his son, her life is turned upside down in a love story that defies explanation and breaks all the rules.
Matching Jack
A woman struggles with her son's illness and her husband's infidelity, but, after a chance encounter with an Irish sailor and his son, her life is turned upside down in a love story that defies explanation and breaks all the rules.
Executive Producer
The story of Bob Hawke - Australia's most loved Prime Minister as he faces his greatest challenge: a battle within his own party. As he fights for his life, we discover his incredible transformation from a hard-drinking womanising trade union leader into a visionary world leader. For a man who once sacrificed his family to his job, he must now rely solely on his friendships and allegiances to defeat his challenger and remain in power.
Саманта: Каникулы американской девочки
Director of Photography
Фильм о том, как девочки снова попадают в город Нью-Йорк 1904 года. Бабушка Саманты, строгая женщина голубых кровей, старается научить девочку хорошим манерам и воспитать из нее настоящую леди. Но жизнь Саманты меняется, когда она знакомится с живущей по соседству горничной, по имени Нелли О`Молли. Несмотря на то, что девочки принадлежат к разным сословиям, они очень быстро подружились, разделяя вместе горести и радости, выдерживая испытания и преодолевая опасности. Но они даже и не догадываются о приключениях, которые их ждут во время этих каникул.
Child Star: The Shirley Temple Story
Director of Photography
As America struggled through the Great Depression in the 1930s, a little girl with big dimples and indescribable charm danced her way into the hearts of moviegoers around the world.
The Miracle Worker
Director of Photography
Devoted teacher Anne Sullivan leads deaf, blind and mute Helen Keller out of solitude and helps integrate her into the world.
Catalina Trust
Director of Photography
Marshall has done well despite the hard hand fate dealt him as a boy. He's getting a raise at his marketing job and will soon marry Kitty Lehuesen, the most sought-after girl in his Brooklyn neighborhood. Though he's never forgotten the betrayal of his grandfather, things are now good—that is, until a bizarre image of the old man appears in the middle of the night.
Diana & Me
Australian Diana Spencer wins a competition in a women's magazine, and as a prize gets a trip for two to London, where she wants to meet her idol and namesake, Princess Diana. She goes there with her fiance, Mark, but during the garden party the Princess plans to attend, things get mixed up and Aussie Diana gets arrested with Paparazzi photographer Rob. Diana really wants to meet the Princess and follows Rob as he searches for Princess Di to take some photos.
Director of Photography
Amy's father, Franco, was a popular rock musician accidentally electrocuted while performing on stage. The psychological trauma leaves Amy mute and deaf. So the 8-year-old is brought by her mother, Tanya, to Melbourne to diagnose the reasons for her continued silence.
Amy's father, Franco, was a popular rock musician accidentally electrocuted while performing on stage. The psychological trauma leaves Amy mute and deaf. So the 8-year-old is brought by her mother, Tanya, to Melbourne to diagnose the reasons for her continued silence.
Amy's father, Franco, was a popular rock musician accidentally electrocuted while performing on stage. The psychological trauma leaves Amy mute and deaf. So the 8-year-old is brought by her mother, Tanya, to Melbourne to diagnose the reasons for her continued silence.
Hotel de Love
10 years ago at a party, Steven thinks he sees the girl of his dreams, Melissa. Just as he's about to make his move, his twin brother Rick gets to her first and they fall in love. Steven watches his brother's relationship bloom, longing for Melissa all the while. Eventually, Melissa leaves to go to college and the brothers go on with their lives. Steven becomes a workaholic to block out his feelings about Melissa and Rick becomes a spineless bellboy at the Hotel de Love, after a later girl friend stood him up at the altar. Enter Steven and Rick's warring parents visiting the Hotel de Love for their anniversary. Re-enter Melissa with her current boyfriend, Norman. Suddenly Rick and Steven have a second chance at Melissa. Also there's Alison the palm reader, Susie behind the counter, the owner/piano player, and the freshly married couple.
Mr Reliable
Director of Photography
All Wally Mellish, an ex-convict in 1960s Australia, wants to do is live a quiet life with his girlfriend Beryl. Unfortunately when two police officers come around to disturb this, a misunderstanding quickly becomes out of control, resulting Wally, Beryl and her child being trapped in their house, surrounded by armed police under the impression that Wally is holding everyone hostage. Events quickly spiral into a media circus as, through the siege, Wally - inadvertently - manages to become a symbol for the anti-war movement.
Возвращение Геркулеса
When Brad gets fired from his job, he goes to reopen an old cinema, he enlists his frends to help him show the last film the cinema aired before it closed... Only they don't know, the film is in Italian. With everyone sitting ready they begin to dub the movie... on the fly!
Director of Photography
Бесталанный бухгалтер Проктор страдает от хронического невезения. Этот молодой человек не ищет неприятностей, он их притягивает, как магнит. Если ему дать на выбор 50 стульев, один из которых сломан, то он обязательно сядет на сломанный стул. Корпоративный психолог находит практическое применение феноменальным способностям Проктора: он предлагает отправить злополучного бухгалтера на поиски пропавшей без вести дочери миллионера. Красавица Валери затерялась где-то в Мексике. Все попытки найти ее не увенчались успехом. Девушка, как и Проктор, отличалась катастрофической невезучестью. Отец Валери, измученный бесплодными поисками дочери, соглашается сделать еще одну попытку. Детектив Кампанелла получает задание сопровождать человека-беду в путешествии — это очень опасное поручение, ведь рядом с Проктором и спичку страшно зажечь.
The Big Steal
Director of Photography
Danny wants two things in life more than anything else, one is a Jaguar and the other is Joanna Johnson. After he is conned into trading his Nissan Cedric for a 1973 Jaguar, he plots to win Joanna and get revenge against the sleazy car dealer Gordon Farkes.
The Big Steal
Danny wants two things in life more than anything else, one is a Jaguar and the other is Joanna Johnson. After he is conned into trading his Nissan Cedric for a 1973 Jaguar, he plots to win Joanna and get revenge against the sleazy car dealer Gordon Farkes.
The Big Steal
Danny wants two things in life more than anything else, one is a Jaguar and the other is Joanna Johnson. After he is conned into trading his Nissan Cedric for a 1973 Jaguar, he plots to win Joanna and get revenge against the sleazy car dealer Gordon Farkes.
Rikky and Pete
Camera Operator
Rikky (Nina Landis) and her brother Pete (Stephen Kearney) struggle to keep their lives from spinning out of control in small town Australia.
Rikky and Pete
Director of Photography
Rikky (Nina Landis) and her brother Pete (Stephen Kearney) struggle to keep their lives from spinning out of control in small town Australia.
Rikky and Pete
Rikky (Nina Landis) and her brother Pete (Stephen Kearney) struggle to keep their lives from spinning out of control in small town Australia.
Rikky and Pete
Rikky (Nina Landis) and her brother Pete (Stephen Kearney) struggle to keep their lives from spinning out of control in small town Australia.
Молодой человек, немного не от мира сего, обладает замечательным талантом изобретать хитроумные механические приспособления. Потеряв работу, он подружился с преступной парочкой, которая быстро находит применение его способностям...
Director of Photography
Молодой человек, немного не от мира сего, обладает замечательным талантом изобретать хитроумные механические приспособления. Потеряв работу, он подружился с преступной парочкой, которая быстро находит применение его способностям...
Молодой человек, немного не от мира сего, обладает замечательным талантом изобретать хитроумные механические приспособления. Потеряв работу, он подружился с преступной парочкой, которая быстро находит применение его способностям...
Burke & Wills
Still Photographer
A story based on true events about two explorers on a doomed journey trying to cross Australia on foot in the 19 century.
Far East
Still Photographer
A cynical Australian Vietnam War veteran runs a sleazy bar in the Philippines. His old flame enters his life again asking for help when her husband, an investigative journalist, is prosecuted by the junta for discovering too much.
Длинный Уикэнд
Still Photographer
Семейная пара едет на длинный уикэнд на пустынный пляж. Эта поездка - своего рода попытка спасти брак, хотя, как становится понятно потом, довольно странная. Недомолвки, раздражительность, невнимательность - всё это мы видим в изобилии и фильм не стремится объяснять сразу же, что между ними происходит и почему. Только постепенно мы узнаём, что случилось.