Danny Yuen


I've Got You, Babe!!!
Art Direction
Marriage is a tomb of love? This film depicts the struggle of modern man to choose between bachelorhood and marriage. A sensitive yet comical look at love and commitment between men and women in the '90s. Chronicling the lives of a typical yuppie couple, Charcoal (Lau Ching-Wan) and Veronica (Ron for short) (Anita Yuen). Anita's goal in life is to have a baby, which certainly is not Charcoal's goal. Anita's best friend Ada (Lai Mei-Han) and her husband (Dayo Wong) are having a baby at the same time. However, Dayo surprisingly is a womanizer which leads to problems between the couple. In addition, Charcoal's ex-fiance Joyce (Annabelle Hui) is always around the corner.
Taxi Hunter
Art Direction
Kin (Anthony Wong) is a hard-working insurance salesman with a very pregnant wife. When his wife starts haemorrhaging, he calls a taxi, but it leaves when someone else offers more money. After his wife dies, Kin vows to get revenge on all taxi drivers by taking them out one at a time.
Налетчики на казино 2
Art Direction
По легенде Бог Азартных Игроков перед тем, как удалиться на покой, сделал два талисмана, отдав их своим ученикам. Каждый имеющий такой камень может попросить помощи у Бога, и в то время, как один из них уже использован, местонахождение второго остается загадкой. Загадкой для всех, кроме Фана, старика, готовящегося уйти на покой и готовящего смену – двух мастеров-игроков. Именно у Фана находится второй талисман, который жаждет заполучить любой ценой местный карточный мастер.
The Ultimate Vampire
Art Direction
"Vampire Buster" Lam Ching-Ying returns as Master Gao in this vampire-filled adventure. Here, he joins forces with his colleagues in ridding the world of restless ghosts, and he, himself, does battle with dozens of jumping Chinese vampires and creepy-looking zombies. Meanwhile, he must also deal with his corrupted senior colleague and a beautiful female ghost, who befriended his two pupils.
Happy Together
Art Direction
Kenny Bee works for a large Hong Kong corporation who's business practice is not exactly honorable. But he is being promoted to upper management with all its perks. Cherie Chung is a woman reporter working for Hong Kong TV station who is trying to expose the corrupt practice of the company Kenny works at. By chance they get together by being shoved into the same taxi while they're totally drunk. They again meet while grocery shopping, but they get robbed and Kenny can't go back to his home without money for the ferry. This starts a relationship between them, and from conscience, Kenny decides to expose the corruption within his company. Vivian Chow plays a secondary role as semi love triangle between Cherie and Kenny.