Érica Rivas

Érica Rivas

Рождение : 1974-12-01, Ramos Mejía, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Érica Rivas
Érica Rivas
Érica Rivas


Elena Knows
As her Parkinson’s disease progresses, a woman leads a relentless investigation into finding those responsible for the sudden death of her daughter.
Clock, Solitude
The new film by César González follows a maintenance employee at a printing house whose routine, almost as automatic as the movements of the company machines, is altered when she makes a decision that threatens both her job and her everyday life in the neighborhood.
Инес — актриса озвучивания и хористка из Буэнос-Айреса. После страшных событий, случившихся с ней во время отпуска, ее начинают одолевать проблемы со сном и кошмары. Это сказывается на ее профессиональной карьере. Инес перестает понимать, что в ее жизни реальность, а что — лишь страшный сон…
Фильм повествует о погружении матери и дочери в семейную эмоционально-напряженную среду. Аргентинский режиссер Паула Эрнандес исследует столкновения желаний с ожиданиями, когда семейное давление доводит женщин до предела.
A single mother is an expert in black magic, but has never used it to do evil, until a prostitution network kidnaps her daughter.
Дочери огня
Группа женщин случайно встретилась на краю света в аргентинской Патагонии, и отправляется в путешествие по полиамурному пути, в поисках новых ощущений, далеких от одержимости и боли. Они становятся «Дочерьми Огня» - группой, призванной помогать тем женщинам, которые ищут свой собственный путь к эротике.
Lusia Cordero
В Чили проходит саммит президентов стран Латинской Америки, на котором обсуждаются геополитические стратегии и альянсы. Между тем аргентинский президент Эрнан Бланко переживает политическую и семейную драму и пытается бороться с внутренними демонами. Ему придётся принять решения, одно из которых повлияет на его и без того непростые отношения с дочерью, а другое станет самым важным в его политической карьере.
Incident Light
In this poignant period drama set in 1960s Argentina, a young woman, struggling to raise her twin daughters alone after the tragic death of her husband, accepts the courtship of a charming but mysterious older suitor.
Pistas para volver a casa
Two siblings on a mission. After their elderly father gets hurt in an accident, they run to his side. He has breaking news about their mother, who abandoned them. He also hid something valuable and now brother and sister must work together.
Дикие истории
Romina (segment "Hasta que la muerte nos separe")
Гэбриела Пастернака обижали многие, с кем сводила его жизнь — девушка, учитель музыки, профессор в консерватории, дантист. И вот все они, на свою беду, оказались вместе с ним в одном самолете… Ночью в придорожной закусочной официантка узнает в посетителе ростовщика, который много лет назад довел до самоубийства ее отца. А у поварихи, в прошлом отсидевшей срок, для мести такому гаду сразу нашлось средство — крысиный яд… Городской красавчик ехал на своей мощной Audi по пустынной дороге и решил обогнать старый Peugeot, но сидевший за рулем провинциальный упырь решил не уступать. И вот уже кровавый итог бессмысленного соперничества не за горами…
Aire libre
A couple of thirty-somethings struggling with life, marriage, work, a kid and a new bought house outside the city.
Lock Charmer
Sebastian, a locksmith who doesn't believe in committed relationships, learns from his recent girlfriend, Monica, that she's pregnant and he might be the father. At the same time, he discovers a strange power: when he fixes people's locks, he gets a vision into their lives-a sudden flash revealing their feelings. But this unwanted gift starts to complicate his life. After he warns a maid named Daisy that her boyfriend is trouble, she leaves the boyfriend, and Sebastian takes her in. When yet another vision sheds light on his own life, Sebastian is forced to examine his hang-ups, his family, and his relationship with Monica. - Written by Sundance Film Festival
La Donna
La Donna
The night. One night. Perhaps any night anywhere. It rains. A woman. No. A man. A man and a woman. No. A man, a woman and someone else. The table. A table. A table immersed in alcohol, singing, playing music. The music. No, jazz. JAZZ! The seduction, the crossing. Acting, pretend. Laught. The kisses. No. Decline. One night, a woman a man and someone else, on a table. No. The Void.
Women Are Late
Regina and Fernanda are the owners of a family hotel in the province of Buenos Aires that has lost the splendor of other times. Submerged in bankruptcy are by chance with a significant sum of money brought by a mysterious guest.
Before Opening Night
Juana Garner
This Argentinian dramedy gives us elements of Woody Allen’s nervous comedy and Cassavetes’ melodramatic roller coaster in a storm of egos that takes place on one decisive weekend in the lives of Juana, a popular actress about to star in an important theater production, and her husband Roman, a director suffering from writer’s block. The couple’s daughter, Lila, serves as a mirror reflecting her parents’ frustrations and joys. The long takes, atmospheric music, and stellar performances, give a poignant, sometimes hilarious portrayal of a family as they attempt to negotiate their egos with their marriage and artistic lives.
Boca de fresa
It's Your Fault
Are we what others see, or are we what we allow others to see? Most likely it is the view of others which delimits our own identity, as a young divorced mother named Julieta convinces herself. This evening is like any other: her two young sons are roughhousing in their cramped apartment. They whoop and shout while their mother makes desperately futile attempts at the computer to concentrate on writing a report for work. Feeling intense pressure, Julieta tries to quiet the conflict but finds it difficult without a partner to help. The tense situation changes unexpectedly when her two-year-old falls and hurts himself. In this story of a mother suspected of hurting her own child, the movie investigates themes of motherhood, guilt, duty, the role of men and women, fathers and mothers
Night Runner
Eduardo, manager of an insurance company, is under a lot of stress and that's why he runs, especially when he is about to explode. One day, returning from an unsuccessful business trip, he meets a mysterious man at the airport who presents himself as a friend and benefactor and encourages Eduardo to change his life and be free
All the Lonely People
A hot summer in a small town. The lives of many characters intertwine as a Preacher comes to town to give them hope.
Анжело Тетрочини сбежал из семьи от властного отца, чтобы писать. Спустя десять лет в Буэнос-Айресе его встречает молодой и наивный брат Бенни. Анжело, как и хотел, стал писателем, он носит псевдоним Тетро и собирается опубликовать автобиографическую пьесу. Младший брат находит и тайком читает ещё незаконченную рукопись, полагая, что в ней будет вся нелицеприятная правда об их семье. После ссоры с братом Бенни даже добавляет в неё свою концовку. Когда же пьесу поставят, финал в ней окажется совершенно иным, потому как правда всегда сложнее, глубже и страшнее.
A Stray Girlfriend
A romantic holiday has left Inés all alone. She's not at all happy about it.
Chile 672
Silvia Locatti
Tiger Head
Castelli woman
After the May Revolution, Juan José Castelli has instructions to order the execution of ex-viceroy Santiago de Liniers. That put you at a crossroads with respect to your convictions.
Gallito ciego
Facundo is a normal and normal boy, who needs a job to survive. He has just finished high school and is in a critical situation that does not allow him to continue studying. This is how he begins to wander around the city for several days until one morning, through a classified ad, he meets Doctor Benavidez, a man of respectable appearance, who offers him a job in decent conditions. But not everything is what it seems.
Besos en la frente
Mercedes, a lady of eighty, widow and with fear of loneliness falls in love Sebastian, a writer sixty years less than her. Mercedes will feel trapped in that body wrinkled and slow that it allows she to live that love as it should be lived.
El dedo en la llaga
Eduardo Peña and Angel Ruiz are two Spanish actors who are on tour in Argentina. They try to achieve success there with a play that speaks of man and his passage through life, but the spectators are becoming increasingly scarce. One day his old car breaks down and they stop at Zapallares, a lost town. There, on the eve of the municipal elections, they meet an old friend, Professor Roberto Tolosa (Dario Grandinetti), critical of the construction of a new hotel and with the political class of the place and that will try to reopen a theater with the help of their fifth-year students, despite opposition from politicians.
El Espíritu de la Ley