Tamara Glynn

Tamara Glynn


Tamara Glynn


Savage Vengeance
Woman in Chains
In this re-imagining of Donald Farmer's 1993 cult classic, Tara and her friend Meghan encounter a group of cannibalistic criminals on the run.
Savage Vengeance
In this re-imagining of Donald Farmer's 1993 cult classic, Tara and her friend Meghan encounter a group of cannibalistic criminals on the run.
Selfie King
Take a magical journey through the eyes of Terrifier 2's Selfie Guy. 3 years of interviews shot completely in selfie mode. Tons of celebrity cameos and seeing the ups and down in the film world. Director Rick Styczynski brings to light the cult madness of Selfie King.
Ghost Track
A young teenager named Morris dies tragically on a train line, his friends helpless to save him. Now adults, his former friends find the spirit of Morris seems to be out for revenge.
ICON: The Robert Englund Story
Since first donning a tattered fedora and a glove of eviscerating blades in 1984, Robert Englund has become one of our generation's most beloved horror icons. Englund has risen to stand shoulder to shoulder in the pantheon of movie legends alongside such greats as Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee. His portrayal of Freddy Krueger is without doubt a moment as visceral to the horror genre as Chaney's werewolf or Karloff's ground-breaking realisation of Frankenstein's monster. Yet few realise the depths of England's true power as a character actor away from the latex mask and iconic red and green jumper. A classically trained actor and talented director, Englund has starred in many well-received movies in the years since Freddy's cinematic birth as well as directing his own feature film.
Ужасающий 2
Costume Shop Mom
Воскреснув из мёртвых, клоун-маньяк Арт отправляется в прачечную, где встречает похожую на него девочку. А тем временем старшеклассница Сиенна готовится к Хэллоуину и делает костюм по эскизу недавно умершего отца. Хотя ей не терпится в компании подруг отправиться на вечеринку, девушку начинает одолевать тревожное чувство. И не зря. Арт тоже подготовился к празднику, смастерил себе оружие и приступает к любимому занятию — извращённым убийствам.
The Dark Offerings
Christine Phillips
Sophia Hapgood is thrust into a horrifying world after her brother James brings her into a fatal situation. He passes a demon to her that she must spread to others within 6 days or else they both die. Sophia must make a choice to save her brother or find a way to end the curse.
In the haunted October of 1977, people are disappearing. An investigation reveals the dark and disturbing truth… a nightmarish cult of witches is responsible. Now, one family has hired a tracker to find their daughters, and take on the unspeakable horror within the coven.
Teacher Shortage
What is supposed to be an educational and collaborative weekend professional development session for the English Department of Prescott High School instead turns into a blood soaked nightmare when a masked killer targets them.
Executive Producer
A teenage girl is babysitting at a new house when she's accosted by a vicious, possessed doll. With the babysitter in bondage, the toy subjects her to a series of terrifying tales on the television, each story more grave than the last.
Simone (segment "Howl of a Good Time")
A teenage girl is babysitting at a new house when she's accosted by a vicious, possessed doll. With the babysitter in bondage, the toy subjects her to a series of terrifying tales on the television, each story more grave than the last.
Howl of a Good Time
A youngster sneaks into a movie theater during a private showing of a long lost classic horror film. She is unaware that the theatergoers aren't what they appear to be.
Howl of a Good Time
Executive Producer
A youngster sneaks into a movie theater during a private showing of a long lost classic horror film. She is unaware that the theatergoers aren't what they appear to be.
Бывший тайный агент Джек Баррабас принудительно отозван из отставки, чтобы найти внучку сенатора, где-то неподалёку от границы Мексики. Его поиски приводят к таинственной двери, и то, что он находит за Границей навсегда изменит мир.
Dead Man's Party: The Making of Halloween 5
In-depth Scream Factory documentary; one that doesn't sugarcoat any aspect of the production, from its rushed beginnings to the assembling of its cast and crew, its rocky production, and the many difficulties the filmmakers encountered along the way. Interviews with producer Malek Akkad, line producer Rick Nathanson, composer Alan Howarth and actors Danielle Harris, Ellie Cornell, Wedny Kaplan, Jeffrey Landman, Jonathan Chapin, Frankie Como, Tamara Glynn, Matthew Walker and Don Shanks (the fifth film's Michael Myers) are included. - blu-ray.com
Папаша и другие
Tammy the Paramedic
Члены невыносимо смешной семейки возращаются в Арканзас, чтобы поддержать своего дядю Хейзела, обвиненного в убийстве. Неуверенный музыкант Клод и его ревнивая жена среди тех, кто вернулся, но не успеют они распокавать вещи, как уже попадут в сети семейных споров и переделок.
Хэллоуин 5: Месть Майкла Майерса
Samantha Thomas
Прошёл год. А это означает, что вновь близится Хэллоуин и снова людям предстоит одевать страшные маски. Джейми, как мы помним, определили в хэддонфилдскую психушку, где она имела астральную связь с маньяком и видела все его действия, а также могла предсказать опасность для людей, находящихся рядом с ним. На дворе Хэллоуин, и Джейми стала проявлять признаки беспокойства, то и дело попадая в состояние трясучки. Девочка права — Майкл вернулся вновь. Вернулся, чтобы снова устроить кровавую резню…
Protege Moi
Medieval Vampire Horror on a Planet Ruled over by the Vampire King worlds oldest and most cruel vampire, his chained female servants terrorize as Soelene the outcast finds mortal love taking care of her sick human Mother.
A group of siblings become the victims of a sasquatch in the wilderness.