Pilot for a TV series. In the pilot Hiroshi Tachi is a lower ranked samurai investigating the the murder of Tanuma Okitsugu's son Mototomo by Sano Masakoto. Those events are a matter of history but the plot that Hiroshi unveils and is eventually killed for is fictional.
Minako (TANAKA Yuko), begins her day running up and down the hills of her hometown delivering milk door to door. When that's done, she heads to her day job as a supermarket cashier. Minako is 50 and single. In one of the houses to which she delivers milk is a man with whom she has secretly been in love since high school. The man, Keita (KISHIBE Ittoku), lives with his wife Yoko, who is terminally ill. Caring for her at home, he works in the children's affairs section of the local municipal office. Though he insists that he wants nothing more than an "ordinary" existence, his life is in turmoil below the surface. The director uses a variety of narrative devises to portray the loneliness, isolation, and hope of these people who have seemingly allowed their goals and dreams to slip away, whilst keeping them agonizingly close to hand.
A young boy, Masahiko Sakurai, grows up in Nagasaki where he sees the clear blue ocean everyday. His mother wants him to be a violinist. To make her dream come true, Masahiko goes to Tokyo to learn the violin, and stays with his aunt, Setsuko, in Kamakura near Tokyo. Director Mitsutoshi Tanaka's adaptation of Masashi Sada's novel of the same name received the 21st Japanese Cinema Reconstruction and Promotion Award and the 46th Blue Ribbon Award for Best Supporting Actor.
Инспектор Исокава нанимает частного детектива Киндаити для расследования убийства, произошедшего в глухой деревне 20 лет назад. Но им приходится искать человека, совершившего несколько новых убийств - одну за другой в деревне убивают молодых женщин. Как выясняется позже, убийства происходят согласно старой детской песенке, которую поют, играя с мячом.
Мусаси Миямото — один из самых известных фехтовальщиков в истории Японии. Он стал знаменит благодаря выдающейся технике владения мечом, которую он с раннего детства оттачивал во многих поединках, используя деревянный меч, а также технику боя двумя мечами: длинным — катаной и коротким — вакидзаси.