Chandrabati Devi


Chinna Patra
Starring Uttam Kumar in a double role. One is the unruly, rich and spoilt brat who is killed by his enemies, while the other, a good guy, reaches the dead man's house and is compelled to take his place
Trouble ensues when an eccentric but simple-minded villager discovers he is the only living heir of a royal estate.
The Judge
The plot revolves with series of flashbacks which reveals a judge's past and hidden secretes. Gyanendra, a judge lives with his wife Sarama. Being the Judge, every time of trial of similar cases he remembers his past, the truth about his questionable actions. Gyanendra always recalls when he was a popular lawyer, married to Sumoti, a suspicious and rude lady. But he had a weak feelings for his professor's daughter Sarama. One day Gyanendra's house was burnt and his first wife Sumoti dies. Gyanendra could not make any attempt to save her perhaps he was unable bear Sumati further. Thereafter he marries Sarama and becomes a judge but he realizes his crime and those past haunts him much.
Философский камень
Guest at Cocktail Party
Жизнь Пареша не отличалась от жизни его соотечественников, бенгальских трудяг среднего класса. Лысеющий, забавный, вечно попадающий в нелепые ситуации, он жил на съемной квартире, еле сводил концы с концами и не мог отложить денег даже на элементарные прихоти. Но однажды в руки к Парешу попал философский камень, и всего за одну ночь мужчина стал богачом, меценатом и политиком. В новой жизни его ждало еще больше проблем, например, непринятие его высшим обществом.
Sudarshan Dutta's mother
Молодые люди знакомятся, влюбляются, вступают в брак без родительского позволения. Обычная история. Жизнь в доме мужа становится невыносимой и молодожены начинают самостоятельную жизнь. Но на этом пути их ожидают еще большие испытания, чем в доме жестокосердной родни...
Thirst for Life
A philanderer only son of a millionaire is attracted to a poor orphan artist, whose god-brother is a hater of rich people, and would go to any extent to get money off them.What would happen when the roles reverse?
Prithibi Amare Chay
A 1957 Indian film about an aspiring singer and the son of a reputed businessman. His stepmother accuses him of indecency and throws him out of his house to inherit all the property of her husband. The female protagonist suffers a similar fate as her stepmother forces her to leave. They both decide to commit suicide and go to a riverbank where they meet and the cupid strikes.
Забытая мелодия
Попав в аварию и потеряв память, Алок Мукерджи сбегает из больницы. Он укрывается в доме доктора Рамы Банерджи в Палашпуре. Они женятся, но вскоре Алок вспоминает свою прошлую жизнь. Рама следует за ним в Калькутту, но муж ее не узнает. Он нанимает ее в качестве гувернантки к своей племяннице. Его бывшая невеста Лата, заподозрив Алока в связи с гувернанткой, жалуется матери. Раму выгоняют. Терзаемый смутными сомнениями и влюбленный в Раму Алок едет в Палашпур…
One Night
This film revolves with miscommunication and misunderstanding of two couples and their family which cause series of laughter. Sushavan Dutta and his wife, Anita, were invited at their relative Digbijay babu's house. While in journey Anita misses train and Sushavan has to journey with another lady Santana. Santana is the wife of famous political leader Shailesh. At night they take shelter as husband and wife in Gosaiji's hotel, Harimatar Panthashala because Gosaiji allows married couples only. Santana carries a puppy with her, which run away from the garden of the hotel and Sushovan has to chase it at night. When Anita's mother comes to know that Sushavan is untraced, she becomes angry and make chaotic situation.
Raikamal narrates the story of Rai Kamal, a devotee of Lord Krishna. Rai Kamal and Ranjan are childhood sweethearts. When Ranjan grows up he wishes his desire to marry Rai but his parents are against this match as they are Brahmins and Rai Kamal was a low caste Vaishnav.
Dui Bon
Ananda, an upcoming writer leaves his village to pursue his writing career in Kolkata
Agni Pariksha
Love story of Tapasi and Kiriti in the backdrop of social and cultural conflict regarding marriages and progressiveness.
Moner Mayur
Anu and Binay love each other and wish to get married but face opposition from her greedy uncle. They decide to elope but are caught and separated due to unforeseen circumstances.
Iran Ki Ek Raat
Two Generations
One of the early films of Chhabi Biswas featuring him as a leading man, before he came to be associated with the dominating patriarch roles that have become iconic in Bengali cinema, the film is a tale of the love, relationships and ideals of two generations. Nutubihari is an idealist who has given up his love for Kalyani for the sake of his beliefs. He marries Bimala and becomes a lawyer, fighting for the rights of the poor against the feudal lords. Meanwhile, Kalyani comes to ask refuge after she becomes a widow and is inexplicably accepted by Bimala with a lot of warmth. As the years pass Kalyani's daughter Mamata and Nutu's oldest son Arun fall in love and wish to get married. However, the new-found fame and fortune turns his head and Nutu begins to resemble all the ideals and vices that he had always despised. On the other hand in an ironical turn of events, Arun comes to occupy the position once held by his father, highlighting the generational conflict of ideals.
My Sister
Set against the backdrop of WW II in Calcutta, "Meri Bahen" is the story of a schoolteacher and his young sister. The film followed his rise to fame as a singer and the changes in his relationships following a bomb-raid.
A father worries for his younger son and asks his elder son to promise that he will do everthing in his power to ensure Arun does not go astray, educates himself and becomes an independent man. However, fate has other plans. When Arun commits an unthinkable crime, his brother fulfills the promise made to their father and shields his younger sibling from all harm.
A famous Saigal musical narrating a strange love story set against 1930s industrialization and worker-management relations. The 16-year-old Prabhavati inherits a mill and turns it into an extremely profitable enterprise. Prakash is a worker who designs a more efficient machine for the factory for which he first gets sacked and then is re-employed. He falls in love with Prabhavati's sister Sheila, who later makes way for Prabhavati who is also in love with Prakash. Her withdrawal distresses Prakash, causing him to bully the workers who then go on strike.
Devdas, the son of a zamindar, and Parvati, his neighbour's daughter, are childhood sweethearts. However, class and caste differences prevent their marriage. Devdas is sent off to Calcutta, while Paro is married off to an aged rich widower. In Calcutta, as remorse drives him to alcohol, Devdas meets Chandramukhi, a prostitute. All Indian prints of this Bengali version were destroyed in a fire that ravaged New Theatre’s studios. Today, only one copy of the film survives which belongs to the Bangladesh Film Archives. Of that copy almost forty percent is destroyed.