Pedro Mascaró


Angels at the Wheel
Marido de Gertrudis
A group of taxi drivers try to reanimate a young woman who has been close to being run over by one of them. To improve her mood all of them tell her curious anecdotes featured by peculiar customers
Pleito de sangre
Reeds and mud
Tonet lives an intense love story with Neleta, whom he has known since childhood, but the young man will be forced to leave the Albufera of Valencia and serve in the war in Cuba. During his absence, Neleta marries the rich innkeeper Canyamel. Upon the return of the war, Tonet and Neleta cannot avoid their adulterous relationship, provoking the talk of the people of the village.
Misión en Buenos Aires
La virgen gitana
Señor en reyerta
Through a pictoric play, this movie tells the story about the painter Eduardo Miranda who, one night, while he was lokking to a gipsy group that was dancing, discovers a beautifull girl called Carmen. Dazzled by her beauty he decides to paint a picture. This causes roumours in the neighborhood, and it also arouses the jealousy of his wife.
Date with my old love
El hijo de la noche
El señorito Octavio
Canción mortal
Si te hubieses casado conmigo
Conflicto inesperado
Aquel viejo molino
Tuvo la culpa Adán
Lisardo Olmedo de Alcaraz
Nora leaves the convent where she has been raised to marry a relative. Just arrived she has an accident resulting in total amnesia. Her identity mistaken a new life begins for her, where she will encounter love, adventure and even crime.
Испания, конец XIX века. Судья Хавьер Зарко находит на кладбище череп, пробитый гвоздем, и подозревает, что было совершено убийство. Когда он углубленно расследует это дело, его подозрения падают на женщину, которая собиралась выйти замуж за покойного.
Un enredo de familia
Don Epaminondas
Two families that hate each other coudn't hinder the marriage of their firstborns. From this relationship born two pair of twins. Unfortunately their parents die and each family take in one pair of twins. Time pass trough, the twins find each other and many questions need to be solved.
Boda accidentada
D. Cándido
Kitty, niece of a Marchioness, is betrothed to Don Candido, a wealthy manufacturer of preserves. Nico, an old friend of Candide who is completely ruined, arrives to the fashion hotel in which both are. Nico falls in love with Kitty, but, unlike the other men who court her, treats her with indifference. The girl, wounded in his pride, it is interested to Nico. Just before the wedding, Don Candido leaves claimed by its industrial businesses, and instructs his friend to take care of his bride. Nico and Kitty end up falling in love. Don Candido back the same day fixed for the wedding.
Viviendo al revés
La culpa del otro
Rafael works as a valet of the Marquis de la Peña. Accused of having committed a serious offense during his service, it is fired, although all is due to the machinations of the administrator. Shortly after an incident in which the Marquis is impaired occurs. Rafael comes to his defense, but will be charged again and imprisoned his wife Carolina. Their daughter will be given up for adoption.
El pobre rico
Viaje sin destino
To save a travel agency in an endangered situation one of the employees has a brilliant idea, announcing a special travel with no defined destiny.
El hombre que se quiso matar
Dueño del bar