Néstor Kirchner


Аргентина, 1985
Адвокат и прокурор подают в суд на власти Аргентины, обвиняя их в преступлениях против граждан.
Latinoamérica, territorio en disputa
Self - President of Argentina (2003–2007) (archive footage)
Documantary film on the dispute for the hegemony of the Latin American continent between conservative forces and popular movements.
The first version of the documentary produced by the Peronist militants Chino Navarro and Topo Devoto, which focuses on the figure of the former President Néstor Kirchner with archival images. This version was rejected by its producers, who commissioned a new one from the director Paula de Luque, which was the one that premiered in Argentine theaters. But a copy of Caetano's work was leaked online, and after his viewing by President Cristina Fernández it was decided that his post-production and subsequent dissemination will be completed.
Néstor Kirchner, la película
South of the Border
A road trip across five countries to explore the social and political movements as well as the mainstream media's misperception of South America while interviewing seven of its elected presidents.