Gray Hoh Bo-Yiu


Лысый тигр, толстый дракон
Director of Photography
Два друга-крепыша полицейских по прозвищу «Лысый Тигр» и «Толстый Дракон» вступили в непримиримую борьбу с наркомафией и ее боссом «Грязным Гарри». Драки, головокружительные трюки, погони, перестрелки… Им все нипочем, мафия не уйдет от возмездия, когда рядом кулак верного друга.
Big Brother
Director of Photography
Lee Wai is just been released from prison and is trying to start a new life. He has been imprisoned for commiting a robbery. He visits a gangster, Wong, who had been his partner in the robbery, to ask for his share, which Wong had actually already spent. Wong humiliates him. Later he gathers together a gang and smashes Wais taxi, which Wai relies on to make a living. Now, all hell breaks loose.
Золотая ласточка
Director of Photography
A poor scholar named Lo Chih-Chiu, played by Anthony Wong Yiu-Ming, rescues a swallow from three mischievous boys, and frees the bird afterward. The bird then magically takes the form of a beautiful lady named Hsiao-Hseuh, played by Cherie Chung, who falls in love with the scholar because he had saved her life. She returns the deed by rescuing him from a ruthless band of warlords. She and her sister, Hsiao-Shang, are both originally swallows, but can change into human forms due to witchcraft and wizardry. Hsiao-Hseuh later confronts Chih-Chiu, and later reveals she is a servant of an evil witch queen, who feeds on human blood. When the witch discovers their friendship and bond, she was on the verge of destroying him, but Hsiao-Hseuh pleads for his life in exchange for their separation. After being back in the custody of the witch queen, Hsiao-Hseuh sneaks out and reunites with Chih-Chiu, but posing as a different person to hide her identity.
Crazy 17
Director of Photography
Hong Kong comedy film.
Everlasting Love
Director of Photography
An intern doctor falls in love with a 19-year-old girl, not knowing that she is a hostess at a night club and a single mother.