Mai Nakanishi


A young woman turns on the tv to watch her favourite Korean romantic drama but realizes to her horror that she may be the one being watched.
Sujin, a college student goes to a part-time babysitter interview and meets Mrs. Lee, a working single mother who needs a baby-sitter to look after her 4 year-old daughter Hana. Sujin is hired on the spot to start right a way but soon after she is left alone with Hana, strange things start to happen.
Sujin, a college student goes to a part-time babysitter interview and meets Mrs. Lee, a working single mother who needs a baby-sitter to look after her 4 year-old daughter Hana. Sujin is hired on the spot to start right a way but soon after she is left alone with Hana, strange things start to happen.
Hello, Uncle!
Young-Jae left home when he was eighteen and didn't have any contact with his family for years. One day, his sister calls him to come back and help her with his uncle's funeral. At the funeral, Young-jae meets his niece and gets to spend the time together.
Азбука смерти 2
26 способов умереть – ровно столько, сколько букв в английском алфавите. Фильм «Азбука смерти 2» – новый взнос в копилку ужасов, где уже есть страшные истории от первого фильма. Новые 26 кинорежиссеров и очередные 26 случаев экранизированных ими жутких смертей – фильм снят для тех, у кого крепкие нервы. Словно детская азбука, буква за буквой триллер листает страницы энциклопедии ужаса, и будьте готовы к тому, что ваш самый страшный сон по сравнению с тем, что разворачивается на экране, покажется вам детской сказкой...