Juge France
For thirty years, French-Algerian sisters Zorah, Nohra and Djamila have been living in the hope of finding their brother Rheda, abducted by their father, and hidden in newly decolonised Algeria. Their relationship is shaken when Zorah, the eldest sister, decides to write a play based on the traumatising events of their childhood that haunted them their whole life. But when they learn that their father is dying, the three sisters decide to go to Algeria to seize their last opportunity to have him reveal where their brother is. When the past catches up, the three sisters have no choice but to put their differences aside.
La directrice de la maison de retraite
Léa lives in Le Havre, where she attends college whilst taking care of her elderly grandmother. To make ends meet, she works as a waitress in a night club. Her admittance to the Institute of Political Studies in Paris offers her new opportunities, but at a high price. Léa finds work as a striptease artist, so that each evening she can put into practice the theory of economic liberalism which she learns by day...
La psychiatre de l'hôpital
Isabelle Blanc, a 30 years old biologist who works at the university, awakes in an hospital and doesn't remember why she is in the hospital.Little by little the doctor explains her that she had an accident driving by night under the rain and that accident provoked the death of a person.After her work Isabelle met her companion Vincent and then went alone by car: Vincent called her by cell phone, they spoke about their future and Vincent wanted that Isabelle listens to to a song; then came the crash.After going with Vincent to the place of the accident (where she saw a bouquet of flowers for the dead person) Isabelle reads in the newspaper the death notice of Marie Delhomme.
Before Nicholas had a family and children, he was a doctor. It was 10 years ago when he left them to create a new life. Now Nicholas is Lea. When a business trip brings Lea to Paris the urge to see her children again is too great to resist, Lea pretends to be a musical journalist and interviews her daughter Emma, a pianist. Through gradual revelation the children learn the truth. Lea’s unwavering determination and spirit lead her to find reconciliation with her family no matter what the price.
Comtesse de Blancfagot
Версаль, 1780 год. Двор Людовика XVI. Грегуар де Понселудон прибывает из своего провинциального поместья в Париж, чтобы добиться аудиенции у короля и решить серьезную проблему мелиорации заболоченных земель. Но прежде чем получить доступ к его величеству, приходится преодолевать барьеры, воздвигаемые придворными. Здесь более всего пригоден решительный дух и воля к победе.
Frédéric is arrested for illicit use of narcotic drugs. In jail, he meets he get up close with various sorts of people among which he looks for a role model as a 18-year-old boy.
Louise de Charenconnay
Despite being busy with his profession of soldiery, Brantome manages to find much more time for amorous dalliances with the ladies of the 16th-century French court than for battles. Unfortunately for him, his true love, Victoire, is beyond his reach most of the time. He more than compensates for this in the arms of others.
La femme blonde
Idris is a young shepherd in the desert of Tunesia. One day a jeep drives by and a woman takes a picture of him; she says she's from Paris and promises to send him a copy. But when nothing arrives during the next months, Idris becomes worried. His father advises him to get his "face" back or bad things may happen to him. So he sets out to Paris... and discovers Paris as a world full of strange things and weird behavior.
Валентина выросла, ей исполнился двадцать один год и она сейчас подрабатывает учительницей и готовится к важным экзаменам в университет. В это время она встречает Неда, музыканта, который надеется когда-нибудь стать композитором. Несмотря на то, что они оба работают в разное время и с трудом находят время для встреч, между ними возникает пылкая связь. И на экзамене в Сорбонне Валентина анализирует свои отношения с Недом при рассмотрении сухой диссертации по мольеровскому «Мизантропу».
Paris, October 1948. Nino, Gilles, Donald, Barbara and their friends are a new breed of spectators. They discover the cinema as art, they are moviegoers. They will try to realize their grand project: to found a film club. "My film first wants to be a testimony of young people who have lived for a passion. Cinema"
Мария, спасаясь от сексуальных притязаний отца, убивает его. Её приговаривают к заключению в особой секции тюрьмы, где охранница - лесбиянка с садистскими наклонностями, которая не знает жалости и получает удовольствие только от своей работы.