Sally Alcott


Special Effects Makeup Artist
Мечтая открыть магазин в городе, славящемся своим шоколадом, молодой и бедный Вилли Вонка обнаруживает, что этой индустрией управляет картель жадных шоколатье.
Makeup Effects
В последней отчаянной попытке остановить катастрофу мирового масштаба генетики осуществляют невероятную операцию по вживлению воспоминаний и умений погибшего оперативника ЦРУ в тело опасного заключенного с надеждой, что тот доведет до конца прерванную миссию агента.
Prosthetic Designer
As a snow storm closes in, one final plane takes off. The plane reports to the ground that both pilots are dead, while the slowly dwindling number of passengers on the plane wish that they’d never left the ground.
Чистая кожа
Makeup Artist
Эван — тайный правительственный агент, перед которым стоит задача выследить и ликвидировать террориста-смертника и его террористическую ячейку.
Dead End
Makeup Artist
Carl Foster takes off on a well-deserved weekend break with his family knowing only too well that focus on work has impacted his relationship with his wife, young son, and teenage step-daughter. But after a short but restful break in the journey Carl awakens to find himself tied and bound in an old roadside diner, his family trussed and gagged next to him, and a disparate group of dirty, disheveled, vagrant-like undesirables keeping them captive. Only time will reveal who they are and what they want, but things are not everything they might seem.
Makeup Effects Designer
Five friends return from a cocktail party to a cottage deep inside the English woods of the Peak District. Having brushed off the notion of urban legends as rubbish, never occurring in reality, our protagonist's slowly find themselves weaving through their very own horror story.