Constant Girel

Constant Girel

Рождение : 1873-01-01, Seyssel (Ain)

Смерть : 1952-01-01


Constant Girel was the son of a pharmacist and studied the subject at Lyon, at which time his brother-in-law was employed at the Lumière factory. He was taken on as a Lumière operator some time in 1896, filming for them in Germany in September of that year, when he made contact with Ludwig Stollwerck and filmed Tsar Nikolas II's inspection of the German army at Breslau. It was the Stollwerk connection that no doubt led him to Switzerland, where he worked for another Lumière representative, Henri Lavanchy-Clarke, before filming the Tsar again towards the end of the year at Cherbourg and Chalons. On 6 December he left for Japan, arriving at Kobe on 9 January 1897, where he met up with the Lumière representative for Japan, Inabata Katsutaro. The pair then inaugurated the cinema in Japan with a program at Osaka's Nanchi Theatre on 15 February 1897. Girel's competence as a cameraman has been questioned, but he filmed a wide number of Japanese scenes, many of which ended up in the Lumière catalog. He returned to France after a year, being replaced by Gabriel Veyre, approached Pathé Frères but failed to find further work in film, and returned to pharmacy.


Constant Girel


Japanese Actors: Wig Exercise
A Japanese theatre performance based on a legend.
Un pont à Kyoto
Pedestrian and rickshaws traffic on Shijo Kobashi bridge, in Kyoto.
Procession shintoïste
Passage of a Shintoist procession, whose members carry banners and lanterns, somewhere in Kyoto.
Lutteurs japonais
Two fighters, in traditional costume, taking part to the national kendo tournament.
Danseuses japonaises : la danse des éventails
Danseuses japonaises : la danse des ombrelles
Geisha performance, with umbrella and fans, in Kyoto.
Japanese Sword Fencing
The earliest surviving Japanese film showing the martial art of kendo.
Les Aïnos à Yeso, [II]
Ainu people, performing a traditional dance, somewhere near Muroran, Hokkaido. A group of women is spot-dancing, while a man circles around them.
Les Aïnos à Yeso, [I]
Four Ainu men, performing a traditional dance, somewhere near Muroran, Hokkaido.
Procession, I
Groups of men and women, parading in Interlaken, Switzerland, some of them carrying banners.
Coolies à Saïgon
Two lines of workers, pulling a steamroller, somewhere in the streets of Saigon, Vietnam (nowadays, Ho Chi Minh City).
Une scène au théâtre japonais
Acteurs japonais : danse d’homme
Chutes du Rhin vues de près
The waterfalls in Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Switzerland, form a cloud of suspended droplets.
A battalion of Bersaglieri charging, at the double, comes to a full stop; the first line goes down on bended knee, while others remain standing; and all fire their weapons repeatedly.
Acteurs japonais : bataille au sabre
Japanese actors act out an early martial arts weapons scene.
Une rue à Tokyo
Rickshaws and pedestrians traffic on the street.
Sortie d’un temple shintoïste
Yokohama : déchargement dans un port
Porters carry baskets full of fish, while others carry bundles, on their shoulders, in Yokohama harbor.
Arrivée d’un train à Nagoya
Dîner japonais
A group of Japanese, eating dinner, somewhere in Kyoto, Honshu.
Repas en famille
A Japanese family having tea.
Roi et Reine d'Italie
King Umberto I and Queen Margherita of Savoy stepping down a staircase, followed by their escort, before climbing into a horse-drawn carriage.
Cherbourg : entrée des souverains russes et du président de la République sous le hall
Sovereign Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna and President Félix Faure, walking by, followed by their respective escorts.
Cherbourg : débarquement des souverains russes
Chutes du Rhin vues de loin
A small boat is approaching waterfalls, shrouded in thick fog, in Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Switzerland.
Défilé du 8e bataillon
A battalion, preceded by three riders and a military marching band, parades in front of the crowd. A man is manoeuvring a handcart bearing the inscription "Sunlight Soap" in the foreground.
Three men are chopping and transporting firewood, among passers-by, on a square in Lausanne.
Pont sur le Rhin
Pedestrian and vehicles traffic on the Mittlere Brücke in Basel, Switzerland.
Danse Tyrolienne
A Tyrolean dancing couple, accompanied by a musician, perform a traditional folk dance in a park in Cologne.
Pont de bateaux
A crowd of passers-by is granted access to a drawbridge by its gatekeeper.
Panorama pris d'un bateau
Panorama of the docks, the city and the bridge of a boat sailing the Rhine river in Cologne, Germany.
Görlitz : revue devant Guillaume II et Nicolas II
The German infantry parades in front of Nicholas II and Wilhelm II.
Guillaume II et Nicolas II à cheval
Wilhelm II and Nicholas II, on horseback, parade in front of the cheering crowd, during the inauguration ceremony of William I's monument in Breslau, Germany (nowadays Wroclaw, Poland).
III. Défilé de hussards devant Guillaume II
Several military companies parading, on foot, in front of Wilhelm II, in Breslau, Germany (nowadays Wroclaw, Poland).
II. Inauguration
Released on October 4, 1896 in Lyon ( France ) under the title “ Fêtes de l'inauguration du monument de Guillaume Ier à Breslau : II. - Le voile tombe (Lyon républicain, 4 octobre 1896)”. (
I. Avant l'inauguration. Arrivée des souverains
Lancers parading, during the inauguration ceremony of William I's monument in Breslau, Germany (nowadays Wroclaw, Poland).