Debra Gillett


National Theatre Live: The Madness of George III
Queen Charlotte
It’s 1786 and King George III is the most powerful man in the world. But his behaviour is becoming increasingly erratic as he succumbs to fits of lunacy. With the King’s mind unravelling at a dramatic pace, ambitious politicians and the scheming Prince of Wales threaten to undermine the power of the Crown, and expose the fine line between a King and a man.
National Theatre Live: The Seagull
On a summer’s day in a makeshift theatre by a lake, Konstantin’s cutting-edge new play is performed, changing the lives of everyone involved forever. Chekhov’s masterly meditation on how the old take revenge on the young is both comic and tragic, and marks the birth of the modern stage. Adapted by David Hare whose stage plays include Skylight, Pravada and screenplays include The Hours and The Reader, directed by Jonathan Kent (Gypsy, Private Lives).
Бриджит Джонс 3
Казалось бы, и карьера — в гору, и квартира — в центре Лондона, но она не была бы Бриджит Джонс, если бы не ее способность оказываться не в то время, не в том месте, не с тем мужчиной. И теперь она понятия не имеет, кто отец ее будущего ребенка: обаятельный миллиардер или известный адвокат. Одним словом, Бриджит Джонс в очень интересном положении.
Скандальный дневник
Преподавательница гуманитарных наук Шеба Харт заводит роман со своим пятнадцатилетним учеником. Тайная связь грозится стать достоянием общественности, когда об этом узнает другая преподавательница по имени Барбара…
A beautiful psychiatrist befriends an abused patient, ultimately leading to lust and murder.
Mr White Goes To Westminster
A journalist becomes an independent MP. Loosely based on the election of Martin Bell to the constituency of Tatton between 1997 and 2001.
РОКовая музыка
Susan Sto Helit (voice)
The young druid Imp y Celyn comes to Ankh-Morpork to become a famous musician, but a new guitar from a mysterious shop possesses him with a new kind of music - the Music with Rocks In. To make matters worse, Death, saddened by the death of his adopted daughter, has gone away to try and forget, and his granddaughter Susan suddenly has the family duty passed on to her.
Eleven Men Against Eleven
A curtain raiser for the 1995-6 football season and a state of the Premiership comedy drama about the corrupt world of football. Sir Bob is a football club chairman and megalomaniac. As the season draws to a climax his club are staring into the abyss of relegation. Can new manager Ted save City from the drop?
A Nice Arrangement
Documents an Indian-English family's attempt to give their Briticized daughter a traditional Indian arranged marriage, with as much photography as possible.
The Long Roads
Pat McVurrich
An elderly woman learns that she is dying of cancer. She and her husband leave their small farm on the Isle of Skye to visit their children to inform them of the news. During the journey, the couple rediscover their love for each other.
Grimma (voice)
Truckers, the first of Terry Pratchett's novels to be adapted for TV brings to life the story of the Nomes. 15000 years ago the Nomes crashed to Earth in a scout ship from the starship Swan. Generations of them have come and gone with the passing years and the changing countryside. Suddenly faced with extinction, the ten surviving Nomes, guided by their reluctant leader Masklin, must face many exciting adventures during their search for a new home and hiding place in the big, bad world of the humans.
Young Soul Rebels
Two disc jockeys have a friend's murder to solve in the fringe-group melting pot of 1977 London.
Отбросы общества
Стиви приехал в Лондон из Глазго в поисках работы. Он устраивается шабашником на стройку и вкалывает с такими же как и он бедолагами. Его безголосая подружка Сюзан мечтает о карьере певицы и немножко колется наркотиками.
Когда бабушка Хельда рассказывала своему девятилетнему внуку Люку страшные сказки о ведьмах, ни она сама ни внук не подозревали, что сами ведьмы уже здесь, совсем рядом… Повелительница ведьм вынашивает зловещие планы, она хочет погубить всех детей с помощью ужасного зелья. Если выпить это зелье, то можно превратиться в мышку. Бедный Люк уже стал ее жертвой и действительно превратился в мышонка. Однако он не собирается сдаваться, у него есть шанс спастись и спасти других. Уж о ком, о ком, а о ведьмах он теперь знает немало!