Harold Entwistle


Китти Фойль
Harrison - Strafford's Butler (uncredited)
Живущие в Филадельфии Вин Страффорд, большой босс, и Китти Фойль, его служащая, любят друг друга. Китти ждет предложения. Но не все так просто... Встреча в Нью-Йорке с романтичным, но бедным доктором Марком Айзеном. Предложение руки и сердца Страффорда. Свадьба вдали от родных. Их неприятие невестки. Социальное неравенство секретарши и дельца из высшего общества. Развод, подчиненный обстоятельствам. Второй брак Страффорда. Предложение доктора Айзена. К чему же это все приведет?
Tom Brown's School Days
When private tutor Thomas Arnold (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) becomes headmaster at Rugby, a boy's preparatory school in England, he puts into place a policy of strict punishment for unruliness and bulying. Arnold finds an ally in Tom Brown (Jimmy Lydon), a new student who is subjected to hazing and abuse by a group of older boys and is pressured by his friends to keep quiet about it. Fed up, he leads his fellow classmates in an underground rebellion against their tormentors. But certain unspoken rules still apply at the school and Brown loses his hero status when he is accussed of breaking the Rugby code of silence.
Свет погас
Old Man with Dark Glasses
Экранизация одноименного романа Редьярда Киплинга.
Грозовой перевал
Beadle (uncredited)
Главный герой Хитклиф влюблен в Кэти, но не может женится на ней из-за разницы в социальном положении. Всю жизнь он будет помнить об этом оскорблении, и мстить всем, кто причастен к его несчастью.
Никогда не отчаивайся
Миллионер ипохондрик Джон Кидли приезжает лечиться в небольшое альпийское местечко. Но и тут его находит охотница за миллионами миссис Марко и вынуждает дать обещание жениться на ней. Доктор, по ошибке, выносит ему смертельный диагноз – Джону осталось жить всего месяц, вообщем хуже некуда. Все меняется, когда он встречает очаровательную Микки Хоукинс...
Old Aristocrat at Opera (uncredited)
16 мая 1770 г. 15-летняя Мария-Антуанетта была выдана матерью-императрицей Австрии замуж за Луи Августа, наследника трона Франции. Супруг не вызвал у возвышенной девушки восхищения: одутловатый и туповатый - он только раздражал юную принцессу. Еще больше расстраивали Марию ехидный, извращенный и больной король Людовик XV и его фаворитка - интриганка мадемуазель дю Барри, почувствовавшая угрозу со стороны будущей королевы. Следуя совету герцога Орлеанского, Мария ищет развлечения в светской бурлящей жизни и состоит в любовной связи с графом Акселем де Ферсеном. Однажды дело доходит до скандала, когда Мария публично на балу оскорбляет дю Барри, ее даже намерены с позором отправить обратно в Австрию, но король внезапно умирает, и Мария становится королевой Франции
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge
Older Railroad Conductor
Captain Drummond is travelling to Switzerland to marry his girlfriend. However, when a cargo containing dangerous explosives goes missing from its place, Drummond is forced to delay his plans.
Легкая жизнь
Elevator Man (uncredited)
J.B. Ball, a rich financier, gets fed up with his free-spending family. He takes his wife's just-bought (very expensive) sable coat and throws it out the window, it lands on poor hard-working girl Mary Smith. But it isn't so easy to just give away something so valuable, as he soon learns.
Maid of Salem
Court Clerk (Uncredited)
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Мятеж на Баунти
Captain Colpoys (uncredited)
Английский флот XVIII века отличался жесткой (даже жестокой) дисциплиной. Малейшие провинности наказывались плетьми, более тяжелые проступки карались смертной казнью. Доведенные до отчаяния матросы поднимали бунты и пытались освободиться от гнета. 1789 год. Экипаж британского корабля «Баунти» под руководством жестокого капитана Блая наполнив трюмы, отчаливает от берегов Таити. До этого дня в течение шести месяцев команда корабля подвергалась физическим и моральным издевательствам со стороны капитана и его приспешников. Изнурительная работа и отсутствие пищи вынуждают моряков поднять бунт. Зачинщиком мятежа становится матрос, аристократ Кристиан Флетчер. Ссадив с корабля капитана и преданных ему людей, «Баунти» взял курс обратно на Таити, именно там Флетчер и другие мятежники решили провести всю оставшуюся жизнь…
The Perfect Gentleman
Auctioneer (uncredited)
A strait-laced country vicar is very embarrassed by his father's naughty exploits with a lively actress.
It's in the Air
Auctioneer (uncredited)
Con men Calvin Churchill and Clip McGurk know how to fix a horse-race or boxing match. Calvin wants to go straight and win back his estranged wife, but first the men must dodge a dogged IRS agent and bilk a bunch of aviation investors out of the backing boodle for a balloon excursion into the stratosphere.
Two Sinners
An ex-convict gets released after shooting a fellow who made a play for his wife. When he meets Sleeper, his life takes a change for the better, but along with her comes the boisterous little Collins, for whom she is a governess.
Paris in Spring
Charles The Butler
Afraid of marriage, Simone (Mary Ellis) breaks off her long term engagement with her fiancé Paul de Lille (Tullio Carminati). Paul heads to the top of The Eiffel Tower with thoughts of suicide. In another part of Paris and also afraid of marriage, Mignon (Ida Lupino) breaks it off from her young lover (James Blakely). Despairing, Mignon also climbs to the top of the The Eiffel Tower intending to leap to her death. There she meets Paul and the two compare stories. After discussion, Paul dissuades her from leaping and the two conspire to make their respective partners jealous by pretending to have an affair with each other.
Vanessa: Her Love Story
The Victorian wife of a mad baron waits years for a British soldier sent to Egypt.
Murder in the Clouds
Elderly Plane Passenger
Bob Halsey is a first-rate pilot who's in love with stewardess Judy Wagner. He's ordered to deliver a secret formula to Washington, D.C., but a spy hears about the assignment and sabotages it by murdering Bob's fellow flyers and making off with the liquid. While the government conducts a vast search for the formula, the spies entangle Judy in their web of deceit, causing Bob to set off on his own in an effort to save his sweetheart and retrieve the missing mixture.
Лунный камень
Ценный драгоценный камень из Индии украден в старом тёмном особняке, и инспектор Скотланд-Ярда Чарльз Ирвин должен выяснить, кто это сделал, среди всех подозреваемых, которые были в доме.
Туман над Фриско
Information Clerk (Uncredited)
Арлин Брэдфорд — богатая и испорченная девушка из Сан-Франциско. Ей наплевать на закон, Арлин водит дружбу с гангстерами и вовлекла своего жениха Спенсера Карлтона в преступную деятельность. Эверетт Брэдфорд, отчим Арлин, возмущён поведением падчерицы. До поры до времени он терпит её выходки, но однажды начинает беспокоиться, что Арлин окажет дурное влияние на Вал, родную дочь Эверетта…
Journal of a Crime
George - Man with Toby (uncredited)
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
The Crash
Waiter in Bermuda Bar
Linda Gault is a luxury loving wife who casually seduces other men while getting investment tips from one of her lovers.
The Woman Under Oath
The Judge
After a forward introduces the question of whether women are temperamentally suited for jury duty, Jim O'Neil, a young shipping clerk, is found holding a revolver over his dead employer, Edward Knox. The celebrated novelist Grace Norton, selected to be on the jury at Jim's trial, becomes the first woman juror in New York.
The Divorcee
Lord Mereston
Based on the 1907 play 'Lady Frederick' by W. Somerset Maugham, this tells the story of Betsy O'Hara in her pursuit of romance and love.
One of Many
Wilfred Templeton
The home of Mrs. Bryson and her two daughters is happy except for the poverty that prevents the girls from sending their sick mother away to the mountains. Both help to support the household, but it is Shirley who feels the responsibility of her mother's approaching death and her worry is evident to all about her. She is employed in a manicure shop frequented by wealthy men and meets Wilfred Templeton, who invites her to dine with him. He questions her about her dejected air and she tells him of her mother's illness. This is Templeton's opportunity, and he asks her to make a bargain with him. He will give her all the money she needs and in return she is to live with him in an apartment which he will establish for her.
The Beggar of Cawnpore
Col. Archer
Dr. Robert Lowndes of the British army practices in a small Indian outpost during a cholera epidemic, and to ease his fever, uses morphine. He becomes an addict, but his sweetheart, Betty Archer, makes him promise to reform. Another of Betty's suitors, however, Captain Guy Douglas, uses drugs to tempt Lowndes.
Salomy Jane
When beautiful Salomy Jane resists the romantic advances of a young ruffian, she is rescued by Jack Dart, who has his own additional reasons for tangling with the man. Jack fights the ruffian and kills him. He escapes with the law on his trail, for it is (wrongly) presumed that he is also the man who held up the stagecoach. Salomy Jane comes to his rescue when he is captured and about to be lynched.