Rıza Akın

Rıza Akın

Рождение : 1957-09-15, Adana, Türkiye

Смерть : 2022-11-02


Rıza Akın (15 September 1957 - 2 November 2022) was a Turkish actor. He was a board member of the Adana Theater Association.


Rıza Akın


The true story of a man who grew up surrounded by violence and absence of love. But despite everything he became a world-class networking master in his business life. He started from the bottom and was able to reach the top. His story show us that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome in life.
In the Blind Spot
A German film team is shooting a documentary in northeastern Turkey. In a remote Kurdish village, they witness an elderly women performing a recurring ritual to keep the memory of her missing son alive. The Kurdish translator of the German crew is also the nanny of Melek, a 7–year–old turkish girl. Her father, Zafer, works for a sinister organization and is caught between loyalty to them and and fear for his family's well being when his daughter appears to be haunted by a mysterious force. The fateful encounter of these people developes a destructive power. IN THE BLIND SPOT unravels a complex net of conspiracy, paranoia and generational trauma.
Sevmedim Deme
Can witnesses a murder in a small town. The police don't allow him to leave after his testimony. On the other hand, a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs. The whole town turns into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanity.
Pencere Önü
Pure White
Vural, a husband and a father who was raised in faith, leads a seemingly pious and conformist life. But everything takes a sudden dark turn when he finds out a truth about his personal life.
Вы когда-нибудь видели светлячков?
School Principal
Непокорная и дерзкая девушка-вундеркинд Гюльсерен проходит через одиночество, любовь и утрату, переживая сложный период политических потрясений и социальных перемен.
Aile Hükümeti
Vendors' Meeting
How much chaos can three white goods dealers who come to İstanbul from Anatolia get into in three days? The paths of Namık, Adem and Sadık, three men going through difficult periods in their lives, intersect at a dealer meeting. After a series of unexpected events, they find themselves caught in a crazy plan. To survive, the three dealers have no choice but trust each other and move fast.
The Adventures of Sukran the Lame
A none dialogue film about a young woman called Sukran, who has an accident when she is 10 years old and stays crippled for the rest of her life. Throughout the film, she seeks to create a common ground with other people. Despite her hunger to do so, she fails with people of the opposite sex, and so turns to her own gender. Again, she meets with failure; and again, she is knocked sideways. Just like all of us, Şükran keeps looking helplessly for ways to communicate with other people until the bitter end. Her helplessness may not be the exact same to our own helplessness as spectators, but they are indeed in very close proximity.
В маленьком городе у озера обнаружен неопознанный труп женщины. Учитель литературы Хаяти, тихий и неприметный человек, которого недавно бросила жена, решает заявить, что это тело его супруги. Он собирается сознаться в убийстве, которого не совершал.
Yalancı Damat
Shall No One Hold My Hand!
A long queue at the cafeteria of a rest stop. A middle-aged man, Emre, refuses to let a young mother - rushing to buy a bottle of milk for her little girl - go in front of him. This simple stand-off opens a Pandora's box when Emre's father gets involved...
В кругу семьи
Selahattin Aladağ
Фикрет и Солмаз случайно знакомятся в тот день, когда поставили точку в отношениях с возлюбленными, с которыми жили на протяжении 21 года. Невротичный Фикрет, боящийся всего, неожиданным образом оказывается вовлеченным в игру, так как дочь Солмаз Зейнеп собралась выйти замуж за парня из Аданалы. Свадьба должна была состояться в кругу семьи, однако по настоянию семьи число приглашенных все больше и больше увеличивается. Подготовка к свадьбе проходит очень шумно – с выхватыванием оружия, с соблюдением всех традиций и вспыльчивыми родственниками. Смогут ли молодые влюбленные пожениться в такой обстановке?
The residents of a small town set between a stormy sea and an ominous forest are becoming insane. They are convinced that successive signs appearing in the town are indications of doomsday.
Words Fly Away
Three young people enter to a bookshop as out of breath. And the bookseller shows the miracle of books.
The Guest
Eight-year old girl Lena who has lost her family members in a war wends her way with her little sister and their neighbor Meryem and other immigrants.
A couple in their late 30’s sets out to prepare a fake photo album of a pseudo pregnancy period in order to prove their biological tie to the baby they’re planning to adopt.
Madımak: Carina'nın Günlüğü
Ali Sivri
Carina is a young Dutch woman studying anthropology who travels to Ankara to conduct reesarch.
Until I Lose My Breath
A young girl working in a textile workshop is desperately trying to save money to make her father quit his job and find an apartment together with her. But her father does not seem to be the person she wants him to be.
I Am Not Him
Nihat, an introverted employee in a hospital cafeteria, is confused by Ayşe, a mysterious woman who just started working there as a dishwasher. Her obvious seductive approaches embarrass Nihat and make him nervous at the same time. Despite the rumors about her husband having been sentenced to many years in jail, Nihat reluctantly accepts Ayşe’s invitation to dinner at her house. This is the beginning of a strange and dangerous liaison. When Nihat discovers a picture of the woman’s husband and realizes that he looks astoundingly like him, the relation becomes even more toxic.
Три дороги
Yakup Father
Benjamin is a young poet from Turkey, works in Bosnia as a volunteer to help the extrication of dead bodies from the mass graves. He comes to Bosnia in order to escape from his past. A childish game of Benjamin causes Joseph's lover-Zeliha's dead. The psychological pressure of his job revives his past in his dreams. Zrinka is Serbian-Bosnian psychologist who is helping to the people in post war syndromes.Benjamin meets her committing suicide on Mostar Bridge.By the time they fall in love. She releases Benjamin from his qualms of conscience. Benjamin goes back to Turkey to face with his brother and past. Zrinka saw a dream something bad happened to Benjamin. She goes to Turkey but she finds secrets and new description of love.
Restoran Sahibi
Government Woman
Papaz Hanna
Xate is an ordinary woman from Midyat with eight children in tow. The only thing that sets her apart is her husband's job as Mayor of Midyat. Until, that is, an extraordinary day changes her life - and the lives of everyone else in Midyat. For the illiterate, uneducated Xate becomes Mayor of Midyat! While she takes on her mayoral duties much as she does those in her house, the infantile rivalry between her children in municipal matters leads to adventures that have the Midyat folk howling with laughter.
The father
Haunted by his dark past, a man takes a job as a fire warden in a remote tower in the wilderness, and is inexorably drawn towards a young woman with a terrible secret of her own.
Bir Ses Böler Geceyi
Ali Rıza
Küçük Günahlar
Turkish film 2011
A wig-maker from Istanbul, who suffers from cancer, becomes obsessed with a woman who enters his shop one day.
Их веселая жизнь
Burdened by troubles and caught between cultures, Riza takes a job as a mall Santa and finds that real life may not be so different from make believe.
A bag full of money lands in front of you. Is it luck? The answer to your prayers? Part of a predetermined plan? Or all of the above? Set in the chaotic streets of Istanbul, 40 is a story of three strangers making their way in a city of 12 million, all searching...for one bag. Shot entirely on location, '40' combines intense story telling with documentary style cinematography embarking on a synchronistic journey dealing with faith, love, luck, destiny, human trafficking...and a bag of cash that falls from the sky.
In Darkness
A drama-thriller centered on an advertising agency employee for whom work is an outlet from his life under his overbearing mother's roof.
Летний дневник
Ambulance driver
Много событий произошло в семье Силифке в течение одного лета. Школьник Али возлагает большие надежды на предстоящие каникулы. Его старший брат хочет уйти из военной академии. Дядя, оставивший городскую жизнь, работает мясником в деревне. Мать постоянно подозревает отца в измене, но тот больше занят торговлей цитрусовыми, чем проблемами семьи
Ali Hoca
Вторая часть трилогии о жизни поэта Юсуфа. Это не биография какого-то конкретного поэта, а скорее попытка рассмотреть, как живётся такому типу человека как «поэт» в обществе и в семье как маленькой ячейке общества. 18-летний Юсуф живёт вместе с матерью за городом. Он пишет стихи и больше всего сейчас озабочен своим творчеством. Его мать, вынужденная одна обеспечивать семью и вести хозяйство, уговаривает его быть более практичным: найти работу и помогать ей деньгами. Юсуф пытается примирить свои творческие изыскания и необходимость зарабатывать на жизнь.
Riza is a truck driver. When his truck breaks down, Riza can’t work and his livelihood is threatened. Using every possible means, he desparately tries to drum up the money for the repairs. And this includes being prepared to commit a brutal crime.