Issei Okihara


Seiji Kamiya, a pottery craftsman who lives alone in a mountain village, temporarily returns to Japan with his fiancée, Nadia, who has been assigned to work in Algeria. Seiji opposes Satoru, who declares that Seiji should quit the company after marrying and Satoru should take over the pottery business. On the other hand, Marcos, a young Brazilian resident in Japan who lives in an apartment complex in the neighboring town to where Seiji lives, sees Seiji, who helped him when he was being chased and in whom Marcos sees the image of his late father, and he becomes interested in pottery work. Meanwhile, a tragedy strikes Satoru and Nadia, who has returned to Algeria.
Кровь волка-одиночки
Хиросима, 1988 год, до принятия закона о борьбе с организованной преступностью. Если верить слухам, детектив Сёго Огами как-то связан с якудза. Вместе с другим детективом, Сюити Хиокой, он расследует дело о пропавшем без вести сотруднике финансовой компании. Это расследование обостряет и без того серьёзный конфликт между двумя враждующими группировками якудза.
The struggling, not-so-young band members try to make their live concert successful back in their hometown.
Соломенный щит
Нинагава является влиятельным человеком в японской политике и главным по экономическим связям. Его внучку убивают. Подозреваемый — Киомару, у которого есть судимость за нападение и убийство девушки 8 лет назад.
Samurai Warrior
Desperate to leave their humble origins behind, farmhands Tatsunori (Yuma Ishigaki), Ken (Suzunosuke) and Yonesuke (Ohkuchi Kengo) assume the identities of Samurai warriors in order to help protect a village from the daily raids of local bandits. But the three soon find themselves out on a limb when real Samurai Jojima (Ichinose Hidekazu) returns from the war and confronts them.
Takumi, the former boss of the Black Black Black Skull Gang, is about to graduate and he chooses Taiga as his successor. During the handover, a transfer student named Monji tries to usurp the throne of the Black Skull Gang.