Anna König

Anna König

Рождение : 1980-01-25, Kandel, Germany


Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König
Anna König


A Murder of Crows
Gloria Wiesner
Empathy is a two-edged sword, especially for Martin. Tormented by the past, haunted by the present, the chief inspector is a brilliant investigator and, together with his team, solves the most convoluted cases. From kidnapping to hostage situations, to murder. Unable to eat or sleep until a case is solved, they all take their toll.
Die Luft, die wir atmen
On a freezing cold winter day, several guests visit their relatives in an old people's home in the Frankfurt area. When the weather changes shortly afterwards and black ice falls over the area, the guests unexpectedly get stuck.
Pohlmann und die Zeit der Wünsche
Schwester Carola
Страшный пожар уничтожает известную в среде европейского агротуризма ферму Ассандира, затерянную в лесах Сардинии. Полиция пытается выяснить подробности у старого пастуха Костантино, одиноко бродящего под дождём посреди руин. Он только что потерял своего сына Марио, владельца фермы, погибшего в попытке остановить огонь. Он может лишиться внука, которого носит жена Марио, оставшаяся живой, но попавшая в больницу. Путаясь в показаниях и пускаясь в пространные воспоминания, Костантино медленно подводит к загадке пожара.
Too Far Away
Nane Lübertz
Ben (11) and Tariq (12) have more in common than they realise. Both are new to school and football and have lost their homeland. Ben's village will soon became an open brown coal mine. He and his family move to a nearby city but Ben fails to fit in at his new school. Bullied, he returns secretly to his old, abandoned home. His one pleasure, football, pales with the arrival of Tariq, a Syrian refugee and better player. But when bureaucracy stops Tariq playing, he runs away, Ben finds him and learns that Tariq is desperate to be reunited with his scattered family. Jealousy on the football field becomes friendship and understanding.
Ein Ferienhaus auf Teneriffa
Katie Fforde - Das Kind der Anderen
Ella West
Maybe, Baby!
Marie is in her mid-thirties and has been with Sascha for a very long time, sometimes she does not even know for how long exactly. The next phase in their relationship is initiated as they only get naked on her fertile days. But does she really want it? The big picture? Or rather be wild and free? When the questions in her head get too loud, she hits the 'mute' button. Until she finds herself in a chalet in the mountains, with three others. Learning that no decisions are decisions. Running away is no option, so it gets straight down to the nitty-gritty.
5 Женщин
Пятеро подруг съехались на выходные в загородный дом одной из них в Южной Франции. Приехали они, чтобы весело провести выходные, однако беззаботного отдыха не получилось. Поев на ужин салат из галюциногенных грибов, женщины быстро потеряли контроль над собой и вечер получился каким-то хаотичным. Вдобавок ко всему среди ночи в дом неожиданно проник незнакомый мужчина и весь следущий день им пришлось думать, куда бы девать его труп.
The Hannas
Hans and Anna – together they make the Hannas: A hefty couple who love to cook. They meet sisters Kim and Nicola, both anorexic and excitingly different. Opposites attract, however, and anything goes, so the Hannas each wind up having an affair without the other’s knowledge. But Kim and Nicola have a secret of their own in store.
A bride-to-be ends up on a rafting trip and meets a surprising guest: the sperm donor she's planning to use. Back in Berlin, her fiancée is visited by an ex.
Запретная территория
Родители Хелен разведены, и поэтому самое заветное её желание — воссоединение семьи. Однажды, получив весьма необычную травму, девушка вынуждена обратиться за помощью к врачу. Случай её настолько необычен, что героиня быстро становится настоящей сенсацией для всей больницы. Понимая, что это великолепный шанс объединить родителей у своей постели, Хелен уговаривает медбрата Робина помочь ей с исполнением хитроумного плана…
Brigitte Wozniak
Nina Hausen, head of an escort agency, is attacked by a stranger on her nocturnal walk with the dog in the forest. Only with difficulty can she escape him by touching him with her car and seriously injuring him. On the way back she finds in her car a bag of diamonds - apparently the ransom from a case in which a boy was kidnapped. Under pressure from a colleague reports Nina Although the robbery of the police, the diamonds but suppresses them. But that's where their problems really start ...
Cindy Does Not Love Me
A modern love story in which two men in search of a woman find the truth about themselves.
Freunde von früher
Veronika Bäumling