Adam Gardiner

Adam Gardiner


Adam Gardiner


Со вкусом можжевельника
House master
Он — обыкновенный подросток, она — его бабушка, прикованная к инвалидной коляске, но с неуемной жаждой жизни и… любовью к спиртному. Столкновение двух характеров неизбежно, но так начинается дружба, которая изменит жизнь обоих навсегда.
Pike River
Gordon Ward
On the 19th of November 2010, the Pike River mine exploded with 31 men trapped inside. In the immediate confusion that followed no one knew what had happened. Within hours two men would manage a heroic escape but 29 remained unaccounted for. Over five days the men’s families and loved ones waited, hoping they would come out alive. Then two further explosions sealed the men’s fate. However, the fuse that would eventually snuff out so many lives was lit decades before. Set in the drama of the five days between the three explosions, Pike River reveals the tragic back story of the mine where pressure for profits would eventually contribute to the deaths of 29 men. Featuring interviews with the Pike River families and scripted drama to depict key events.
The Patriarch
It is the 1960s. Two Maori families, the Mahanas and the Poatas, make a living shearing sheep on the east coast of New Zealand. The two clans, who are bitter enemies, face each other as rivals at the annual sheep shearing competitions. Simeon is a 14-year-old scion of the Mahana clan. A courageous schoolboy, he rebels against his authoritarian grandfather Tamihana and his traditional ways of thinking and begins to unravel the reasons for the long-standing feud between the two families. Before long, the hierarchies and established structures of the community are in disarray because Tamihana, who is as stubborn as he is proud, is not prepared to acquiesce and pursue new paths. The story is adapted from Witi Ihimaera's novel Bulibasha: King of the Gypsies.
Nigel Formosa
On the 7th of May 2009, Senior Constables Len Snee, Grant Diver and Bruce Miller arrived at 41 Chaucer Rd in Napier to serve a search warrant on Jan Molenaar for the growing of cannabis. This was just a routine warrant, something they had done countless times. What was meant to be an ordinary procedure turned into three of New Zealand’s darkest days and ended with one police officer dead, two officers critically injured and a member of the public fighting for his life. In some fifty hours Jan Molenaar made a permanent and devastating imprint upon the national psyche of New Zealand as he changed the lives of individuals, families, a police community, and a city. The siege was one of the worst and unexpected cases of violence both Napier and New Zealand had witnessed and it was all the more shocking because of its ordinary suburban backdrop.
Орел против акулы
Продавец из магазина компьютерных игр Джаррод знакомится с Лили из кафе быстрого обслуживания. Вместе они едут погостить к родственникам Джаррода, где выясняется, что у него есть дочь, школьный враг и психологический комплекс из-за невнимания отца к своему младшему сыну. У Лили получается подружиться со всей семьёй, однако с самим Джарродом они расходятся.
Dr. Mitchel
In this science fiction B movie a photo-journalist, Stringer, returns to New Zealand only to find himself with a mystery chest scare and a plague like infection taking grip of the local community.
Королева реки
Baine's Lieutenant
Молодая ирландка живет в военном форте на Те Авануи — Большой Реке. Она рожает мальчика от сына местного вождя маори, но ее возлюбленный умирает вскоре от гриппа. Когда мальчику исполняется семь лет, его похищает дедушка. Потрясенная семья девушки сбегает из страшных мест, она же остается, чтобы найти и вернуть сына. Тем временем отношения между маори и поселенцами ухудшаются, и к тому времени, когда мальчику исполняется тринадцать, начинается жестокая война.
For Good
Tom Grainger
A 13 year old girl is raped and murdered in a small country town. Ten years later, the murderer is up for parole and the victim's father has vowed personal vengence if the killer is released. Sometime journalist, Lisa, is haunted by the crime and in confronting the killer she starts a chain of events that puts her own life in danger.
For the last two years, Ben has watched his best friend Phil have a sickeningly fantastic relationship with Maryann, the woman Phil snatched from under his nose. When Phil says he’s moving to Australia, this ‘perfect’ relationship starts to fall apart. Maryann asks Ben to fix things up. Unfortunately the more time Ben spends with Maryann, the more he’s attracted to her.