Pedro, Concierge (uncredited)
A private detective foils the plans of villains attempting to take over Panamanian oilfields when he hides a valuable map in plain sight.
Burlaga (Uncredited)
Желая начать новую жизнь после возвращения с войны, городской пижон Боб покупает фермерское угодье с большими планами на развитие-взращивание кур и последующей продажей яиц. Правда, своими планами он не поделился со своей новоиспеченной супругой, городской штучкой Бэтти. У молодых разные взгляды на ферму, которая на самом деле требует больших усилий, чтобы превратиться в место, пригодное для жилья и ведения бизнеса. Боб и Бэтти знакомятся со своими соседями, среди которых Бэтти ждет настоящее испытание для терпения: гламурная соседка Харриет Путнэм определенно имеет виды на Боба.
Man with Basket
A beautiful young concert pianist is torn between her attraction to her arrogant but brilliant maestro and her love for a farm boy she left back home.
When author Charles Regnier (Carl Esmond) returns to Paris with a best-selling book that criticizes the government, he's tormented by frequent blackouts. After a mysterious cat-like creature slaughters people close to him, Charles is suspected of murder. Charles fears that he is the beast, but his paramour, Marie (Lenore Aubert), and best friend, Henry (Douglass Dumbrille), believe he's innocent ... until the creature begins to stalk Marie (from Netflix description).
Major Joppolo and his men are assigned to restore order to the war-torn Italian town of Adano. He has to manage getting supplies into town without interfering with troop movements, all the while dealing with colorful citizens of the town. One of his quests is to replace the bell which orders the town's life.
Spectator at Dice Table
Ковбой из штата Монтана Дюк Фергус приезжает в Сан-Франциско, чтобы получить долг в пятьсот долларов за черную лошадь. Его должником оказывается владелец казино "Эльдорадо" - Тито Морелл. Получив свои деньги, парень не спешит домой, он решает первый раз в жизни сыграть на деньги в карты, кости и рулетку, тем более учительницей в этих новых играх для него стала обворожительная Энн - певица из местного варьете. На удивление всей публике новичку начинает бешено везти: он выигрывает на всех столах и получает десять тысяч. Парню невдомек, что все игры подстроены, а Энн - лучшая подруга хозяина заведения. Жажда наживы и алкоголь делают свое дело, он проигрывает все и остается должен. Вернувшись в Монтану, Дюк продает стадо и берет уроки карточной игры у профессионального игрока по прозвищу "Вольф". Его цель - разорить Морелла...
Cajun in Cafe (uncredited)
Тела египетского священника Хариса и его возлюбленной принцессы случайным образом находят в одном из болот Луизианы. На место находки прибывает археолог Джеймс Холси, который собирается доставить останки в музей, но у его ассистента оказываются совсем другие планы на мумию Хариса.
Friendly Neighbor (Uncredited)
Meek busboy Little Pinks is in love with an extremely selfish showgirl who despises and uses him.
The Cisco Kid is captured while keeping a rendezvous with cantina dancer Dolores but is released by his captor, the commander of a U.S. Army regiment, to help break up a kidnap ring. On his way to Las Tables with his pal, Gordito, he makes a stop at the Martinez Rancho, where they learn that his friend Carlos has been kidnapped, from his wife Marquerita. At the Crystal Palace Saloon, Cisco runs into an old girlfriend, Sally, who he once jilted for a tight-rope walker, but she doesn't betray him when the sheriff and an army officer enter searching for Cisco.
Man in Refugee Station Line (uncredited)
Йозеф Штайнер, Рут Голланд и Людвиг Керн бегут из Германии, спасаясь от нацистского режима. У каждого из них свои причины для бегства: Рут — еврейка, Йозеф, как и многие другие, не желает принимать фашистскую идеологию. С Людвигом ситуация сложнее — он сын еврейки и арийца. Он не знает, кому верить, что взять за истину в своей жизни, его терзают сомнения. Даже во время бегства есть место человеческим чувствам. Людвиг и Рут влюбляются друг в друга, а Йозеф пытается вернуть свою больную жену Марию. Идет война, нацисты вселяют страх, но находится место любви. По роману Эриха Марии Ремарка "Возлюби ближнего своего".
Pop Fiachhetti (uncredited)
Two troublesome boys grow into very different men, one becoming a hoodlum and the other embracing college but both are in-love with the same girl.
Moreno (uncredited)
Молодой щёголь Диего Вега возвращается из Испании в родную Калифорнию, где его отец был алькальдом (мэром) Лос-Анджелеса. Однако те времена давно прошли: сейчас в этой местности заправляет новый алькальд Луис Кинтеро, поддерживаемый войсками капитана Эстебана Паскуале. Они беззастенчиво повышают налоги, ввергая и без того не богатых крестьян в настоящую нищету, а пытающихся сопротивляться подвергают жестоким наказаниям. Однако вскоре после приезда Диего в окрестностях появляется некто Зорро, решивший бросить вызов творящимся несправедливостям…
О сотрудничестве техасского ковбоя с канадской конной полицией в поисках убийцы, сбежавшего из Канады.
Scarred Native
The nefarious Dr. Fu Manchu searches for the keys to the tomb of Genghis Khan, in order to fulfill a prophecy that will enable him to conquer the world. His nemesi, Dr. Nayland Smith and his associates fight to keep the evil doctor from getting his hands on the keys. In 1943 the serial was edited together into a feature movie also called Drums of Fu Manchu.
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Фильм рассказывает о романе певицы из петербургского кабаре Лидии Макаровой и лихого казачьего атамана Петра Карагина. Петр и Лидия спасаются от революции в Париже. Здесь Петр открывает ресторан, где собираются российские изгнанники всех сословий. Ресторан называется «Балалайка» в честь кабаре, в котором Лидия пела в Петербурге. Лидия и Петр исповедуют разные политические взгляды, но их влечет друг к другу…
Warehouse Boss (uncredited)
Шли «ревущие 20-е» годы, время, когда спор решали пулями, а автоматные очереди все чаще нарушали тишину улиц. Вернувшиеся в Чикаго по окончании Первой мировой войны, Джордж и Эдди начинают сколачивать свои капиталы, торгуя контрабандным спиртным и организовав крупную банду. Их рэкет процветает, пока «здоровая» конкуренция не вмешивается в их дружбу. Выясняется, что уложить всех вокруг себя гораздо проще, чем договориться…
Convict (uncredited)
Заключенный в тюрьму за убийство после написания статьи о коррупции, репортер Френк Росс уверен, что сможет доказать свою невиновность и выйти на свободу. Но не так работает система тюрьмы «Роки Пойнт».
Охрана жестока, работа на мельнице джута нескончаема, а силы, с которыми Росс боролся на свободе, намерены надолго удержать его за решеткой. Вера Френка поколебалась, и он начинает сдаваться…
Egyptologist, Dean Lambert, accused of car-theft, skips bail and begins a cross-country trek to join a group in New York headed for Egypt. With the police close on his trail he gets in and out of scrapes along the way.
When headstrong pilot Bill Kellogg disobeys orders and takes a plane to photograph potential landing fields in uncharted Latin American country, he ends up running out of gas and crashing. The members of a nearby tribal village save Bill from the wreckage, but arent willing to help him get home.
Misery - Monkey's Owner (uncredited)
A starving, uncompromising artist and an heiress fall in love on first sight and immediately get married. She loves his outrageous behaviour, his strange room-mate and the best apartment poverty can buy.
После смерти мужа Джойс Уильямс остается с маленькой дочкой Присциллой без средств к существованию. Поэтому она без колебаний принимает приглашение своего свёкра полковника Уильямса, возглавляющего шотландский полк в Британской Индии, и переезжает к нему — в небольшой гарнизон на границе с территориями, заселёнными воинственными кочевниками. Непоседа Присцилла, пристающая ко всем со своими вопросами, увлекается военной жизнью и вскоре заводит дружбу с суровым сержантом Макдаффом. Последний достаёт ей военную форму, делает из деревяшки «ружьё» и даёт ей прозвище — «рядовой Вилли Винки». Тем временем ситуация на границе обостряется, гарнизону грозит нападение кочевников…
Armenian Rug Salesman (uncredited)
J.B. Ball, a rich financier, gets fed up with his free-spending family. He takes his wife's just-bought (very expensive) sable coat and throws it out the window, it lands on poor hard-working girl Mary Smith. But it isn't so easy to just give away something so valuable, as he soon learns.
Italian Man (uncredited)
An Italian immigrant studying the law gets mixed up with crooks.
Bonnie Brewster and "Packy" Campbell, rival reporters on competing newspapers, team up to put an end to a smuggling gang that brings illegal aliens to the United States, and then makes further victims of them by extortion payments. They go to Vancouver, Canada and board a ship carrying aliens. But the gang recognizes them as reporters and gang-henchmen Tony Scula (Ralf Harolde) and Ira Conklin take them off the ship. But Campbell recognizes Scula as the gunman who killed Carmen Zoro.
Brazilian Opera Troupe (uncredited)
On her debut as an opera star, Marion Stuart is interrogated and possibly implicated in the death of a male acquaintance. Released, although thoroughly shaken-up, Marion attempts to perform but loses her voice onstage. Humiliated, but driven to sing, she travels to South America under the assumed name of Maria Delasano, and works in an opera company under the tutelage of Feodor Glinka, who wants her to shun men and save herself for her art. Mary resists the persistent attentions of wealthy young Phil Roberts, who follows the company in hopes of marrying her. ...
Diner Proprietor
Ford Adams regains consciousness in Boston, bloody and suffering from amnesia. Information he eventually uncovers (with the help of Marie Smith) connects him to a well-known producer--who's just been murdered.
Waiter (uncredited)
A wide-eyed working girl wins a $5,000 sweepstakes and plunges into the lush life of New York City, where she meets a bellboy who is more than he seems.
Juror in Backgound of Jury Room (uncredited)
Just after a jury finds Ann Grey guilty of murder, the car carrying her to prison crashes into another car. Ann escapes and ends up in lawyer Tony Baxter's car. Tony realizes Ann is innocent, so he vows to help her prove it, risking his neck in the process. Tony and Ann are pursued by the police and by Smiley Gordon, a mob boss who engineered Ann's escape thinking that she can lead him to a $250,000 stash.
Mexican Waiter
The film tells the story of Sylvia, a French teacher at an all-girl school, who wants to find love. When she hears Bill Williams on the radio, she decides to go visit and thank him. However, difficult problems lay ahead when Lili gets in the way.
Hollis (uncredited)
Главарь банды рэкетиров Пэтси Гарган, за помощь местному политикану в предвыборной компании по всем канонам ганстерской традиции — «Голосуй за нашего кандидата или готовь костыли.» в качестве вознаграждения получает должность заместителя директора в исправительной школе для малолетних преступников. Пэтси и не думал вникать в работу данного заведения, а сама должность интересовала его лишь как возможность регулярно получать заместительскую зарплату.
Но первый же приезд, который должен был стать последним в корне меняет отношение Пэтси. Увидев чудовищьные условия и жестокость персонала по отношению к детям, которых управляющий школой Томпсон и вовсе считает недочеловеками, показывая это всем своим видом, держась подчеркнуто высокомено по отношению к подопечным. Они для него отбросы общества, выходцы из трущоб, из неблагополучных семей, и Томпсон использует их как бесплатную рабочую скотину на производстве.
Thief Gaston Monescu and pickpocket Lily are partners in crime and love. Working for perfume company executive Mariette Colet, the two crooks decide to combine their criminal talents to rob their employer. Under the alias of Monsieur Laval, Gaston uses his position as Mariette's personal secretary to become closer to her. However, he takes things too far when he actually falls in love with Mariette, and has to choose between her and Lily.
Crewman (uncredited)
A Portuguese tuna fisherman catches his bride with his first mate.
Would-Be Bootlegger (uncredited)
The evils of alcohol before and during prohibition become evident as we see its effects on the rich Chilcote family and the hard working Tarleton family.
Gendarme (uncredited)
A charming and very daring thief known as Arsene Lupin is terrorizing the wealthy of Paris, he even goes so far as to threaten the Mona Lisa. But the police, led by the great Guerchard, think they know Arsene Lupin's identity, and they have a secret weapon to catch him.
Mr. Lombardy (uncredited)
Действие фильма рассказывает о временах войны, развязанной таксомоторными компаниями против независимых извозчиков. Сью остается одна, когда ее пожилого отца сажают в тюрьму за убийство водителя грузовика, который по наущению таксомоторной компании намеренно разбивает его такси. В тюрьме отец умирает, а Сью приглашают на собрание водителей, на котором Мэтт призывает друзей к активному сопротивлению…
Francisco del Rey (as Hector Sarno)
Returning from the war, Buck finds his younger brother in trouble.
Don Pablo Carlos (as Hector Sarno)
A cowboy looking for his missing father, poses as an outlaw and joins the gang he thinks is responsible.
Mexican (uncredited)
Stephen Ghent, a mineowner, falls in love with Ruth Jordan, an arrogant girl from the East, unaware that she is the daughter of his dead partner. Ruth is vacationing in Arizona and Mexico with a fast set of friends, including her fiancé, Edgar. Manuella, a Spanish halfbreed hopelessly in love with Ghent, causes Ruth to return to her fiancé when she insinuates that Ghent belongs to her. Ghent follows Ruth, kidnaps her, and takes her into the wilderness to endure hardship. There she discovers that she loves Ghent, and she discards Edgar in favor of him.
Pop Fry
Mary, a poor farm girl, meets Tim just as word comes that war has been declared. Tim enlists in the army and goes to the battlefields of Europe, where he is wounded and loses the use of his legs. Home again, Tim is visited by Mary, and they are powerfully attracted to each other; but his physical handicap prevents him from declaring his love for her. Deeper complications set in when Martin, Tim's former sergeant and a bully, takes a shine to Mary.
Nikolai Petrovich
One of the doubles is the prince of the mythical country of Libania, while the other is a down-to-earth college student, working his way through school as a ship's stoker. Inevitably, the stoker poses as the prince to save the latter from political assassins
Host of Stumble Inn (uncredited)
A flapper unwittingly falls for the boss' son.
Italian father
A newspaper publisher's daughter is arrested for speeding. In order to avoid embarrassing her father, since his newspaper is in the midst of an anti-speeding campaign, she uses an assumed name. She is paroled into the custody of an assistant district attorney, who doesn't know who she really is.
Miguel (as Hector Sarno)
The Duchess of Aragon is wooed by King Ferdinand VII of Spain, much to the displeasure of his mistress Countess Veya, who forces the Duchess out of Spain and into Puerto Rico, where she is forced to behave in very unladylike manners, such as riding horses like a cowboy, and dueling with and fending off various brigands and bandits.
Galilean Carpenter (as Hector Sarno)
The King of Kings is the Greatest Story Ever Told as only Cecil B. DeMille could tell it. In 1927, working with one of the biggest budgets in Hollywood history, DeMille spun the life and Passion of Christ into a silent-era blockbuster. Featuring text drawn directly from the Bible, a cast of thousands, and the great showman’s singular cinematic bag of tricks, The King of Kings is at once spectacular and deeply reverent—part Gospel, part Technicolor epic.
Professor Oliver
A woman with a sordid past is redeemed by love in this silent melodrama from low-budget Sanford Productions.
Toni (as Hector Sarno)
The story of a man who was robbed of his greatest love and the South Seas wildflower who found it for him, in the land of pawn trees where men of all nations gather; some seeking vengeance and some forgiveness.
The Song of Love is a silent film of 1923 directed by Chester M. Franklin and Frances Marion. The film was produced and starred Norma Talmadge.
This historical piece, set in the Huguenot days of France, is Norma Talmadge's 37th feature film and the longest to date at two hours. The plot involves a man forced into servitude who falls in love with the sister of his persecutor. It was Ms. Talmadge's fourth involvement with director, Frank Lloyd and the cast included future star, Wallace Beery.
Martinez (as Hector Sarno)
Mix is Grant Malvern, a rancher who befriends scientist Quentin Durant (Tom S. Guise) after rescuing him from a trio of Chinese crooks. The crooks want to find Durant's Arizona gold mine, and the map to the location is contained in a pair of rings. After the crooks track down Durant and kill him, one of the rings winds up with Durant's daughter, Helen (Adams), and the other falls into Malvern's hands.
Ali Hasson (as Hector Sarno)
Tom Mix travels from the desert of the American West to the Sahara desert in this picture, which is as much farce as it is Western
General Sánchez (as Hector Sarno)
When Henry Boone hears his grandfather's stories of his youth as a pioneer and scout, he is gripped by the fires of romance and decides to hunt adventure. Boone finds himself in an airplane carrying a military message to a leader of a revolution in a South American country. He is arrested as a spy but escapes and saves the ruler's daughter from the revolutionaries.
Barry Gordon, the older son of a Virginia colonel, inherits a taste for alcohol--a habit that caused his father's death. His brother, Tom, falls in love with Muriel Beekman, their guardian's daughter. Barry also loves her but feels rejected. Three years later, after extended travels, Barry learns that Tom, having been sent to Morocco by Mr. Beekman, has been captured by desert marauders and is being held for ransom. He begins a search for him and in Tangiers encounters the Beekmans and Kitty Van Ness. Barry and Muriel discover their love for each other, but he refuses to commit himself while Tom is still alive.
Emeliano Gómez (as Hector Sarno)
An unemployed cowboy (Tom Mix) joins a circus and falls in love with a woman (Eva Novak) whose father takes a shine to the ranch hand.
Buck Fallon (as Hector Sarno)
A society girl goes to live in the woods with her evil uncle and his wicked housekeeper.
A young man who has proven a failure in business goes to Alaska and enters the salmon-fishing industry, in direct competition with the father of the woman he loves.
Felipe Lopez
Maria Lopez is the daughter of an American mother and a Mexican father, who is the head of a band of insurgents. As a child, she was kidnapped by her father and raised south of the border to hate gringos. She begins to like them a lot better when, during an escape from some Mexican "Rurals," she crosses the border and is captured by Texas Ranger Danny O'Neil. He lets her go, and they fall in love, but their romance is interrupted when she hears that her father has been captured by Americans.
Sergius Kerkoff (as Hector Sarno)
The story of twin sisters, one raised in Russia, the other in America, and how their lives diverge and re-entangle.
Emile Le Duc
Wastrel New York millionaire Roland Van Dam travels to New Orleans during Mardi Gras, looking for adventure and romance. Because the costume he is wearing includes a red gardenia, he is mistaken for escaped prisoner Emile Le Duc by a woman (who turns out to be a long-lost cousin) who was to meet Le Duc, who was to be wearing a red gardenia. It turns out that Le Duc is the head of a vicious gang of counterfeiters, and Roland winds up getting in more adventures than he had hoped for.
Lebel (as Hector Sarno)
The picture shows Jeanette (Thelda Bara) becoming the mistress of the ambitious Jean DuBarry (Herschel Mayall) who marries her off to one of his cousins so that she has an entree to the court. She soon becomes the favorite of the King (Charles Clary) and Jean DuBarry becomes a regular around the Court too. But all this is disturbed when Madame DuBarry falls for Conte Brissac of the King's Guard (Fred Church). DuBarry's attempts to expose her affair only get him banished from the court.
Revolutionist (as Hector Sarno)
Lisza Tapenko (Bara) is governess in the household of Prince Arbasoff (Charles Clary). After the death of his wife, Lisza and he become involved, but because of the difference in social station he refuses to marry her. Lisza's former lover, Vassya (Richard Ordynski), convinces her to join the revolution and she goes off to the group headquarters in Switzerland. But the prince's little boy begs to have Lisza come back, so he goes after her and marries her.
Joe Pagliano
Guilty is a 1916 silent film
Simon Hathaway
Although Kenneth Carmont and Esther Saunders, criminal Bert Saunders' sister, love each other, Esther marries detective Elwood Collins, who agrees to stop pursuing Bert if she accepts his proposal. One night, Kenneth and Esther hide Bert, who has escaped from the police. The same night, Kenneth's father is murdered. The evidence implicates Kenneth, who cannot supply his whereabouts at the time of the crime, as that would give away Bert. Esther cannot clear Kenneth for the same reason, and because it would let her husband know that she was with her former sweetheart.
Carl Weisner
Stone assures Weisner, head of the Coal Trust, that Larnigan will never start for Pennsylvania. Weisner is skeptical and informs Stone that if he does go he may be killed, as a strike is in progress. Weisner, a little later in Maxwell's home repeats the statement of it being an easy matter to kill Tom should be come to the coal country. Dorothy Maxwell and Kitty Rockford overhear the conversation. They decide to go to the coal country and lend their aid to Tom.
Undetermined Role
After Count John Karpathy, belovedly known as the Nabob, falls ill while entertaining the peasants of his estate, his dissolute nephew and sole heir, Count Bela, comes home from Paris to acquire his inheritance. The Nabob recovers and, after hearing Bela's plan to squander the money, resolves not to give Bela anything while he lives.
The Rival
The young contractor scrapes acquaintance with the girl by petting her dog, and, having met her mother, insinuates himself into the old lady's good graces. But he cannot fool the dog, and so aggressive does the animal become that the girl's mother gives it to a passing farmer. The girl is forced to accept the contractor's attentions, notwithstanding that she has a favored suitor, a young man of the town. In desperation she runs away, intending to join her lover, but on the road she is overtaken by the contractor, who brings word that the dog has been badly hurt and may not live. Anxiety over her pet disarms her suspicions, and she enters the schemer's motor car. Her suitor sees her struggling with the abductor, boards a trolley car, and overtaking the automobile, leaps into it to fight for his love.
An adaptation of the stage warhorse East Lynne featuring a young, curly-haired Alan Hale as the villain.
Heroine Laura suffers spectacularly as her romance with her soldier sweetheart is destroyed by malicious gossip.
Carlos - the Gypsy
Young gypsy girl Mary, is seduced by the immoral Robert Crane and abandoned. She is exiled from the gypsies and, along with her mother Zenda, known as "The Woman in Black," she vows revenge. Meanwhile, Crane blackmails Stella Everett's father into forcing her to marry him, even though she loves Frank Mansfield, Crane's rival for a congressional seat. Frank wins, but Stella still faces the prospect of marriage to Crane until Zenda comes to her with a plan. On their wedding day, after the vows are recited, when Crane lifts the veil from his wife's face, he is shocked to discover, that his new bride is Mary. Now Stella and Frank are free to marry, and Zenda has gained her revenge.
Harold Norwood
An innocent man, serving a sentence of five years in prison through the perjured testimony of the real criminal, Steve Carson, foreman of a shipyard, strikes up a warm friendship with his cellmate, Harold Norwood, a defaulting paying teller. No less strange than their friendship is the befriending of Steve's wife, Annie, by Julia Seymour, prima donna, who is Norwood's wife. As a reward of good behavior, the men are released on Christmas morning. Annie is bewildered by the receipt of a bank book which shows that large deposits of gold have been made in her name and that of her sister, Mary, by their uncle, George Hosford, who, dying in Alaska, has entrusted the book to Joe Hawes, a fellow prospector.
Count Ivan Lanski
Set in London (but filmed in New Jersey), the story endeavors to prove that man's greatest enemy is liquor. When elderly tosspot John Warriner is shot for trespassing, Warriner's son holds property owner Sir Arthur Stanton. Thus begins a bitter and deadly feud between the Warriner and Stanton clans, fueled by rotgut booze. Prints of the film survive in the film archives of the Library of Congress and the Museum of Modern Art.
In his moment of weakness, the bank thieves prevented the young cashier from becoming that against which his heart rebelled, a thief. Evidence however, was against him. The detective's clever unwinding of threads saved both his own and his sweetheart's happiness.
In Club (uncredited)
In this film one is shown the contrast of two fathers. One father refuses to believe his son guiltless, while the other, fully realizing the weakness of his son, struggles to save him from further disgrace. In this attempt he exonerates the innocent youth, but at the same time exposes the guilt of his own son.
In Posse
The Stolen Bride is a 1913 short drama.
The Miscreant Sailor
Elusive as is the pursuit of pirate gold it is found in this picture and brought to the ship by the very mutineers themselves. Here fate intervenes with justice and the miscreant mate after a series of exciting adventures is outwitted through his own weakness.
Nine-year-old Nedda is a direct descendant of the Trevors, a family that can trace its roots back to the reign of King Charles I. Alas, the Trevors suffer severe financial reverses, and Nedda is yanked from the luxury of her ancestral home in Britain to be raised on New York's Lower East Side. Ten years later, the grown-up Nedda stands accused of the murder of her mother.
An Indian
When the Great Chief's body is placed before the funeral pile by his mourning braves, his sacred blanket is covered over it and a sentinel left to watch that this, his last resting place, is not desecrated. The tribe has just departed for their village when a mountain outlaw appears and succeeds in stealing the blanket, having given the sentinel doctored whiskey. When the Indians discover this they exile the unfaithful sentinel until he can recover the blanket.