Heather Conkie


A Heartland Christmas
Executive Producer
Christmas comes to Heartland, along with an anonymous call about starving horses stranded by an avalanche in the Rocky Mountains, which send Amy and Ty to their rescue.
A Heartland Christmas
Christmas comes to Heartland, along with an anonymous call about starving horses stranded by an avalanche in the Rocky Mountains, which send Amy and Ty to their rescue.
Шпионка Хэрриет: Война блогов
Молодая шпионка Гарриет Уэлш, всегда мечтала писать на блоге своей школы. Ведь это самый популярный блог. Но Гарриет сталкивается с проблемой в лице популярной школьницы Марион Хоторн. Теперь девочкам надо доказать, кто из них лучшая блогерша… хотя Марион пойдёт на всё, чтобы стать ещё более популярной школьницей.
Bailey's Billion$
Sweet and savvy talking golden retriever, Bailey, is one doggone lucky pooch when his devoted owner, Constance Pennington, leaves him her entire billion-dollar fortune. Bailey is lucky, that is, until he becomes the target of an elaborately-designed dognap scheme hatched by Constance's nasty nephew Caspar and his money-hungry wife Dolores. The despicable duo's wicked plan is to ultimately gain custody of the canine so they can get their greedy paws on his inheritance. Unfortunately for them, there's a thing or two they don't know about Bailey. Not only does he have great street smarts, he has great pals too. Bailey's loyal guardian Ted, kind-hearted animal advocate Marge, her daughter Sam, and a clever border collie named Tessa set out on a hilarious madcap adventure to free their four-legged friend and put the nasty dognappers out of business-for good!
После гибели жены Уэс Мерритт решает, что им с 14-летней дочерью Натали будет полезно сменить обстановку. Они покидают полный воспоминаний Нью-Йорк и переезжают в небольшой городок Рингвуд, где родилась и выросла супруга Уэса. В поисках жилья отец с дочерью знакомятся с работницей местной библиотеки миссис Эшборо. После внезапной смерти миссис Эшборо, предприимчивый племянник, являясь единственным родственником покойной, тут же продаёт освободившуюся жилплощадь семейству Мерритт. Обживаясь на новом месте, Натали начинает замечать присутствие в доме некой потусторонней силы: предметы перемещаются непонятным образом, пианино само по себе начинает играть, а в довершение всего девочка видит призрак кошки бывшей владелицы дома. Преданная Маргарет, умершая в один день с миссис Эшборо, вернулась в мир живых, чтобы исполнить последнюю волю хозяйки…
Pit Pony
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia Canada, 1901. Willie MacLean is a 10-year-old boy with a love for horses and liking to school to cape the difficult times his family has. Willie's stern, but benevolent father is a coal miner in a local mine along with his older brother John. But when Willie's father is injured and John is killed in an accident at the mine, Willie is forced to step into his brother's shoes to support his older sister Nelle, and two younger sisters until their father recovers. Willie soon finds work at the mine lonely (aka: the pit) and unfriendly in which he forms a bond with a pit pony horse in order to make it though each day.
Marie Curie: More Than Meets the Eye
During World War 1, the young Boudreau sisters decide to aid the war effort by catching spies. The strange activities of Nobel-Prize winning scientist Marie Curie make her a prime suspect. When the girls follow Curie to the battlefront, they witness her fight to use science and her X-ray machine to save the lives of the wounded, including their father.
Newton : A Tale of Two Isaacs
As Newton devotes himself to the difficult and solitary path of challenging the existing view of the universe and proving his own theories on celestial movement and gravity, his young scribe Humphrey wavers between pursuing science or following his heart.
Galileo: On the Shoulders of Giants
Galileo is thwarted in his pursuit to uncover the universe's mysteries by a lack of money, a lazy brother and a jealous rival. Luckily, he finds support from his student, Prince Cosimo, son of the Medici family.
Rossini's Ghost
Nine-year old Reliana witnesses Rossini's efforts to salvage his seemingly cursed new opera, the Barber of Seville.
Beethoven Lives Upstairs
When his mother rents their vacant room to a peculiar composer, Christoph can't believe his bad luck. But as the abrasive boarder, Ludwig Van Beethoven, begins creating his masterful 9th Symphony, Christoph is won over by the majesty of his music. This lighthearted family drama was awarded the 1993 Emmy for Outstanding Children's Program.
The Kidnapping of Baby John Doe
A mother gives birth to an infant with Down Syndrome. The doctor advises that the child has multiple medical problems and advises that she "allow nature to take it's course". The child's crib is pushed into a closet because the hospital staff can no longer stand his screams as he is not being fed. One of the nurses smuggles him out of the hospital and has an intern come to do the minor but lifesaving corrective surgery on her kitchen table.