Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Even with all the brutality in the Brazilian dictatorial period, many artists presented themselves as a resistance, using their talent and creativity as a way to trick the censorship.
Director of Photography
A detailed retrospective of an emblematic moment in Brazilian history, the abolition of slavery, presented from another perspective. Contrary to what was preached by textbooks and other aspects of official history for a long time, it was not merely the signature of Princess Elizabeth in the Golden Law on May 13, 1888, that freed the slaves, and neither was such a gift a gift or a step in the direction of mythological racial democracy.
Director of Photography
Futebol Bororo, directed by Alê Braga and produced by TV Escola, discusses popularization and as symbols of football for the Bororo Indians of the Menuri village, in Geraldo Carneiro, Mato Grosso, as a form of identity and socialization.
Director of Photography
Present in nearly all cultures and used for many purposes, drums have unique shapes, sounds, names and accents in each region of the world. Behind this vast legacy are individuals who play them and are touched by these ancestral instruments. From the rare budimas used by Tonga people in Zambia to the large drums of the Chinese temples, from the religious festivals of Brazil to the rhythmic richness of the Arab World, these men and women keep this tradition alive.
Second Assistant Camera
Команда исследователей отправляется на поиски затерянных индейских племен в самое сердце таинственных джунглей Амазонки. Наслаждаясь пейзажами великой реки, они не подозревают, что их проводник — сумасшедший охотник, помешавшийся на идее поймать гигантскую змею. Никто не верит его рассказам о мистическом хищнике, пока не появляется первая жертва, и их путешествие превращается в борьбу за выживание. Анаконда не ждет охотников, она сама — охотник.
Assistant Camera
Американский чемпион по кикбоксингу Дэвид Слоун приглашен в экзотический Рио-де-Жанейро для участия в благотворительном соревновании. Там он подружился с уличной девчонкой Ларой, которую — с целью шантажа — похитил менеджер соперника Дэвида. Сможет ли он спасти Лару и стать победителем? Или ему придется сделать другой выбор?