Isabelle Moreau


Vote Bougon
Paul Bougon ignites social media networks and public opinion after his brief participation in a television program. Having become an instant celebrity thanks to his outspokenness, he decides to go into politics and founds his own party. With the help of his devoted entourage and at the head of the PEN (Parti de l’Écœurement National) [National Disgust Party], he wins the elections and becomes Premier. The challenges of his new career place him in front of heartbreaking choices.
Och Piccadilly Circus ligger inte i Kumla
Ester Bolego
In the summer of 1967, Kumla is shaken by a shocking event. That summer, the life of 17-year-old Mauritz life will also change. He begins a fumbling romance with the girl next door, but through music he longs to leave the small town and see the world.
En ballotage
At only 23 years old, Edouard Couret has everything to succeed: he is young, he is handsome, he is about to get married and, above all, he is running to become a Conservative MP. The only problem is that for the past three years, Edouard has also been in a love affair with Georges, a man who can't stand this situation any longer and who is going to put him up against the wall.
The Last Tunnel
Jeune Secrétaire
A recently released prisoner reunites his criminal colleagues to pull off one last heist.
How My Mother Gave Birth to Me During Menopause
Femme enceinte