Stephen Petcher


Англия, 1988. Английские фанаты решают ехать на ЧЕ объединенным мобом, чтобы достойнно защитить честь Англии на международной арене. Три ведущие английские фирмы претендуют на лидерство, и естественно что никто не хотет уступить другому - ведь только сильнейший достоин повести за собой всю Англию.
The Luddites
Ben Walker
In 1812 there were violent disturbances in Yorkshire when new machines were introduced into the wool industry. This film is an interpretation of those events made in the style of a documentary.
Soldiers Talking, Cleanly
Pontefract Wonderer
One man's view of the British Army in Germany - the social life, discipline, drink, women and, occasionally, the defence of the West.
Red Shift
Three men at three different times in history come to Mow Top hill in search of sanctuary from their troubles. A Roman soldier, a medieval rebel and a 1970s young man. Somehow they seem linked through an energy within the hill and an axe. Is history doomed to repeat itself or can loving another person free them?