Большое путешествие начинается с шага, а легендарное — с полета. Вылетев в окно, герой очутился в мире, где чего-то не хватало. Его новому другу — крупной суммы денег. Паре головорезов — головы друга. Молодой медсестре — любви. А ему — путешествий на плоту, погонь, пылающих костров и немного арахисового масла.
Middle School Bully
The story of two twelve-year-old girls who attack their friend as a sacrifice to an internet legend, the Suzerain.
During the course of one day, a group of students at a school in Los Angeles find themselves caught up in a plot of sex, lies and dead bodies.
An innocent man on death row witnesses savage killings at the hands of the prison's sadistic Warden. To survive, he must match the brutality in the prison and confront his own horrifying past.
Following a strange dream, a young boy ventures into the woods in search of a mysterious object.
Matthew Beauchamp
When Grace's father brings a foreign maid into their conventional home, the life she's accustomed to is shaken by a dark secret... and her own repressed past.