Robert Cambrinus


Family Constellations
Friedrich Nietzsche's Zarathustra returns in the shape of a female travelling teacher seeking shelter at the Alpine chalet of a bourgeois family.
Family Constellations
Friedrich Nietzsche's Zarathustra returns in the shape of a female travelling teacher seeking shelter at the Alpine chalet of a bourgeois family.
Broadside: Emerging Empires Collide
Throughout the 17th century, the Dutch and English fought desperate wars over which country would dominate world trade for the next two centuries. They waged massive sea battles in Europe and embarked on violent raids in Asia, Africa and North America.
Золотой век
Count Georg von Helfenstein
1585 год. В мире господствует католическая Испания во главе с королем Филиппом. Ей в состоянии противостоять только Англия с королевой-протестанткой Елизаветой. Но в самой Англии нет единства. Половина населения превозносит Марию Стюарт, и мечтает видеть ее на английском троне, считая Елизавету незаконнорожденной дочерью Генриха VIII. Испанский король, воспользовавшись сложной ситуацией при английском дворе, готовит заговор. В результате он направляет мощную армаду кораблей к берегам Англии…
Soviet War Scare 1983
Colonel Stanislav Petrov
Documentary about NATO- command post exercise, which almost caused third world war.
The Somme
Franz Cassel
Drama-documentary recounting the events of the 1st July 1916 and the Battle of the Somme on the Western Front during the First World War. Told through the letters and journals of soldiers who were there.
D-Day 6.6.1944
Rommel's Adjutant
On June 6th, 1944 the largest military invasion and defence the world has ever seen occurred. D-Day tells the epic story of the preparation and execution of the Allied invasion of Normandy. It tells the story of the defence of the Western Front by the forces of the German Empire, and of the complex and deadly secret war fought by the men and women of France and mainland Europe. D-Day brings to life the dramatic and astounding tales of courage and sacrifice, joy and despair, love and betrayal. The planning for the Allied invasion on June 6th 1944 took two years and cost thousands of lives. It involved a deception of breathtaking audacity. Both the preparation leading up to and the actions and events on the day itself relied on the absolute discretion of many and the genius and nerve of a few. D-Day examines the intricate jigsaw from both sides - presenting events through the eyes of the men and women who were there, telling their extraordinary stories.
A Dad
DADA, father of anti-art, is 100. Watch with caution because the present leaves traces in the past!