The film summarizes the life and creative path of Mati Hint, an outstanding linguist, essayist, lecturer and who played an important role during the restoration of Estonia's independence.
Doctor of Physics Sandra suddenly loses her job. Finding a new job seems easy at first glance, but it turns into various tragicomic challenges. Endless job interviews bring the former researcher together with all sorts of situations and new personalities.
An adventurous tragedy about Estonia's first film maker Johannes Pääsuke and his aspirations to travel around with a film camera and find happiness. Together with a good friend, Volter, Pääsuke will spend an incredible week in Setumaa.
In the midst of the political upheaval of the early 1990s in Soviet Union, an Estonian girl and a Russian boy reach across cultural lines to unite over a shared bottle of American soda.
Ещё пока молодая, но одинокая Вийви в одно прекрасное утро обнаруживает в своей постели незнакомого мужчину. Женщина в панике пытается восстановить события предыдущего дня. Выясняется, что это был один из худших дней в её жизни: болело плечо, она опоздала на работу, получила диагноз от врача, в пух и прах поругалась с заведующей аптекой, девицей, которую она на дух не переносит. А закончился вечер в баре.Мужчина, оказавшийся в постели Вийви – добродушный Андрес. Ему почти 50, и он самый настоящий неудачник, который не может сказать «нет». Однажды в местном баре он встречает симпатичную незнакомку и танцует с ней…
Мистическая история, основанная на реальных событиях. Студенты из Эстонской Советской Республики в 1989 году решили отправиться в горы Сибири. Кажется, что их гидом с первого момента становится сама судьба. Для начала не удаётся набрать полную группу, и в путь отправляется компания чужих друг другу молодых людей, у каждого из которых своё представление о приключениях. В горах с ними начинают происходить странные, пугающие вещи. Чёрный альпинист - мифическая сущность, призрак, история о котором является частью фольклора альпинистов стран бывшего СССР.
The main character, Helmi, is born into the house of Baron von Strandmann in Old-Town Tallinn, in 1908. The only thing that she knows for sure about her past is that her mother was an Estonian servant girl. Everything else is a discovery during a life that runs the course of a century - a life that has quite a lot of surprises in store for Helmi. In this house she finds happiness and suffering, passion and disappointment. She grows up alongside young Erik and waits for her big love to blossom. But one floor down lives projectionist Julius - a man who is far from indifferent when it comes to Helmi. All of the biggest historical events of the century leave their mark on the house. Its hardwood floors have born soldiers' gruff boots and gentleman's shiny oxfords. Its walls have held the fates of people from far and near, foreigners and locals. Helmi's home becomes a German salon, a revolution museum, and a working class commune. And as freedom comes, real estate crooks start sniffing ...
When Joko, Ants and Reeda, all in their own good reasons, first enter a casino, they can't possibly be aware of the very existence of the demons inside them. Soon enough, they will know. But then it is already too late and their lives are suddenly caught in a fatal vortex.
Когда трагедия затрагивает нашу жизнь, трудно сохранять мотивацию. Семидесятилетний Мати страстно читает книги и проводит свободное время со своей милой женой. Однако, когда его жена умирает, ни его дочь-подросток, ни его дорогие книги не помогают. Одиночество и равнодушие захлестнули его жизнь; Мати замышляет самоубийство, но странный 60-летний мужчина, кажется, дает ему надежду.
The film tells the story of a single mother having trouble coping with everyday life. However, she finds in magic and fantasy a way to escape her reality until the enigmatic appearance of a man in her life. He will change her forever, to the point of making the decisions she has always feared. She will suddenly and conclusively have to answer her own question: what do I want? She will be given a chance to correct the mistakes in her life; will she cherish this opportunity or let it slip away?
Joonas, Karit, Doris and Fred are seven years old and will start going to school. They live in different areas in Estonia. They're all different children with different schools and teachers. Yet, time is the same for all of them, passing by the same way. Where will they be at the end of their first school year?
13-летний мальчик живет вместе с мамой в заброшенном доме посреди леса. Деспотичный отец сидит в тюрьме. Жизнь течет незамысловато, пока в один из дней не появляется «чужой» — у него письмо от отца, и пуля под ребром. Мать и сын решают дать незнакомцу приют.
The first film in the Seto language in the world speaks about the brightest heroine of a small people, the folk singer Hilana Taarka, a woman who lived her whole life as an outcast in a small chimney-less hut; as an unmarried mother of children in poverty, begging her bread, doing odd jobs and singing. She always sang the truth, sometimes bitter, sometimes funny, sometimes cruel. She was feared, despised and coveted. Taarka sang throughout her remarkable life, throughout her fate, from a small Seto village to international fame. And she sang well. Really well. Taarka became the Mother of the Song, a legend. But as a woman, as a member of the community, the Seto people never really accepted her. Taarka - a despised woman and a worshiped singer.
A teenage girl has problems with her family and life when her little brother is born with a heart problem.
A fake historic epic on the Middle Ages and Estonia's not-so-glorious past.
Three friends return from a vacation and discover that the TV studio they work for has gone bankrupt - so they decide to start their own costume renting business.
Liina is a young actress at Vanemuise Theatre who gets Tiina's part in the new, postmodernist version of the play "Werewolf" by August Kitzberg. The theatre is haunted and the rehearsals seem to be cursed, artificial blood becomes real blood. The play won't be complete before the murder mystery is unsolved - and Liina is being taken back to the old theatre legends and intrigues of the past century.