Jeanne Ruff

Jeanne Ruff


Jeanne Ruff


Bad Faith
Marie Hélène
A family spending their holiday at the Costa Brava. The older brother's belief system will be disrupted when an act of kindness results in a little tragedy. This will lead him into a routine where refusing to make decisions could lead to greater tragedies.
A Paris Education
Etienne comes to Paris to study filmmaking at the Sorbonne. He meets Mathias and Jean-Noël who share his passion for films. But as they spend the year studying, they have to face friendship and love challenges as well as choosing their artistic battles.
Journée d'appel
A crew of teenagers from a Parisian suburb have to attend their Citizen Day at the military base in Versailles, but one of them, Chris, is turned away for arriving too late...
Papa Was Not a Rolling Stone
The 1980s. Stéphanie grows up in La Courneuve, on the outskirts of Paris, in a home where her mother is rarely there and her step-father is brutal. She quickly decides to escape her morose everyday life. Thanks to her grandmother's love, reading, her passion for dance, and for French pop-star Jean-Jacques Goldman, Stéphanie copes in this colorful neighborhood where friendship is primordial. One day, she knows that she'll leave this place to lead the life she's always dreamed of.
Молода и прекрасна
Семнадцатилетняя Изабель погружается в бездонный мир любви, в поиски себя. Не столько из-за денег, сколько ради удовольствия, она встречается с немолодыми клиентами в гостиничных номерах. Близкие Изабель не подозревают, чем одержима умная и тонкая девушка. Но однажды умирает один из ее постоянных клиентов…
L'homme de ses rêves