Richard, a 40-year-old filmmaker conquered by an unexplained anxiety attack, lets go of his current shoot and wanders through nocturnal Paris, in search of answers, solace and inspiration. During this sleepless night, at random encounters, sometimes warm, sometimes disturbing, crossing foreign figures, unknown bodies or familiar faces, Richard will face his fears and question his deep desires... until dawn.
Jean-Christophe Lebeau
Through the unlikely mediums of dance, graffiti, and elementary school dress-up, these French boys young and old show that whether it's about coming out or getting the guy - you had better do it in style.
The short films are: Fairyocious [Féeroce] (2019); The Graffiti [Le graffiti] (2019); Eva (2016); A New Breath [Second souffle] (2021); Masculine (2018); The Tightrope Walkers [Les équilibristes] (2017).
Jean-Paul Lien (voice)
In May 1943, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the new head of the Reich Central Security Office, gave Hitler a report describing in detail the organization of the French Resistance. Indeed, during the Second World War, most of the Resistance networks had been infiltrated by traitors, the "V Man" (trusted men) in the service of the occupier. The Germans had established treason as a system and recruiting Frenchmen ready to inform on them was one of their priorities. It was these Frenchmen, whose number is estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000, who dealt terrible blows to the Resistance.
Business manager
Жозе Монтеро и Максим Шарасс - друзья и партнеры в строительной компании на грани банкротства. Из-за необходимости защищать личные интересы они вынуждены принять серьезное решение и скрывать ужасный секрет.
Jean-Christophe Lebeau
Vincent spots Jean-Christophe on the beach, bumps into him not so accidentally, and they hit it off during a fun evening and night. But the next morning Jean-Christophe reveals something that turns Vincent's life upside down. How will they get through the day?
Manuela / Marco
Daniel is an artist who has lost his desire to paint. An unexpected meeting with three « working girls » one evening marks the beginning of a surreal adventure. Later that night, the wildest dreams and the worst nightmares of his three new muses unravel in his imagination.
Antoine and Marina spend their holidays in a club near the Mediterranean sea. They hope to find again a bit of intimacy. But at nearly forty, after years of marriage and two children, desire can be quite capricious. Despite all, Antoine and Marina can land on their feet!
Eros and Thanatos. One deep breath: this is what Maël might need to cope with his partner Adam's suicide, a tragic event that, apart from great sorrow, has caused him to have a physical breakdown. He is troubled by his doubts about his lover's last drastic act, by how he put an end to his life and to their difficult relationship. But his grief turns into anger when he discovers that Adam had a secret long-term relationship with a woman called Patricia: he digs deep into his own memories, recollecting past events and eventually meeting his rival. On her part, Patricia will have to face unexpected dangers. A claustrophobic melodrama, with an unstructured and evocative narrative style. Here, South African director Antony Hickling, 34, confirms his visionary talent and ability to adopt a fresh point of view on queer cinema. All the performers are strictly gay and transgender, including Manuel Blanc, who was once André Téchiné's muse.
Jean-Christophe, about twenty, meets his father for the first time. In a forest where they have decided to meet, reality transforms itself and takes the form of a fantastic tale. For Jean-Christophe, the hour is of disappointment in front of the fantasized father who turns out to be very different from what he had dreamed.
A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).
An extramarital affair leads to Hortense’s separation from her very traditional African husband, who is in for a ride as he learns about her love affair, his eldest son’s secret love life, and the responsibilities of single parenthood.
Jean-Paul Martin
The dark years, those of war. This film, which combines fiction and archives, tells the story of the unusual trajectory of a young man from the provinces. Prisoner of war, escaped at the age of 24, he found himself in Vichy, capital of the French state. A convinced Pétainist, he will become a leading resistance fighter.
A compelling double love story about a French-Tunisian Jewish family. Henry returns to La Goulette, port of Tunisia, with his wife, in search of his family roots. The film explores his parent's history from the 1920s, and the impact of the Vichy Government under German Occupation in the 1940s.
Virginie, a very famous writer, is caught up in her past. A serial killer with inhuman cruelty, Exes, the hero of his first novel, wants to take revenge on her.
In 1899, a French military column, led by Captains Julien Chanoine and Paul Voulet, set out to conquer Lake Chad in order to unite the French colonial empire. The two captains were violent and ruthless towards the local populations and their colonial soldiers. The Voulet-Chanoine mission sinks further and further into unknown Niger territory while the lack of food supplies is felt. Little by little, Voulet falls into a megalomaniac delirium.
The teacher
Telma, twelve years old, is passionate about literature. She assiduously prepares a competition for budding writers. But her mother has other ambitions for her. Telma and her mother clash...
A group of friends in their thirties meet for a weekend in a mountain chalet for what will be a sort of review of an era in their lives and their relationships.
Léa and Luc were living together. During the day, Léa would take photos. At night, she could not sleep and oftentimes looked out the window. One day, Léa told Luc that a man was watching her from the opposite building. But Luc did not believe Léa's stories.
Арно и Гийом - лучшие друзья. Они учатся в школе в выпускном классе и задумываются о будущем. Гийом думает о том, как заняться сексом со своей девушкой, а вот с Арно происходит что-то другое: он чувствует, что девушки его не привлекают, зато его привлекает его друг Гийом. Он хочет нюхать его нижнее белье, хочет касаться его кожи... В конце концов Арно обнаруживает, что в будущем его ожидает нечто такое, что он даже представить себе не мог...
Delphine is 25 years old. She has a passion for swimming and is preparing her lifeguard diploma with great enthusiasm and diligence. She loves Laurent and lives with him at his father's house in the Drôme Provençale. During a competition, she meets David and falls in love with him. He obtains a transfer to Montélimar, where Delphine lives, to be closer to her. But she is pregnant by Laurent.
The man with the flower / the Russian officer / Henri L. / the French officer
After reading a postcard that her mother let go in the wind, a woman learns that she has a twin.
After a brutal attack, a 19-year-old girl falls into a self-destructive cycle.
A voice of a diabolical elf declares that his parents should never have brought him into the world. Its genesis is the story of a woman who is all the more obsessed by the desire to have a child than she is by not being able to have one, or to keep alive those she gives birth to. In the depths of her small farm in Provence, she has to put up with a lazy, drunken, porn-loving husband, until the day he decides to deprive her of her child substitute and offers to make her a real one. Tipping over into murderous madness, she then begins a real sentimental education, full of horrors and emotions.
André, Mellie's fiancé
France, 1940. German troops have just invaded the country, but in the rural idyll of the family chateau inhabited by 20-year-old Mellie with her impoverished aristocrat father Alexandre and adolescent cousin Robinson, the war still seems far away, apart from the fact that Mellie's rich and unpopular fiancé André has been drafted into the army. For Robinson and his friends the same age, including the temperamental Bertrand, the war is merely a game they play in the remoteness of the blue island in the lake.
Стан молод, но уже побывал в аду. Когда-то его обвинили в целой серии жестоких убийств, хотя точных доказательств не было. По приговору суда его отправили в лечебницу, где держат опасных душевнобольных. Через несколько лет по настоянию его психиатра дело возобновили, а Стана освободили. Однако после его выхода из лечебницы опять начались убийства, одно страшнее другого…
1999 Madeleine is the first step in an ambitious project by the French filmmaker Laurent Bouhnik to make one film per year between 1999-2009, recounting the turn of the century in an interweaving narrative pattern. Episode one is about Madeline, a lonely woman obsessed by religion and cleanliness. Her solitary existence leads her to place an advertisement for a man willing to share his life with a 'single, working 35-year-old.' She is a woman of our times who is caught between the paradoxes of modern life and individual needs for communication. The world offers her opportunities to satisfy material needs but, unfortunately, this is to the detriment of her spiritual needs.
Блестящий поэт, удачливый бизнесмен, гениальный изобретатель, искусный заговорщик, пламенный революционер, пылкий любовник, любящий отец. Все это – Пьер-Огюстен Кароне де Бомарше, прославленный автор «Севильского цирюльника» и «Женитьбы Фигаро». Бросив вызов могущественному принцу де Конти, Бомарше попадает под арест. На суде его обвиняют в присвоении дворянского титула и приговаривают к лишению всех прав и привилегий. Но король Людовик XVI дарует прощение в обмен на согласие выполнить деликатную шпионскую миссию…
Paul Derval
В театральном сезоне 1930 года, как и на протяжении последнего десятилетия "Королем Парижа" признан великий актер Виктор Дерваль, а его двором является Théâtre de la Grande Comédie с директором, верной портнихой, падшим маркизом, бывшей любовницей и партнершей по сцене. Но именно в этом сезоне развернется соперничество двух мужчин - отца и его сына Поля - как в жизни, так и на любовном фронте.
The turbulent relationship between a filmmaker and a volatile actor.
A French army journalist bears witness to the atrocities of the Algerian war in 1962 in this gripping French war movie. It is based on the 1967 novel by Philippe Labro. The film begins in Paris as Jerome Carier, ready to embark to Algiers, is beaten and questioned about the politically sensitive photographs he has. The photos were sent to him by Francois, a friend stationed in Algiers. Francoise is trying to get the French and the Algerians to reconcile. Jerome arrives in the war-torn country and finds himself faced with unbelievable carnage. The French are behind most of it. Because he took the pictures, Francois life is in jeopardy. He is murdered and Jerome finds himself attracted to his girl friend, a radio station announcer. The film contains graphic pictures of the slaughter.
Frédéric Chapelin
Известный адвокат, мэтр Шарль Дюнан имеет репутацию человека с моральными принципами. Много шума наделала его очередная победа - оправдание сына богатых буржуа Фредерика, обвинявшегося в убийстве собственных родителей. Мэтр действительно очарован ангелоподобным юношей, хотя в газетах его называют "монстром из Бельекура". А когда начинает сомневаться в том, что поступил правильно, когда на кону оказываются такие вещи, как честь и имидж, Дюнан решает самостоятельно во всем разобраться и с головой погружается в глубокие, кошмарные семейные тайны…
Pierre Lacaze
История парня из Гаскони, который отправился на завоевание Парижа. Сначала Пьер отказывается жить на содержании у Эвелин, стареющей хозяйки квартиры, но потом, несмотря на первоначальную неприязнь к гомосексуалистам, в частности, к новому знакомому Ромену, начинает зарабатывать своим телом. Внезапная любовь к молодой проститутке Ингрид приводит Пьера к самым унизительным испытаниям.
Simon Templar uses twin sisters and a rare Russian necklace to trap a ruthless American in Paris.