Jordan Davis


Real Love
Executive Producer
It follows Kendra as she sets off on her own for the first time to college. When she meet's her film class partner Ben, she tries her hardest to keep things professional.
The Long Island Incident
Co-Executive Producer
On December 7, 1993, a gunman opened fire in a crowded commuter train on Long Island. This fact-based story focuses on the events that swell around Carolyn McCarthy, a woman whose husband is killed and her 26 year old son is severely wounded in the massacre. The result is she is forced out of her comfortable suburban existence and she becomes an out-spoken crusader against assault weapons. The film shifts from her perspective to the mind of the killer and finally to the media frenzy that surrounds both.
Новый Эдем
Executive Producer
2237 год. Человечество освоило космос и начало обживать пригодные для проживания планеты. Из одной, малопригодной для жизни песчаной планеты сделали сначала свалку токсичных отходов, а чуть позднее — галактическую тюрьму. Сюда направляют двух зэков. Первый — типичный политзаключенный. Борец за свободу и права человека, умный инженер, но слишком много «витает в облаках». Второй же полная противоположность первому, бездушный преступник и отъявленный негодяй. На планете им предстоит встать по разные стороны баррикад. Один будет строить светлое будущее вмести с фермерами, а второй возглавит банду отморозков.
Don't Look Back: The Story of Leroy
Executive Producer
The story of Leroy "Satchel" Paige, the legendary pitcher, from his barnstorming days in the 1920s, hoping to break into organized "negro" baseball, to his emergence at age 43 in the major leagues with the Cleveland Indians the year after Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier.
Set in a world in which a compulsory operation at sixteen wipes out physical differences and makes everyone pretty by conforming to an ideal standard of beauty.
Dial A For Aunties
The story centers on a young wedding photographer who, along with her mother and aunts, tries to hide the body of her blind date while working the wedding day of a wealthy client.