Bruna Linzmeyer

Bruna Linzmeyer

Рождение : 1992-10-11, Corupá, Santa Catarina, Brazil


Bruna Linzmeyer
Bruna Linzmeyer
Bruna Linzmeyer
Bruna Linzmeyer


Cidade; Campo
Two tales of migration. In the first, after a tailings dam disaster floods her hometown, rural worker Joana (55) moves to São Paulo to find her sister Tania, who lives with her grandson Jaime. Joana enters the universe of insecurity, replying to an application for house cleaning. She bonds with her colleagues, and their struggle for better conditions gives Joana’s life a new meaning. Her relationship with young Jaime brings back old memories. In the second part, after the death of her estranged father, Flavia (32) moves to her farm with her wife Mara. The couple suffer a shock of reality when facing the harshness of rural life. The contact with the abandoned house reveals to Flavia unknown aspects of her father. She begins to suspect that there is something supernatural in the woods.
A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here
Vange, a lonely biker, is enchanted by the relationship and freedom of four girls, with whom she spends a weekend where exchanges about lesbian experiences and culture are present, accompanied by a mutual affection that gradually establishes itself.
21-летняя Мариана живёт в мире, где необходимо поддерживать образ идеальной женщины. Чтобы не поддаваться соблазнам, Мариана и её подруги стараются контролировать и других, включая городских грешниц. По ночам девушки надевают маски, выслеживают и избивают сбившихся с пути женщин. Однако наступит день, когда их желание кричать станет сильно как никогда.
Alice & Só
Alice, a young music lover, and her best friend Socrates, go on a road trip, accompanied by Tinho, a former rocker, to play at the world's largest cover band festival.
During carnival Flaviana lives a pretty difficult dilemma; how to disguise from her last night lover who refuses to get out of her shower?
Neville D'Almeida: Chronicler of Beauty and Chaos
This film seeks to rescue the role of filmmaker Neville D'Almeida by using many rare images, numerous interviews, vast archival and audiovisual material.
O Que Resta
Jammed in a job they loathe and exhausted by all the social impositions that surround them, Bárbara and Luiz, in their twenties, decide to leave together for a friend's house seeking for emotional refuge. Inside the place, always full with extravagant parties, both externalize all their cravings and repressed desires.
Шоу Мистико
Фильм рассказывает долгую историю семейства, владеющего цирком.
O Banquete
Cat Woman
An elegant dinner, which takes place in real time, brings together a group of intellectuals in the early 90s in São Paulo, Brazil: the hosts are the editor of the country's top news magazine and her husband, the company's lawyer, and the occasion is the wedding anniversary of the magazine publisher and his wife, a famous theater actress. The publisher has written an open letter to the president of the country, with serious denunciations, which will run in the upcoming issue. He risks being arrested this very evening. As tensions increase with the imminence of prison, secrets come to light revealing the conflict between the ethics sought in public life and the ethics practiced in private life.
The Movie of My Life
Luna Madeira
The sierras of southern Brazil, 1963. The son of an French man and a Brazilian woman, Tony is a young man with a profound love of cinema and poetry. After graduating from college he returns to his small town in rural Brazil, to find out that his father had left for good, back to France. Tony then looks for the company of his fathers friends in search of information and references of a lost male role-model. He becomes a school teacher and a male figure to kids, in an attempt to provide them with something he lacks himself. A series of developments lead him to a surprising final lead on his fathers' whereabouts and reasons for leaving.
The Cold Front Brought by the Rain
A group of playboys organizes the last party of the year in a slum before the change in weather. And for this night, beyond the usual drugs, alcohol and sex, they will receive special guests: an addict that uses and is used by the group, a country singer who was raised around the slum, a strange security guard and the owner of the place.
Пляж Мозамбик в Флорианополис, есть много случаев нераскрытых убийств. Однажды, Диана, Алекс, Паулиньо и Maрика пошли на вечеринку в лес и на следующий день, трое подростков встречают смерть. Диана единственная оставшиеся в живых, но она не помнит, что произошло. Единственное, что поможет решить запутанное дело, видео записанные с их сотовых телефонов.
Рио, я люблю тебя
Ela (segment "Pas de Deux")
Фильм рассказывает об одном из самых удивительных городов Южной Америки — Рио-де-Жанейро. Режиссеры из разных стран сняли десять коротких историй, которые рассказывают о любви. Каждый эпизод посвящен одному из районов города, которые обладают своими неподражаемыми колоритами.