Veiko Porkanen

Veiko Porkanen

Рождение : 1989-01-04,


Veiko Porkanen (born on 4 January 1989 in Põltsamaa) is an Estonian actor. In 2014 he graduated from Estonian Music and Theatre Academy. Since 2014 he is an actor at Vanemuine Theatre. Besides theatre roles he has played also in several films.


Veiko Porkanen
Veiko Porkanen


Fools of Fame
Jaan Tatikas
The feature film based on Eduard Bornhöhe's story takes the viewer to the early days of the 20th century, when Estonia was still part of the tsarist Russia. Pride in one's nation was emerging and the desire to give something eternal to one's people at any cost - be it a miracle machine flying in the air or valuable literature written in the language of the country. Unfortunately, it was not that easy and sometimes there was lack of talent.
Rauno Pehka
It's the summer of 1990. The Soviet Union is teetering on the verge of collapse, while the little Baltic nations struggle to take back their lost independence. The Soviet Union's basketball championship is set to begin on the backdrop of a deeply divided society. The Estonian team Kalev faces a momentous decision. With Estonian independence seemingly within reach, a rising tide of public opinion opposes the Estonian national team's participation in the USSR's championship. That would contradict the people's aspirations for liberation. As professional athletes, the team makes the unpopular choice. The championship games start.
Self Made Cameraman
Tsängu Brother #2
An adventurous tragedy about Estonia's first film maker Johannes Pääsuke and his aspirations to travel around with a film camera and find happiness. Together with a good friend, Volter, Pääsuke will spend an incredible week in Setumaa.
The Dissidents
Einar Kotkin "Meathead"
An upbeat comedy about three boys that escape from Soviet Estonia to Sweden via Finland in the 1980s to fulfill their dreams in the free world.
Чёрный альпинист
Мистическая история, основанная на реальных событиях. Студенты из Эстонской Советской Республики в 1989 году решили отправиться в горы Сибири. Кажется, что их гидом с первого момента становится сама судьба. Для начала не удаётся набрать полную группу, и в путь отправляется компания чужих друг другу молодых людей, у каждого из которых своё представление о приключениях. В горах с ними начинают происходить странные, пугающие вещи. Чёрный альпинист - мифическая сущность, призрак, история о котором является частью фольклора альпинистов стран бывшего СССР.