Slim Pickens

Slim Pickens

Рождение : 1919-06-28, Kingsburg, California, USA

Смерть : 1983-12-08


Louis Burton Lindley Jr. (June 29, 1919 – December 8, 1983), known professionally as Slim Pickens, was an American actor and rodeo performer. Starting off in the rodeo, Pickens transitioned to acting and appeared in dozens of movies and TV shows. For much of his career Pickens played mainly cowboy roles. he is perhaps best remembered today for his comic roles in Dr. Strangelove (1964), Blazing Saddles (1972) and 1941 (1979), and his villainous turn in One-Eyed Jacks (1961). Description above from the Wikipedia article Slim Pickens, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Slim Pickens
Slim Pickens
Slim Pickens


Sam Peckinpah's West: Legacy of a Hollywood Renegade
Self (archive footage)
An account of the life and work of American film director Sam Peckinpah (1925-84), a tortured artist whose genius and inner demons changed the Western genre forever.
La Classe américaine
'Deep Throat' (archive footage)
George Abitbol, the classiest man in the world, dies tragically during a cruise. The director of an American newspaper, wondering about the meaning of these intriguing final words, asks his three best investigators, Dave, Peter and Steven, to solve the mystery. (Sixteen French actors dub scenes from various Warner Bros. films to create a parody of Citizen Kane, 1941.)
Pink Motel
A couple who own and run a cheap motel have to put up with an assortment of weirdos and perverts who rent rooms there on a Friday night.
Nashville Grab
Ross Common
A dashing, fast-living country singer almost turns Nashville upside-down after he is kidnapped by a pair of conniving female convicts determined to use him as a passport to freedom.
Charlie and the Great Balloon Chase
Ben Khlover
Charlie Bartlett is a retired railroad worker whose dream of crossing the country in a hot air balloon is encouraged by his grandson Morris O'Neill, who decides to go along for the ride despite the misgivings of his widowed mother whose plans to remarry have left him disenchanted.
This House Possessed
Arthur Keene
A sinister force permeating a secluded mountain estate convinces the nurse/companion of rock star Parker Stevenson, who has had a nervous collapse, that the house is alive and determined to keep her prisoner.
Sam Newfield
Совершаются многочисленные убийства женщин. Маньяк известен — это некий Эдди, который просит о встрече с ним симпатичную журналистку Карен Уайт. Они встречаются, но при виде своего внезапно трансформирующегося в ужасного монстра собеседника Карен пугается и начинает звать на помощь. Эдди убивает подоспевшая полиция. После перенесенного нервного срыва Карен соглашается пройти лечение в клинике доктора Ваггнера. Но постепенно Карен начинает замечать, что вокруг происходят какие-то странные вещи.
Christmas Mountain
A cowboy comes to a town at Christmas time. He eats at a cafe but was unable to pay for his meal, so the owner throws him in jail. The town wants to alleviate their guilt over a Mexican family, who has pregnant woman with them, who lives on top of a mountain called Christmas mountain. They bail out the cowboy and tells to bring some old clothes and food to them. While there the young boy of the family feels sorry for him and prays that god will send him some help. It comes in the form of an old friend of his who died years ago. He tells him that he is not exactly living a proper life but he has a chance to turn things around, first by telling the townsfolk that their so called charity towards the Mexicans is not enough.
Honeysuckle Rose
Buck Bonham is a country singer on the road caught in a romantic triangle with Dyan Cannon and Amy Irving, the daughter of one of his longtime musical sidekick.
Том Хорн
Sam Creedmore
Появившись в Вайоминге в 1900 году, Том Хорн уже был легендарной личностью. Имя героя было связано с целой вереницей разнообразных подвигов, включая знаменитую поимку великого вождя апачей - Джеронимо. Это был поразительно разносторонний человек, находивший своим удивительным талантам совершенно неожиданные применения: он добывал серебро и прокладывал железные дороги, возил дилижансы и выигрывал чемпионаты по родео, работал агентом Пинкертона и служил в отряде будущего президента США Рузвельта.
Swan Song
Sun Valley provides the backdrop to this story of a downhill ski racer who seeks to make a comeback after being branded a loser and the ski bunny who helps him regain his self-respect.
Черная дыра
B.O.B. (voice) (uncredited)
Далекое будущее. Космический корабль «Паломино», пролетая мимо «черной дыры», обнаружил на орбите пропавший без вести 12 лет назад звездолет «Лебедь». Не смотря на угрозу быть навеки пленными чудовищным полем притяжения «дыры», экипаж «Паломино» принимает роковое решение взойти на борт межзвездного «летучего голландца» и разгадать тайну его исчезновения. Что же увидели астронавты: корабль населен только роботами, а единственным человеком оказался доктор Хайнс Рейнхардт, гениальный, но явно сумасшедший ученый, который одержим идеей проникновения в «черную дыру» и готовый поставить на карту и свою и чужие жизни, лишь бы осуществить свою безумную мечту о прыжке в бездну.
Hollis P. Wood
Комедийный фильм о панике в Лос-Анджелесе после известий о нападении японцев на Перл-Харбор и о приближении японской подводной лодки к берегам Калифорнии с заданием уничтожить Голливуд.
Undercover with the KKK
Yancey Hicks
The true story of Gary Thomas Rowe, Jr., who worked undercover for the FBI to infiltrate a Ku Klux Klan group in his Alabama hometown and later testified as a key prosecution witness during the trial of several Klansmen for crimes of destruction and murder.
Пленники Посейдона
Две противоборствующие группы охотников за приключениями охотятся за грузом на опрокинутом судне, стараясь успеть найти клад до того, как корабль пойдет на дно. Но у огромного лайнера "Посейдон" есть еще одна тайна.
The Sweet Creek County War
In this western, a sheriff gets tired of upholding the law and retires to a quiet ranch. Unfortunately, he ends up saving his homesteader neighbors from a corrupt Wyoming land grabber.
Spirit of the Wind
The life story of George Attla, a famous Alaskan dog sled driver, from his childhood until his first major victory in 1958.
Smokey and the Good Time Outlaws
Sheriff Ledy
Two guys come to Nashville and try to make it on the country music scene. Their vision is to play at the Grand IL' Opry. Rejection after rejection pushes them to the verge of quitting and moving back to wherever they came from.
Jud Hawkins
В штаб Военно-воздушных сил восточного побережья США поступает сигнал тревоги с одной из баз, расположенных в Техасе, недалеко от городка Моррисвиль. Для выяснения ситуации на базу отправлен отряд во главе с генералом Слэйтером. Прибывшие военные находят всех служащих мертвыми, в живых остался только один человек — энтомолог Брэдфорд Крэйн. Он сообщает военным, что весь персонал был убит африканскими пчёлами-убийцами, рой которых напал на базу. Генерал Слэйтер не поверил Крэйну и связался со штабом, откуда на самом высоком уровне, к своему огромному удивлению и недовольству, получил приказ оказывать Крэйну всяческое содействие. Тем временем в окрестностях Моррисвиля от укусов пчёл начали погибать люди. Всем становится ясно, что город лежит на пути у смертоносного роя, который со скоростью курьерского поезда движется в направлении Хьюстона, убивая всё живое на своем пути.
Белый бизон
Abel Pickney
Джеймс Отис, много лет назад убил миротворца, добивавшегося прекращения вражды между американцами и индейцами. Тогда же он столкнулся с огромным белым бизоном, который был величиной со слона и уничтожал всё на своем пути. С тех пор Джеймсу снится поединок с бизоном и каждый раз он просыпается в холодном поту. Приехав в маленьких городок, он всё ещё надеется встретиться с этим диковинным животным и в один день эта встреча всё же состоится...
Мистер Миллиард
Duane Hawkins
Комедия о молодом человеке, простом механике из Италии, получившем в наследство огромную империю бизнеса после смерти его американского дядюшки. Для того, чтобы вступить в права наследства, ему надо появиться в Сан-Франциско не позже, чем через двадцать дней. Естественно, множество негодяев пытается ему помешать.
The Shadow of Chikara
Virgil Cane
Confederate veterans of the last battle of the Civil War set out to find a hidden treasure.
Наездник Пони-Экспресс
Bob Jay
У юноши из Техаса погибает отец. Парень решает поступить на работу в курьерскую службу Пони-Экспресс. Он доставляет срочную почту по всей стране, и одновременно находит бандитов, которые убили его отца.
Naman Tucker
In old-west Texas, the cavalry's horses can't take the heat. So the military sends them camels instead, and assigns one man to convince the unit that the camels are a good idea.
Banjo Hackett: Roamin' Free
Lijah Tuttle
A traveling horse trader and his young nephew travel the west in search of the boy's prize Arabian horse, who has been stolen by a bounty hunter.
Colonel M.J. McCombs
This is the life story of Babe Didrikson Zaharias, one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century, from her early Texas tomboy days to her Gold Medal triumphs at the 1932 Olympics, her remarkable career as a champion golfer, her fulfilling marriage to wrestler George Zaharias, and the final battle with the only thing tougher than she was.
Лихорадка на белой полосе
Duane Haller
Отслужив в армии Кэррол Джо Хаммер возвращается домой и женится на симпатичной Джерри Кейн. Взяв в рассрочку мощный тягач, он нанимается в транспортную контору, в которой работал до службы. Теперь, имея собственный грузовик, Хаммер надеется честным трудом пополнить семейный бюджет. Однако времена изменились и бизнесом заправляют совсем другие люди, наживающиеся на контрабанде товаров. Отказ Хаммера учавствовать в махинациях нарушает налаженную схему перевозок, к тому же несговорчивый водила «плохо» влияет на других дальнобойщиков. Путем обмана, шантажа и насилия его пытаются заставить нарушить закон, но у Хаммера есть ружье и желание навести порядок на «белой полосе».
The Apple Dumpling Gang
Frank Stillwell
A roving bachelor gets saddled with three children and a wealth of trouble when the youngsters stumble upon a huge gold nugget. They join forces with two bumbling outlaws to fend off the greedy townspeople and soon find themselves facing a surly gang of sharpshooters.
Poor Pretty Eddie
Sheriff Orville
A wrong turn on a jazz singer's road trip results in her car breaking down near an isolated lodge run by a faded starlet and a cocksure, volatile country singer.
Ранчо Делюкс
Henry Beige
Фильм об угонщиках скота Джеффе Бриджесе и Сэме Уотерсоне.
The Legend of Earl Durand
Phil Chumley
The Legend Of Earl Durand was the story of a young child whose family lived near DuBois, Wyoming and made Earl live in a hut in the wild because they thought he had a contagious disease. When the local Aboriginal people discovered his plight, they took him under their wing so he grew up as a sort of wild man, completely able to live off the land. He was known as the "Robin Hood" of the West because he hunted game on Federal land which was very illegal and gave the meat to the poor.
Grandpa Pruitt
A bunch of bootleggers run booze in the South.
The Gun and the Pulpit
Billy One-Eye
In the days of the "Wild West," a gunslinger, with a price on his head, discovers the body of a traveling minister who has been killed in an ambush. Fearing those who are following him, he assumes the dead minister's identity.
Twice in a Lifetime
Pete Lazich
A tugboat operator and a waterfront cafe owner clash with a dock foreman who is trying to change the way things on the piers have been done.
Сверкающие сёдла
Железная дорога должна пройти через городок Рок Ридж. Но как выгнать местных жителей из города, если хочешь украсть у них землю? Заслать самую отчаянную банду головорезов… и назначить нового чернокожего шерифа, который протянет не больше суток.
Пэт Гэрретт и Билли Кид
Sheriff Colin Baker
Джеймс Кобурн исполняет роль Пэта Гарретта — бывшего уголовника, прожженного циника и хладнокровного стрелка, который ради того, чтобы выжить — готов надеть шерифскую звезду и отправиться «за головой» своего бывшего «кореша» Билли. Гроза Дикого Запада, Билли Кид, которого здесь вальяжно играет Крис Кристофферсон, видит мир иначе. «Времена меняются, а я — нет»,- говорит он своему бывшему подельнику Пэту. Начинается роковое противостояние между бывшими друзьями…
Ginger in the Morning
A recently divorced Santa Fe architect is surprised to find himself falling in love with a free-spirited young hitchhiker.
Rolling Man
After serving time in prison for attempted murder of the man who caused his wife's death, hard-luck loser Lonnie comes home to find that all of his belongings have been sold and his two boys have been given to strangers to raise. He sets out across the country to find them and possibly to find himself.
Очень крутого и знаменитого грабителя банка по имени Док МакКой некие сильные мира сего освобождают из тюряги, где он мотал очередной срок, для совершения ограбления, чтобы списать на него крупную недостачу и затем убрать. Использовали для этого его жену, которая пошла на это, лишь бы вытянуть любимого из-за решетки. Но хотели как лучше, а получилось как всегда: вместе они взяли банк и рванули к мексиканской границе, хотя на хвосте у них сидят не только полицейские, но и боевики мафии…
The Honkers
An over-the-hill rodeo champion is so self-centered that he ignores his wife, son, and best friend.
Grady Caldwell
Jesus Christ is born again on Earth. But his father is a hardcore Southern Baptist, and during his teen years, Jesus rebels, joining a biker gang and leading an LSD-fueled pilgrimage to the West to fight the establishment. Anyone who adopts the initials J.C. as a nickname probably has a Messianic complex. In Iron Horseman, the hero, the head of a motorcycle gang, wigs out on LSD. While day-tripping, he has a prophetic religious vision. This leads him back to his home town, where he challenges the local church leaders-even unto knocking down chairs and tables in righteous anger, just know.
Джон Уэйн играет ранчеро, потерявшего свой скот после того, как помощники начинают бастовать, если только ему не удастся превратить мальчишек в ковбоев. По роману Уильяма Дейла Дженнингса.
The Devil and Miss Sarah
A notorious outlaw being escorted to prison by a homesteader and his wife turns out to have satanic powers. He uses them on the man's wife to try to possess her and help him escape.
Sam / Bart Dawson
The adventures of a newly married teenage couple in the Old West.
Who Killed the Mysterious Mr. Foster?
An alcoholic drifter decides to run for sheriff in a small town. However, in order to get elected, he must find out who killed a visiting preacher.
Temporada salvaje
The Deserter
Sgt. Tattinger
A young cavalry officer finds his woman tortured by the Apaches and blames the Army for not properly protecting the outpost, so becomes a deserter and an avenger, stalking and killing Indians without warning.
Баллада о Кэйбле Хоге
Ben Fairchild
Кэйбл Хог — закоренелый неудачник. Двое его товарищей избавляются от него, бросив в пустыне без воды. Но предприимчивый Хог находит источник и организовывает платный оазис: с каждого, кто хотел напиться, он снимал плату — пять центов. Первый посетитель оказался хамом, и Хог убил его. Следующим посетителем был святой отец.
Розолино Патерно: Солдат
General Maxwell
Американскому генералу было назначено пять человек, чтобы завоевать форт Ксифонио, включая заключенного Розолино Патерно, уроженца этого места. С трудом проникнув в тыл врага, патруль немедленно понимает о бесполезности своей миссии: пушки, которые должны быть уничтожены, уже ранее были разбиты. Попытка избежать дальнейшей бомбардировки жителей этого района путем полного уничтожения форта не удалась: союзники неумолимо продвигаются вперед.
80 Steps to Jonah
Wayne Newton stars as an accused thug hiding out at a camp for blind children.
The Desperate Mission
Three-Finger Jack
A man who has lost everything joins others paid to convey a wealthy man's wife - and a mysterious treasure - to safety in San Francissco.
Switchboard Operator
Ex-gangster Tony Banks is called out of retirement by mob kingpin God to carry out a hit on fellow mobster "Blue Chips" Packard. When Banks demurs, God kidnaps his daughter Darlene on his luxury yacht.
Never a Dull Moment
Cowboy Schaeffer
When practicing for a role, actor Jack is mistaken for the killer Ace. He doesn't realize this until it's too late and is carried off to gangster boss Leo Smooth, who wants Ace to do a job for him. Fearing for his life, Jack plays his role, but always searching for a way out of the well-guarded house.
The Legend of Custer
California Joe Milner
Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer has been reinstated and assigned to command the 7th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Hays. The regiment has become a ragtag outfit of thieves and ruffians and Custer must whip the soldiers into shape to fight, the Kiowa, Sioux and Blackfoot tribes who confront them. These tribes are being supplied shotguns by a white gunrunner and Custer and his men must rescue General Terry and the Fifth Cavalry Regiment from annihilation when they are ambushed and trapped by a large Kiowa war party.
Уилл Пэнни
Ike Wallerstein
Старый ковбой Уилл Пенни устраивается на работу погонщиком скота, а по возвращению в свою хижину обнаруживает, что она занята незамужней женщиной с сыном-подростком.
Rough Night in Jericho
The only business in the Wild West town of Jericho that corrupt sheriff Alex Flood doesn't control behind the scenes is the stagecoach owned by tough-willed widow Molly Lang and her right-hand man, Hickman. Former marshal Dolan, recently hired by Lang and Hickman as a driver, wants to stay out of the mess, but when he sees Flood's henchman Yarbrough assault Lang, he steps up to fight the corruption.
Hard Breed to Kill
A band of outlaws appear out of nowhere on a ranchers property and viciously shoot him down. They steal what they can from his ranch and kidnap his wife. They make for the Mexican border, but something starts stalking them. From: Exploitation.TV
An Eye for an Eye
Ike Slant
Western revenge drama about a bounty hunter tracking down the men who murdered his wife and son.
Buck, Stagecoach Driver
На Диком Западе несколько человек садятся в дилижанс и отправляются в путешествие навстречу опасным приключениям.
The Young Rounders
The Glory Guys
Sgt. James Gregory
Though a fictionalized Western based on George Armstrong Custer's 7th Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, the film is almost a generic war story covering the enlistment, training, and operational deployment of a group of recruits that could take place in any time period.
Up from the Beach
Artillery Colonel
After the D-Day landings in June 1944, a US squadron liberates a small village in Normandy from German occupation.
Майор Данди
During the last winter of the Civil War, cavalry officer Amos Dundee leads a contentious troop of Army regulars, Confederate prisoners and scouts on an expedition into Mexico to destroy a band of Apaches who have been raiding U.S. bases in Texas.
По методу Харма
C.P.O. Culpepper
1941 год, нападение на военно-морскую базу Перл Харбор японской авиацией явилось началом боевых операций американского флота против японских кораблей в Тихом океане. Капитан Рок Торри, преодолевая интриги и карьеризм сослуживцев, вытаскивая из беды друзей и пытаясь наладить отношения с сыном-офицером, становится контр-адмиралом и главнокомандующим рискованной, но необходимой операции «Небесный крюк», которая своим успехом может изменить весь ход войны. Рискуя своим небольшим флотом, он вступает в неравный бой с японцами и одерживает победу, но ценой жизни друзей и сына.
Доктор Стрейнджлав, или Как я научился не волноваться и полюбил атомную бомбу
Major "King" Kong
Одержимый мыслью о том, что коммунисты намереваются украсть у американцев их «бесценные телесные соки», генерал Джек Д. Риппер, командир военно-воздушной базы посылает эскадрилью бомбардировщиков с ядерным оружием бомбить СССР. Президент США Маффи пытается спасти положение, он собирает своих советников, включая доблестного генерала Тергидсона и прикованного к инвалидной коляске бывшего нацистского ученого доктора Стрейнджлава. Придется сообщить обо всем русским, чтобы те сбили самолеты. Однако советский посол информирует президента о том, что в Советском Союзе сконструировали тайное оружие возмездия, которое автоматически запускает ракеты, если хоть одна бомба упадет на территорию страны. Тем временем британский офицер Мэндрэйк пытается узнать у Риппера код отзыва бомбардировщиков. В конце концов, все самолеты будут либо сбиты, либо отозваны, но одному лихому летчику, майору Т. Дж. «Кинг» Конгу, удастся прорваться…
Bristle Face
Newt Pribble
In the rolling, wooded hills of Tennessee in the 1920s, a 14-year-old orphan, Jace, comes to town with his hound dog and tries to teach him to hunt. Bristle Face is unskilled, but he shows remarkable ability in tracking down foxes. Jace stays with a kindly shopkeeper who defends the boy and Bristle Face against the sheriff whom they have angered.
Savage Sam
Willy Crup
Travis, Arliss, and Lisbeth are captured by Apaches while Old Yeller's son, Sam, tracks their trail.
Грохот барабанов
Trooper Erschick
Молодой лейтенант Кертис МакКуэйд, сын генерала, никогда толком не нюхавший пороха, возвращается в свои родные края. Там, средь бескрайних просторов Дикого Запада, на землях апачей и команчей, ему придется нести воинскую службу под началом сурового капитана Стивена Меддокса. И служба эта будет нелегкой...
Одноглазые валеты
Deputy Lon Dedrick
1880 год. Бандиты Рио и Папаша грабят мексиканский банк. Папаше удается бежать от преследования с награбленным, а вот Рио попадает в тюрьму. Однако ему удается выбраться из заключения. Теперь Рио решает отомстить старому знакомому.
Chartroose Caboose
Pete Harmon
Doris and Dub are a young couple with the usual ups and down life. They unexpectedly find friendship and good advice from curmudgeonly Woody Watts, a railroad man who was recently forced to retire.
Stump Run
Two Moonshiners find love and laughs in the Oregon outskirts. Featuring a medley of comic characters.
Escort West
Corporal Wheeler
Seeking a new place to call home, former Confederate soldier Ben Lassiter (Victor Mature) and his daughter meet Beth (Elaine Stewart), whose fiancé is a Union soldier. Lassiter falls for Beth, and when Indians attack, they head to a cavalry camp where Lassiter must battle the Indians as well as Beth's fiancé.
Территория Дакоты. 1870-ый год. Белый Бык, молодой сиу, доказывая свою смелость, ловит и обучает дикого жеребца, которого называет Тонка. Когда жестокий брат отбирает у него коня, пользуясь своим привилегированным положением в племени, Белый Бык отпускает Тонку на свободу. Конь оказывается в руках капитана американской кавалерии.
Место действия - Техас. Время - вторая половина XIX века. В окресностях небольшого городка появляется человек по имени Джейсон Свит (Гленн Форд) со стадом овец. И хотя хитростью ему удается получить землю для своих животных, проблемы у него только начинаются - в этих местах владельцы крупного рогатого скота не любят пастухов. Очень сильно не любят...
The Saga of Andy Burnett
Old Bill Williams
Gunsight Ridge
Hank Moss
An undercover agent takes the job of sheriff in order to find the men responsible for a series of stagecoach robberies.
Gun Brothers
Moose MacLain
Recently discharged cavalry sergeant Chad Santee (Buster Crabbe) joins his brother, Jubal (Neville Brand), and discovers that Jubal is a wanted outlaw. On the way he meets Rose Fargo and rescues her from the unwanted advances of a gambler, "Blackjack". When Chad and Rose arrive they find that Jubal and his partner, Shawnee, are really rustlers and outlaws. Jubal tries to get Chad to join them but he refuses, and leaves to set up his own homestead with Rose at his side. Later, the repentant Jubal comes to join him. Shawnee, angry at what he considers a double-cross, attacks the brothers with his gang.
Крутой маршрут
Pete Bracken
12 апреля 1862 года, утро. Отряд спецназа из 22 разведчиков времен Гражданской войны в Америке из-под самого носа войск конфедератов, базирующихся около Атланты, угоняет поезд. Кажется невероятным, но они хотят разрушить рельсы и мосты на всей Западной дороге. Это должна быть высококлассная операция. Если они справятся — то выиграют войну, есл
Stranger at My Door
Ben Silas
Notorious outlaw Clay Anderson and gang rob the town bank and flee in separate directions. Riding hard, Clay's horse goes lame and he is forced to pull-up at a nearby farm. He soon discovers that the place belongs to local preacher Hollis Jarret, his new wife, and a son from a previous marriage. Clay, posing as a weary traveler, tries to insinuate himself into a secure hideout, but the reverend isn't fooled. He agrees to allow Clay to remain at the farm for a few days, but his motive isn't the preservation of his family's safety. Hollis reasons that, with time, patience and a lot of faith, he can convince the outlaw to turn over a new leaf. But Clay's criminal tendencies may run deeper than the preacher had imagined
When Gangland Strikes
Slim Pickett
In this crime drama, mobsters swear to get revenge upon a zealous public prosecutor as he tries to get them put into prison. The desperate mobsters try to stop him by using his innocent daughter in a blackmail scheme.
Cow Dog
Himself - Commentator
This featurette demonstrates how trained dogs are instrumental in helping round up an outlaw Brahma bull which has been plaguing a ranchers pure-bred Hereford cattle.
Cow Dog
This featurette demonstrates how trained dogs are instrumental in helping round up an outlaw Brahma bull which has been plaguing a ranchers pure-bred Hereford cattle.
The Last Command
During the Texas War of Independence of 1836 American frontiersman and pioneer Jim Bowie pleads for caution with the rebellious Texicans. They don't heed his advice since he's a Mexican citizen, married to the daughter of the Mexican vice-governor of the province and a friend to General Santa Anna since the days they had fought together for Mexico's independence. After serving as president for 22 years, Santa Anna has become too powerful and arrogant. He rules Mexico with an iron fist and he would not allow Texas to self-govern. Bowie sides with the Texans in their bid for independence and urges a cautious strategy, given Santa Anna's power and cunning. Despite the disagreement between the Texicans and Bowie regarding the right strategy they ask Bowie to lead them in a last-ditch stand, at Alamo, against General Santa Anna's numerically superior forces.
Santa Fe Passage
Sam Beekman
A disgraced Indian scout and his partner are hired to escort a wagonload of guns through Indian territory.
The Outcast
Boone Polson
Thanks to the chicanery of his crooked uncle Major Cosgrave, Jet has been cheated out of his father's property and branded a pariah. He spends the rest of the film trying to regain his birthright and clear his name. The two women in Jet's life are Judy Polsen, who chases him for so long that he finally catches her, and Alice Austin, Major Cosgrave's fianee.
The Boy from Oklahoma
A town despot makes a guileless patsy the sheriff, lives to regret it.
Phantom Stallion
Ex-cavalry buddies, Rex and Slim, band together to capture a wild stallion, solve a murder and thwart the killers from cheating a boy out of his inheritance.
Red River Shore
Deputy Slim Pickens
When an oil discovery is reported at Paxton, Oklahoma, Marshal Rex Allen immediately suspects that where there is oil, there is trouble. Rex arrives just as a band of desperadoes stage a bank hold-up and escape with $25,000 which ranchers have invested in prospective oil drillings.
Shadows of Tombstone
Rancher Rex Allen captures a bandit, Delgado, a henchman for crooked Sheriff Webb and saloon owner Mike, who run the town to suit themselves, but Rex forces the sheriff to jail Delgado. When Marge, who runs the town newspaper tells Rex she is afraid to attack the sheriff in print, Rex decides to run for sheriff. Webb and Mike frame Rex and his partner Slim on a murder charge and they are jailed.
Down Laredo Way
Rex Allen against diamond smugglers down Laredo way
Iron Mountain Trail
Rex Allen and Slim Pickens are sent from Washington, D.C. to California in 1850 to speed up deliveries of mail to the goldfields, and find a destructive feud raging between two stage-line owners, Sam Sawyer and John Brockway. In their attempts to have their stages and drivers first on the dock to get the mail brought East by ship, the two have damaged each other's equipment and schedules to the point that no consignment of mail reaches the goldfields intact or on time.
The Sun Shines Bright
John Ford weaves three "Judge Priest" stories together to form a good- natured exploration of honour and small-town politics in the South around the turn of the century. Judge William Priest is involved variously in revealing the real identity of Lucy Lake, reliving his Civil War memories, preventing the lynching of a youth and contesting the elections with Yankee Horace K. Maydew.
Old Overland Trail
Slim Pickens
Anchor is building a railroad and to get cheap labor he gets Black Hawk's Indians to attack and burn the incoming wagon train. This forces the settlers to work for Anchor and he pays them in devalued scrip. When Rex figures out Anchor's swindle, Anchor gets Black Hawk to capture him. When Anchor turns on Black Hawk and shoots him, Black Hawk gets a chance to repay a debt to Rex.
Pvt. Wes Shelby
An Oklahoma National Guard unit, comprised mainly of Native Americans, is called up for duty at the start of World War II.
South Pacific Trail
Slim Pickens
Rex, Slim and the boys are fired by a wealthy rancher but decide to help him out when his daughter intends on marrying a shifty, gold-digging actor. Meanwhile, the rancher's foreman executes plans for a train robbery.
Old Oklahoma Plains
One-time cavalry officer Rex Allen, between jobs as a star rodeo rider, is asked by his former commanding officer, Colonel Bigelow, to help settle a dispute between the army and local ranchers. The cavalry has commandeered a large parcel of land needed to test their newly-designed tank and prominent rancher Jenson has encited the locals to rebel at this intrusion. It is up to Rex and his sidekick, Slim, to thwart Jenson and convince the residents that these army tests are essential.
The Story of Will Rogers
Dusty Donovan
Biography of humorist and movie star Will Rogers
Border Saddlemates
Rex Allen ('Rex Allen'), a U. S. government veterinarian, rides into the picturesque town of Pine Rock, near the Canadian border, to take the place of the regular vet who is on vacation. Used to doctoring animals in Texas, Allen finds out that herein the heart of the fox-farming industry, he is to doctor the most finicky and high-priced of fur on four feet. On the farm of Mel Richards (Tom London), Allen learns the habits of the valuable creatures from Richard's niece, Jane (Mary Ellen Kay, and her ten-year-old brother Danny (Jimmy Moss'), and on his own learns that the trusted owner of the trading post, Steve Baxter (Roy Barcroft) heads a gang that is smuggling counterfeit money across the American/Canadian border in the fox cages.
The Last Musketeer
Cattle buyer Rex Allen rides into Taskerville and sees two men toss Slim Pickens, a water diviner hired by the local ranchers, into a wagon. Rex chases the wagon to the barn of rancher Lem Shaver, where he learns from Slim that Russ Tasker, a wealthy rancher and owner of the only artesian-fed reservoir in the valley, has charged such high prices for water that the ranchers are bankrupt. Tasker's henchmen kill rancher Matt Becker and have his son Johnny branded as an outlaw. Rex learns that the Beckers had found a meager water supply and Rex suspects that is what led to the killing and the charges against Johnny. With the aid of Slim and Johnny's sweetheart, Sue, Rex finds that the Becker spring is fed from the same underground lake that feeds Tasker's well-guarded reservoir. But Rex is jailed for aiding Johnny.
Colorado Sundown
Joshua 'Slim' Pickens / Ma Pickens
The Hurley's own a lumber mill and want to harvest all the timber in the valley. They kill the Forester and substitute their brother Dusty in his place. Dusty then says all the trees are infected and must be cut down. But Rex Allen is suspicious and writes to the Forestry Department and gets involved with the murders.
Rocky Mountain
Plank (CSA)
A Confederate troop, led by Captain Lafe Barstow, is prowling the far ranges of California and Nevada in a last desperate attempt to build up an army in the West for the faltering Confederacy. Because the patrol saves a stagecoach, with Johanna Carterr as one of the passengers, from an Indian attack, and is marooned on a rocky mountain, it fails in its mission but the honor of the Old South is upheld.
Rodeo Cowboy (uncredited)
Clint Barkley first sees Smoky as a runaway, and drives him back to the ranch where he meets the owner, Julie Richards. He is given a job on her ranch, but the head cowhand is doubtful about Clint and fears that since he refuses to talk about himself, he must have some dreadful secret in his past. Clint and Smoky become close to each other, weathering the hardships of Western life and the suspicions of others together, until one day, Smoky tragically vanishes. Will Clint ever see him again?
Outdoor Rambling
Slim Pickens narrates outdoor adventures.