Bored with his simple life in Norway, Espen comes to California as a foreign exchange student seeking a deeper purpose in life. At his new high school, he joins the tennis team and quickly wins new friends, but finds himself making compromising choices in order to fit in. After his girlfriend cheats on him at a New Year's party, Espen considers an early return to Norway. He seeks guidance from his host parents and his English teacher, who convince him to stay and finish the school year. When his girlfriend apologizes and wants him back, he finds the strength to forgive her and rebuild his friendships in the remaining weeks of the exchange program. When he gets humiliated in front of his classmates at prom, Espen must dig deeper than ever before to find the truth of who he is, before his sense of humanity is shattered
Sharing the same dream two young actors embark on a journey filled with desire, determination and disappointment. When reckless Italian Alessandro meets cautious Englishwoman Celeste at a London acting school, they decide to move together to LA in the hope of striking gold in the Hollywood film industry. It tells the story of how dreams crash when faced with ugly reality, and how souls can be consumed by ambition.
Когда Румпельштильцхен разрушает Волшебное зеркало и убегает в современный мир, пять принцесс -Золушка, Спящая красавица, Белоснежка, Рапунцель и Кпасная Шапочка — проникают на Землю вслед за ним. Хорошо обученные и наделены магическими способностями, эти девушки должны сразиться с Румпельштильцхеном и его армией рабов, прежде чем он поработит всех на Земле.
Лос-Анджелес 50-х годов. Лента повествует о нелегкой судьбе музыканта-неудачника, зарабатывающего себе кусок хлеба игрой на трубе, и чистейшего, невинного Ангела. Однажды музыкант спасает Ангела от мерзкого бандита, и его жизнь меняется.